
Future Smartphone

I returned to the past with a smartphone containing all the information. If you have this smartphone, becoming rich is a piece of cake. In addition, there were many women around me who were like hidden gems, strangely more beautiful than anyone else, but ugly because they were not crafted, and I decided to make all of them my women.

NescafeMTL · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
31 Chs


A glance... a glance...

Heera kept glancing at a child named Lee Ji-hoon, who was walking next to her while holding hands.

I was very curious about what was going on in the mind of this boy who smiled as he felt Heera's eyes on me as he walked calmly as if nothing was wrong.

Isn't it unpleasant?

The only reaction she could think of was the kids spouting out disgusting things, saying it was dirty, disgusting, and smelly because they thought it would be full of oil.

But not as much as a kid named Jihoon, no, not as much as him and a girl named Nayoung who was his girlfriend.

There didn't seem to be any immediate resistance.

I'm just coming to Heera and helping her out of a feeling of sympathy.

Heera feels like she owes these two a debt that she will never be able to repay.

She had only one friend, and now even that was gone.

So, there were no peers she could call friends or acquaintances, but one day, these kids suddenly came to her side, which was full of empty seats, and became her friends.

They didn't stop there, they gave her money, put her on a diet, and made her hope that she would be pretty if she lost weight.

A one-sided relationship that only receives.

Despite this, Heera was not dieting properly.

I was so tempted by the word 100 million yesterday that I haven't eaten anything since last night, but I'm not sure how long this will last.

A strange situation that one cannot control even though it is one's own body.

I let out a long sigh that was deep in my chest.

"Sister. Let's go in."


There were not many people walking down the street, and those few people were looking at Heera and whispering.

The boys in school uniform targeted Heera and joked about her, calling her "your girlfriend," and the girls said that she would die if she lived like that. He used indirectly insulting language.

But I heard it so often that I got used to it and developed an immunity to it.

Heera silently did not let go of Jihoon's hand and followed him into the karaoke room.

"Would you like to call me first?"

"No. Sing first. I'm the type to sing with my neck relaxed."

Even though I say this, it was my first time at a karaoke room, so everything was new.

From the sparkling mirror ball hanging on the ceiling to the microphone, the suddenly dark room, and the speakers that were bigger than I expected, it was amazing, but I also felt pathetic for not even going to the karaoke bar that was so close.

"Whoa. Now it's my sister's turn."

what. Have you already called everything? As I looked around and thought about various things, time seemed to pass by too quickly.

Heera suddenly took the microphone and remote control.

"Uh, uhm… So… this is…"

Somehow I found the popular chart.

But again a problem faced. Even if you've heard the songs on the popular charts at least once while on the road, you only know a little about the highlights, but you don't know anything about the front and back.

I acted condescendingly as if I had been to Jihoon many times, but what should I do?

"Huh. No way. Is this your first time at a karaoke bar? You talked to me like you've been there often."


At the thought of being caught, shame washed over me like a tsunami.

My face became embarrassed.

Even without looking in the mirror, you can tell that your face has turned bright red.

Heera lowered her head.

"Sister. It's okay. Maybe you haven't been here before. Why are you so shy?"

He said while gently stroking Heera's hair.

'I touched your head again... and this time I even stroked it...'

He's younger. I also had my head touched twice by a boy who was 4 years younger than me.

Her head had never been touched, not even by her parents or by the boy she liked, so without realizing it, it had become a place that others never touched.

With hair like this, Jihoon touched and even stroked the hair without the slightest hesitation.

Compared to Heera's hands, they are infinitely small and fern-like. Why does it feel so big and warm?

My mind calmed down before I knew it, but my heart was pounding.

My face became even more red, and I couldn't bring myself to face him right now.

'Lie... I can't believe it...?'

An unbelievable reality.

I can't believe I had these feelings for a boy 4 years younger than me just by touching his head, which was not touched by others or even his family.

And that's to a boy who has a girlfriend named Na-young, who has an unbelievably overwhelming beauty.


Heera hurriedly played a random song.

The bright interior of the karaoke room became dark.

Only then did the hand that had been stroking his head leave, but he felt a sense of regret for some reason.

"You… I can see… Ah, that's right. You spent so much time on me!"

Of course, the song she plays is one she doesn't know.

I looked at the lyrics and tried my best to follow them, but I couldn't sing them properly even though I didn't know the notes or the lyrics.

So, my voice is worthy of being heard, but my pronunciation becomes slurred, I skip over the lyrics, and I sing as if I were reading a Korean book.

"Hahaha. Sister, what is that?"


Jihoon couldn't help himself and burst into laughter.

Even though I was embarrassed, I was strangely happy that I made Jihoon laugh.

"Bless your life!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha!"


It burned white for about an hour.

After singing the same song several times, I eventually performed it perfectly and received enthusiastic cheers from Jihoon.

The problem is that the cost is horribly hoarse.

"Would you like something to drink?"

"Ah... yes..."

A cafe in front of you.

Even though I know that I will gain weight if I eat it, I have fallen into a temptation that I cannot resist.

"Then let's eat and go."

In the end, I followed Jihoon into the cafe.

"If you don't know anything about the menu, I'll buy it and take it for you, so just sit anywhere and wait."


Heera looked around.

There were several tables in the spacious cafe, but more than 90% of them were filled with customers, so there was not much room to sit.

The only thing that is available is a window seat with a embarrassingly good view of each other both inside and outside.

Heera had no choice but to go and sit down by the window.

Then, as I was receiving unwanted glances from inside as if I had been waiting, I felt the gaze of the people outside hurriedly landing on Heera.

Now, I am convinced that Jihoon will become prettier, not 100 million won, and as if I were grasping at straws for what he said, I was seriously contemplating whether to go on a diet.

Rather than a fat and ugly woman, wouldn't a thin and ugly woman be much better... wow, much... at least a little better?

Heera lowered her gaze and looked at her stomach, which was protruding enough to cover part of her thighs.

Even at worst, it stuck out too badly.

It would be great to lose weight with just one pill, without the painful effort of dieting.

I sighed, wishing for a wish that could only come true through imagination and dreams.

"Huh? Sister?"

Then. A familiar voice tickled her ears.


The owner of the voice is none other than Nayoung.

She said she went to hang out with her friend, but why is she here...?


Heera sighed.

That's because I found three girls following Nayoung into the cafe.

The same-sex friends that Heera couldn't have even though she wanted to have them all her life.

As the saying goes, pretty kids hang out with pretty kids, and even though they weren't Nayoung's friends, she had pretty pretty kids as friends.

"Nayoung. Who are you?"

One of Nayoung's friends, who had long straight hair and looked lively, cautiously asked a question.

"I'm your close sister!"

Unlike others, Nayoung says she is a friend without hesitation.

I was thrilled.

"Hey. Hello. I'm Park Chae-yeon, Na-young's friend."

Behind Chaeyeon.

"Hello. My name is Kim Mi-jin."

Kim Mi-jin, who looks blunt.

"Ugh... fat. Ugly..."



Even Eunbi, who is still an innocent child, speaks evilly without malice.

Eunbi was startled by Chaeyeon's shout and hid her small body behind Nayoung.

"Haha. Sorry."

"No... it's true, but..."

Heera was intimidated.

Even just standing next to Nayoung, I was intimidated by her ridiculous appearance, but when I see these kids in front of me, I feel intimidated to no end, and it feels like my big body is turning into a small person.

I just hated the world because it seemed like it was made up of pretty women everywhere except me.

"What about Jihoon?"

"Jihoon? Hey, ordering coffee..."

I'm scared to finish my sentence.

"Huh? Why are you here?"

Jihoon came back with two cups of chocolate latte instead of coffee.

I know I'm ugly, but compared to Nayoung, I know I look really ugly, and today I feel even more ashamed of myself.

What would Jihoon think if he saw me like this?

Five women gathered in one place, but two were not comparable in appearance.

There was nothing strange about someone being revered as a goddess and someone being called a devil with a hideous appearance.

In addition, other pretty girls were added. Her mind was disturbed.

"Oh, Mr. Wallet. Buy us coffee too!"

"Okay, okay. Do whatever you want."

"As expected, Mr. Wallet is big!"

When I handed over the card with a feeling of desperation, Chaeyeon snatched it as if she had been waiting and, accompanied by Mijin and Eunbi, headed to the counter to order drinks.

After a while, I received the drinks and cake I ordered and naturally took a seat at the table where Heera was sitting.

"Sister. What did you do alone with Jihoon?"

"Oh my...?! Are you on a date?"

"You know that Jihoon is Nayoung's boyfriend, right? But just the two of us…"

"Hohoho. What are you talking about? Mr. Wallet. What did I say and when did I pressure you?"

A child named Chaeyeon began questioning Heera.

On the way, Jihoon stopped me to stop, but looking at those cold, dead eyes, it didn't seem like I would finish it easily.

However, my girlfriend, Nayoung, stays still, and I don't even know why this girl is so angry.

Even if you think he's stepping forward on his behalf because we're friends, the look on his face shows that's not the case.

What can I say? Should I say that she was angry that a girl had caught up with the boy she liked for a moment?

Whatever the reason, Hee-ra went out on a date with Ji-hoon and had an uncomfortable time sitting on a thorn cushion.

Even though I didn't exercise at all, I feel like my cheeks have gained fat and become thin.

'Ah... I want to eat something.'

I feel like I want to put a lot of things in my mouth today.

A word from the author (author review)

For your information, I have not mentioned my age so far. Just in case. But there are more stories I want to write at this point, but the dirty talk is holding me back. It's a text anyway, and in other novels, it doesn't really matter if you're one year old and you're a cyborg or an android. I also want to use the rice cake quickly haha. I think it will come out around the middle of episode 30.