
Future Smartphone

I returned to the past with a smartphone containing all the information. If you have this smartphone, becoming rich is a piece of cake. In addition, there were many women around me who were like hidden gems, strangely more beautiful than anyone else, but ugly because they were not crafted, and I decided to make all of them my women.

NescafeMTL · Fantasy
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31 Chs


By spending about a third of the winnings from first place, I barely managed to prevent my dad's company from going bankrupt.

"Wouldn't it be nice to get first place again in the next round?"

If you want to get first place, it's possible to completely sweep it away, but that's a bit much.

If I live there myself, I don't know, but how should I explain it to my mom and dad?

I won first place again, but I guess I'll just have to do it twice. If we continue three, four, or more times, the lottery company will definitely find our house suspicious.

No matter how much I look into it, the only thing suspicious is me, so even if there is no problem, it will be quite annoying.

Why do we keep playing the lottery in the first place? If you have this smartphone, you can make more money through stocks than through the lottery.

"Mom, I'm buying 00 electronics stock."

"Huh...? 00 Electronics stock?"


The answer is stocks. okay. Stocks were the answer.

Bitcoin is constantly being mined with the computer turned on, and the price fluctuation of the coin is low, so I did not feel the need to buy it right away.

Even if you buy it, you have to make money with stocks and then buy it.

A dozen years ago, stocks were really cheap.


"Is that too expensive?"

When I recommended stocks before stock splitting, my mom shook her head and said,

Although it is expensive at 1 million won per week, if you buy it now, you can easily get 3 to 4 times as much, but my mother expressed her disapproval because she thought the price had already gone up.

"Isn't it better to buy something else?"

He mentioned a certain stock as an example.

Although it may not be bad at the moment, it was a stock that would soon have internal problems and be delisted.

"Then let's go."


After winning first place in the lottery and winning a large amount of money, I had some extra money.

In fact, since the number I actively recommended was an exact match, my mother, knowingly or unknowingly gaining credibility in my words, thought seriously and quickly nodded.

"Okay. I'll buy some."

Since I didn't have the money anyway, I decided to buy it as if I was being cheated.

"Just give it 10 years. Don't look into it now."

It would be just fine if you close your eyes and hold on until the peak of domestic stocks and then sell.

Before that, I couldn't overcome my curiosity and looked at it, but if I found that it had fallen, I would sell it in a hurry, or I would sell it because I liked it when it went up a little, but would that really work?

no no. I think it would be faster and make a lot of money if I get my mom's stock ID and make a quick hit.

I have a future smartphone with stock charts drawn exactly on it.

"Can you just give me your ID?"

"You mean stock ID?"

"Yes. I'm going to give it a try."

My mother, who was already worried about money and whether it was okay to go into the stock market at an age where she could play outside with her children without worrying about money, willingly agreed.

"It wouldn't be a bad idea to try it once. Instead, I'll give you just a little bit."

It is foolish to start with a large amount of money in the risky stock market.

Even if you can't, you should invest a lot of money when you can see the flow of the situation and make accurate decisions. Otherwise, bankruptcy is inevitable.

My mother knew that very well, and even considering my age, she couldn't just give me a lot of money.

"are you okay."

Still, it was okay.

The accuracy is 100%, but if you continue to eat domestic stocks in the morning and foreign stocks in the evening, it will surely turn into a large amount of money before you know it.

But when I actually tried it.

"What the fuck?"

I lost everything.

Stocks are stocks, but it felt like it was too much to buy stocks with only 100,000 won.

So what I came up with was FX margin trading.

FX margin trading is a foreign exchange transaction that involves buying and selling the currencies of two countries at the same time. Two of eight currencies, including the dollar, pound, euro, and yen, were exchanged to try to make foreign exchange profits due to exchange rate fluctuations, but the results were disastrous.

Originally, a deposit was required, but 100,000 won was not enough, so I used an exchange that charged a large fee in exchange for not requiring a deposit.

Since I could earn enough anyway... I just knew how to earn it.

However, the entire 100,000 won was completely destroyed in that short period of time.

It may not be cash you can touch directly, but since it is money displayed in numbers on the monitor, it looks like game money, so you recklessly take a position with high leverage and it disappears in an instant.

Like a fool.

All I had to do was take a position with appropriate leverage, but I trusted the smartphone so much that I invested the entire 100,000 won in a 50x long (up) position, but due to a slight decline, the balance became 0.

But the funny thing is, I was even more angry that they liquidated me and drew a big rise according to the results of the smartphone.

But I'm an asshole for setting the magnification so high that it seems like I've lost my mind.

"Uh, mom...?"


As if I had committed a crime, I hesitated in front of my mother, who was drinking tea and watching TV, looking relaxed and comfortable.

"Can you give me 100,000 won more?"

"Have you… lost everything?"


"So long? How long has it been?"

The expression on his face that said he knew that would somehow seem to ignore me.

Well, with the result being like this, there is nothing I can do about being ignored.

"Jihoon. Would you like to sit next to me?"


My mom turned off the TV and sat me down next to her.

"Jihoon. It's good to try all kinds of things from a young age. In fact, Mom would like to recommend it, even if it's gambling or stocks. Rather than doing it later when you have a lot of money and then losing it and regretting it thinking you shouldn't do it, you should do it later." "If you tried it when you didn't have much money, you can't do it again."

He held my hand and spoke with a kind smile.

There is a point.

If you remember doing this from a young age and then losing everything, you won't go back again unless it's a really desperate situation.

It is certain that if you take action late, you will only end up with bigger losses.

In fact, I had a serious nose injury with a coin before returning, so I understood what he meant.

But... still. Still, I was too hasty and lost everything, but now I am confident that I will make money without losing anything.

The problem was that I had regressed and became overconfident because I had a smartphone that contained all the information. Now I recognized the problem and was willing to be careful.

"Mom... for the last time. Can you really give me 100,000 won more for the last time?"

I had to earn money and buy stocks at the same time.

In my future life, I would wake up on a bed in a luxury apartment in Cheongdam-dong, and when I look around, there would be pretty girls, including Nayoung, who had grown up properly and had a fantastic body that constantly stimulated men's lust.

First of all, money was very important.

Even if you don't give money, you can use the money you received during the holidays later, but it was difficult to wait until then.

Even now, I just want to quickly focus my efforts on changing my life.

Mom laughed bitterly.

"It would be nice if we could end it here, but if you want to do it one more time, I can't help it. But this is really the last time. I won't give it to you if you lose it all again, okay?"

My mom eventually gave me 100,000 won more, warning me that it was the last time.

While I have earned close to 10 billion won, you may think it is only 100,000 won, but considering my age now.

Considering that my mother was stepping into a dangerous place known as stock, it was natural for her to do so.

"Like I said, this is the last time. There will never be a second time."

"thank you!"

Mom went to her room and came out with her wallet.

A green wave visible as it cuts through the belly of a big red leather wallet.

He took out 10 of them and held them in his hand.

"You have to be careful, okay?"

He emphasized it again while stroking my head roughly.

"You can never make a mistake twice...!"

My mother shouted as she left the house with an unused bank account and the 100,000 won she had just received.

I had a lot of time, but without knowing why, I was in a hurry.

Now I have made up my mind to give it a try with enough time to spare.

I went straight to the bank, took a number, and anxiously waited for my turn to come. I took a deep breath because I felt like I was in a hurry again.

I have a smartphone, and the smartphone features a simple deposit system, but it is a convenience feature that only applies to me.

This useless function that cannot be used here was a waste of time and a hassle for me.

Additionally, there was no ATM machine nearby, so there was the inconvenience of having to come to the bank to deposit money.


Even if I try to calm down, my excitement will not subside at all, even though I will have hundreds of millions of money in my hands in just a little while.

Still, I somehow managed to calm my mind. Before I knew it, my turn had come.

As soon as I went to the window, I handed out my bankbook and money.

"Please deposit money!"


The bank employee, thinking it was an errand for my parents, welcomed me with a bright smile, but as soon as he saw the deposit address, he tilted his head.

"You mean here?"

"Yes! You can deposit it here!"

When I looked at the FX margin account above the account number written on the paper, I paused for a moment and then made the deposit as I wanted.

"thank you!"

After saying that the deposit was finished, I jumped out of my seat, my eyebrows were waving, and I quickly arrived home.

"Already here…"

I quickly passed my mom who was watching TV in the living room, returned to my room, and sat down in front of the computer, which was already brightly lit.

"I came in well."

The amount of exactly 100,000 won was well inside the virtual wallet.

"Now, shall we begin planning my life in earnest?"

Secondly, I have now taken another huge step towards becoming a great conglomerate.

A word from the author (author review)

Coming up with subtitles is also work... ㄷㄷ