
Future Smartphone

I returned to the past with a smartphone containing all the information. If you have this smartphone, becoming rich is a piece of cake. In addition, there were many women around me who were like hidden gems, strangely more beautiful than anyone else, but ugly because they were not crafted, and I decided to make all of them my women.

NescafeMTL · Fantasy
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31 Chs


A bench in a secluded park where Heera and I always met and exercised.

As I sat there, I habitually dropped my legs and waited endlessly for Sister Heera to come.

For your information, just today, I plan to help my sister exercise by myself.

That's because Nayoung was taken away by the trio Mijin, Chaeyeon, and Eunbi, who were whining about not playing with them these days.

Of course, I was eager to take him with me, but it was clear that if I followed him, I would definitely be bothered and tired.

So, I tried my best to refuse, saying that there should be at least one person to help Heera exercise.

"I'm sorry. I'm a little late, right?"

How long did I wait? She arrived well after the hour we were supposed to meet.

Obviously, it wouldn't be easy to be late the next day after betting a huge sum of 100 million yesterday.

"What happened?"

In response to the question, Heera smiled awkwardly and shook her head.

"No... nothing."

Something clearly happened because the end of the words became blurred.

I was very curious, but I held back.

If I was going to tell you that I was going to ask, I would have told you everything already.

"Then shall we start exercising right away?"


Fortunately, it seems that the will to exercise has not been lost.

Fluttering. The old face that was full of thoughts of working out as instructed, getting paid, and then quickly going home and eating something was not there. Only Heera, full of sincere thoughts of losing weight, was here.

If you bet 100 million won but you are not motivated, it makes no sense.

"But. What about Nayoung?"

"Nayoung went to play with her friends."

"There's no way that she's that pretty and doesn't have any friends... didn't you follow her?"

"Where are you going and leaving your sister behind?"

Actually, I just didn't want to be dragged around, so I made up an excuse for Heera to get out.

"Hey. Are you flirting with me?"

"You can see it that way."

"You have an ugly face, and you're probably the only one in the world who would seduce me, even though I'm a pig."

"So are you going to be my girl right now?"


Laughter bursts out. I'm trying to endure it.


I finally couldn't hold it in and burst out.

"It's so funny and strange. What is it about me that you like so much that you keep doing it? Even though you have a pretty girlfriend like Nayoung."

The expression on his face was laughing and laughing, but his eyes were lonely.

"Haha... Haha... Okay, okay. Nayoung gave her permission, and I decided to become your woman when I lose weight and become prettier, so let's talk about it again then."

"all right."

"Puhup... Do you really think I'm becoming prettier?"


"Yes. Yes. I heard that Nayoung was a girl like me at first, and you took the initiative to make her pretty, so I can look forward to it a little too."

Even so, he didn't seem to be expecting anything at all.

So, in the first place, you are probably talking about a relationship between one man and two daughters, which is ridiculous in modern society.

I'm sure it won't work anyway.

"By the way, don't forget the 100 million."

"Of course. Don't forget that you become my second sister too."

"I won't forget. I won't forget. And put on the precondition that you become pretty."

"Ney ney."

How big is 100 million?

If you were my woman, I would let you spend my money as much as you want, whether it was 100 million or 1 billion.

Heera's older sister, who didn't know that fact, was looking at me like I was completely crazy on the day she wanted me like this.

"Let's just exercise."

I took her to a place in the park where outdoor exercise equipment was gathered.

"First, let's start by gently rotating the waist by stretching."


Sister Heera stood on the narrow disk with her heavy body.

Slurp. Slurp.

The upper body remained the same, but the lower body was turned to both sides by the disk.

"Hmm... I guess it's because I do it often, so it's working pretty well."

"Right? Hehe."

"Then today, let's try to increase the intensity a little more."

"What...? Turn it any further? No. It won't turn."

Sister Heera shouted in horror.

"Ah. Is there anything that can't be done? If there's something that can't be done, it has to be done."

"Now, wait a minute… huh?!"

As I approached, she quickly tried to come down, but it was already too late.

My hands grabbed her thick flesh and turned her sideways.

As his lower body rotated almost 120°, he let out a strange scream.


"It hurts! Stop! That's it!"

"Originally, exercise hurts."

From strength training to light aerobic exercise, exercise only works if it hurts, even if the intensity of the pain is different.

"Okay. Now on the other side."


This time, the lower body rotated in the opposite direction.

As she repeated this, Heera's thick legs began to tremble as if she could no longer stand.

"Shall we rest for a moment?"


As soon as I told him to take a break, he came down as if he had been waiting and immediately collapsed on the bench.

"thank you for your effort."

"It hurts so much. Can't I just do what I normally do?"

Sister Heera came to me, clutching her side as if she was still in pain, asking for a favor.


In my personal opinion, if you feel comfortable exercising at some point, you should definitely increase the intensity or number of times.

Only then can you confidently say that you go somewhere to exercise.

by the way.

"Sister. Where were you rolling around?"

"Huh...? Why all of a sudden...?"

What is the tone and trembling of the voice as if asking how did you know?

"There are grains of sand on my sister's head. And there are, I should say, marks on her back where she fell."


Sister Heera pursed her lips and slowly took off the school uniform she was wearing.

"I accidentally stepped on a stone on the way and fell. Ha, hahaha."

The stone fell brightly, so how can there be human footprints on my sister's back?

Perhaps the bullying towards my older sister continues.

I feel like I want to help, but I have no idea what or how to help.

Spending money and doing it secretly is not a particularly good idea.

Even if you help them, you should do it openly in front of them because then you can make them fall in love with you through a more dramatic production.

'Well... let's just leave it at that.'

I thought about it carefully, and unless you're going to stay by my side, going out there will only make me angry.

It seemed best to just leave it alone and let my pretty older sister figure it out.

"Be careful. Don't let it get painted over."

I pretended not to notice and looked away, shaking off the grains of sand that had stuck to my sister's head.

"It's done. Are you going to exercise again... sis?"

"Uh, huh?"

"Your face is red. Are you okay?"

"Gwae, it's okay…!"

My sister's face was strangely bright red.

There seems to be something wrong with my voice constantly shaking. Is it because of my mood?

"Tell me if you're having a hard time. Take it easy today or take a break."

"No… it's okay… let's continue…"

"Well then, let's get up."


I extended my hand to my sister.

He looked at my hands blankly and seemed to hesitate, but then he stood up with his hands clasped together.

"Um... let's just rest. I want to rest today.


"If it's because of the deadline, I'll extend it by two more days, including today and tomorrow. Doesn't that work?"

From Heera's point of view, it wasn't a bad offer.

I could have used this as an opportunity to make a plan to lose weight by investing an extra day, but since it wasn't a bet I made to win in the first place, it was probably a good thing.

"Honestly, from the moment we first met, we told each other that we would only do sports. Let's take this opportunity to get to know each other."

"By the way… it's already been a month and now?"

"It's a little late, but you're going to be my sister anyway, so wouldn't it be okay to get to know her from now on?"

"Cook cluck."

I burst out laughing inadvertently.

It was nice to see that there seemed to be more emotional expression than when I first saw it.

Of course, I'm saying that it looks good on the inside, but the hideous exterior is still not at a level where I can honestly say it's okay.

Because Heera was the one who would answer without a moment's hesitation that Baek was ugly.

"I feel stupid."

He smiled bitterly and continued speaking.

"You should go see an ophthalmologist later. I think there's something quite wrong with your eyes."

"My sister says that, so let's go see it later."

I gently extended my hand to Sister Heera.

"Now that this has come to an end, let's just go on a date."

"It's a date... yeah... okay."

Her thick hand held mine.

I was amazed at the enormous size, which was almost twice the size of a finger, and imagined the future of my sister, who would soon get rid of all this flesh and blossom into her beautiful face.

"Where should we go? Is there somewhere you want to go?"


"Do you know that saying 'anywhere' would be the hardest choice?"

"Then what about the place you often take Nayoung?"

"Hmm… that's nice. That."

It's a different story if it's a place I often go to with Nayoung.

You often went somewhere with Nayoung.

I tried to recall my memories and listed the places I had once been.

Game center - restaurant - cafe - restaurant - PC room - restaurant - karaoke - bowling alley - restaurant - room escape cafe - restaurant.

what. I don't know why restaurants keep popping up.

I guess this is why I gained some weight.

I gently pinched my belly fat.

Even though it was just a little bit, it wasn't a very good feeling to have a lump of flesh caught.

"Have you decided where to go?"

"Um… Shall we go to karaoke?"


The reason it's a karaoke room is simple.

Heera's older sister's appearance is very noticeable right now.

Try walking down the city streets with such a sister. It is inevitable that you will receive unwanted attention.

Well, I know that soon I will become prettier than anyone else, so I would just snort and say that they are people who don't know anything. It will come as a big blow to Heera, the person involved.

This can cause you to lose weight even more viciously, and it can also lead to the worst outcome of giving up everything and being stuck at home, which is why I chose a place where people around me can't reach me as much as possible.

"Are you good at singing?"

"I don't know. I've never been there."

"You'll probably do well."

"You speak as if you heard me sing?"

"Maybe so."

In the future, Heera loved singing and often hung out with famous singers.

Sometimes we would stand together on stage, but of course, we would stand together only if the financial compensation was a satisfactory amount.

"Besides that, there are probably many things I know better about you than I do."

"Puhup... It's fun. You."

"You haven't even flirted with me yet and I'm in love with you? Oh my."

"That's not right."

It was said as a joke, but Heera said it firmly with a cold expression.

I don't think I said too much. As expected, Asa is said to be good at interrupting the flow of conversation, and Heera was a typical example of Assa.

In the end, there was silence between us for a while.