
Future Smartphone

I returned to the past with a smartphone containing all the information. If you have this smartphone, becoming rich is a piece of cake. In addition, there were many women around me who were like hidden gems, strangely more beautiful than anyone else, but ugly because they were not crafted, and I decided to make all of them my women.

NescafeMTL · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
31 Chs


Perhaps motivated by Nayoung's friends, Heera began to actively diet from that day on.

After doing intense exercise, I could see that I was losing weight little by little, as if I had eaten something without our knowledge.

But sometimes, I feel like I'm lost in thought alone with an expression that has some meaning, but since it's no problem, I don't think there's any need to worry about it.

Anyway, a smile spread across my face at the thought that if things continued like this, I could easily become the image Heera had when she was famous as a world-class model.

And as promised, the happy future in which Na-young and Heera will become my women is just around the corner.

I'm sure... it was like that.

The weather was really nice for a date this weekend, so I went downtown to go on a date with Nayoung.

After wandering around for a while, it was already lunch time. So, I walked to a nearby hamburger restaurant and found a familiar doll there.

As I got closer, I saw it. Heera's sister was stuffing hamburgers into her body, which she had lost most of, in order to comply with the law of conservation of mass.

I called out to my older sister in a voice full of coldness.



The huge body trembled greatly.

"You ate a lot, sister."

I ate a lot.

There were more than five opened hamburger wrappers just at a glance.

Looking at 3 pieces of French fries, 6 pieces that appear to have had side dishes, and many more that still remain. All that came out was a sigh.

I thought seeing Nayoung's friends who were younger and prettier than me, and with a prize of 100 million won, was definitely a motivator, but was it just a simple mistake on my part?

I sighed again, clutching my forehead that was throbbing and aching.

"Hehe, hehe... I tried to hold back as much as I could, but it was so delicious that it was probably because it had been a while since I had one. So I tried to eat just one... just one."

"Do you…?"

There were so many corpses rolling around that it was so pitiful that it was just one thing.

Coke is also refillable, so I don't know how many refills I would have had.

If you calculate that in calories, how many will it be? The road ahead was already dark.

It seems like the weight I lost after a few days of hard work has been regained.

"So… when did you eat all of this? Ha, haha…"

Although I wasn't in a situation to smile at all, I forced a smile and put the hamburger I was already eating into my mouth.

We were already hungry and went to a hamburger restaurant to fill our stomachs.

Nayoung was drooling and gulping dry saliva as she stared blankly at Heera's hamburger.

"Nayoung, you can eat all of that."

"Uh, huh...? Really?"

"Yes. Eat it all."

I wanted to eat it, but I couldn't stretch out my hand because Heera's sister was watching.

"Mine, mine!"

Even though it was the money I gave him, he bought it with his own money and was enjoying it, but since he was in danger of having it taken away, he hid the hamburger in his arms faster than ever, the wrapper still unopened and still steaming.

"Sister. It's 100 million won. 100 million won. You won't get it? If you keep doing this... Sigh..."

Heera is not the only one who feels sorry, but my head keeps hurting.

"Umm... Sister. I'm gaining weight. This is all I'll eat today. So this is for me..."

Nayoung, who was watching me, opened her mouth and placed her hand on the burger that was huddled in Heera's arms.

"You, you're gaining weight too!"

Sister Heera screams, squirming to avoid Nayoung's hands.

"It's okay. I exercise more than I eat, so I don't gain weight."

"Me too... me too!"

"Then shall we go to the bathroom today and check it out?"


When I asked him to go to the bathroom and check it out together, he pursed his lips and looked away.

It was natural that not only was it not enough to show his hideous, naked body to others, but even getting on the scale where the score was clearly in the triple digits remained a trauma in itself.

"Sister! It's confiscated! The place to keep it is in my stomach!"

In the end, all the burgers, French fries, and side dishes that I cherished like a baby born with a stomachache were taken away by Nayoung.

Although I put up a weak resistance along the way, I stopped resisting as my body trembled at the words of the bathroom and the scale.

She let out a sigh as she blankly watched the food she was trying to protect slowly disappearing into her mouth.

Even though I couldn't get a burger, I secretly reached for some French fries, but even that was blocked to me.

"Ugh… Jo, just a little…"



"It doesn't work if you pretend to be pitiful."

It's almost like I'm disappearing from the desire to be more uncomfortable with that appearance.

When he realized that no matter what he tried, there was no way, he lowered his head with a dejected look on his face, having lost everything.

"Ah, ahhh… Ah, no… Ugh. It's too much… Ugh…!"

I repeatedly despaired as I watched the things disappearing into Nayoung's mouth.

He fidgeted as if he was in more pain than any physical torture.

The long and painful torture ended when everything disappeared into Nayoung's mouth, leaving only traces of where it had been.

"Okay, now that we've finished eating, let's go."

"Okay, the hamburger is...! It's just the two of us, and the date is... Ugh!"

There is no need to eat a hamburger.

I'm not making fun of Heera, but I can't eat it in front of her... No, Nayoung, you just took it and ate it, are you trying to eat it again?

Although I was sorry about the date, I was taken aback by the sight of her shouting for hamburgers.

"Whew. Sis."

"Uh, huh…?"

"Even if I can't do it, shouldn't I lose 20kg within this month?"

"2, 20…? That's too much…!"

Of course, it is difficult to lose 20 kg at once.

However, if you have a lot of weight, losing 20 kg is not that difficult.

The closer you get to your goal, the more difficult it becomes, but in the beginning, if you starve a little and exercise a little, you will lose enough weight.


Sensing my intense gaze, Heera slowly looked away and opened her mouth.

"Ugh… okay. I'll try my best…!"

"It's not something to work hard at, it's something you have to do… haha, sister."


"If you succeed in losing weight faster, I'll give you more money… no, I'll buy you an expensive ring as a couple ring."

Even if you bet as much as 100 million, it doesn't change much, so you have no choice but to lead to precious metals.

"Ring...? Really? Huh... Are you still serious?"

I laughed at myself for not giving up on this disgusting self.

"Why do you really want me so much? Up to 100 million won? I just don't understand."

"Don't try to understand. You'll know everything later."

"Again. They say I'm becoming prettier again. I don't believe it. If I believe it, it'll be even more miserable..."

No matter how hard I tried to change the truth, even the unchangeable truth, all I got in return was despair.

"No, sister. You will become prettier. I used to think that way too, but Jihoon kept telling me that I was pretty, that he could see pretty things, and that even if it wasn't now, the kids who put you down based on your looks would regret it. Just like he said, he looked at me like he said. "The kids who said he was ugly said Jihoon did as he said."

No matter how much she looked at Na-young, she couldn't even guess that Hee-ra was hiding her beauty, but when I told her that she was, she believed it.

There is already a precedent for me, so rather than doubting me, I guess they have more faith in me.

"And sister."

"Yes... Nayoung..."

"When I heard that it was 100 million won, it seemed like she was really trying to lose weight properly."


Heera's sister did not deny whether it was the truth.

"She was like that, but maybe she ate because she couldn't control her appetite?"

Nayoung tilted her head and asked.

When there was still no answer, I shook my head.

"I don't think so. What happened?"

"Nothing... happened..."

I tried to hide it.


"It's a lie. There are grains of sand in my hair. It might be one or two grains, but it's not brushed out properly so it's visible inside."

Heera noona keeps getting grains of sand on her head, not once or twice.


"There are step marks on the clothes too..."

Traces as if someone had stepped on them appeared on Heera's school uniform.

My sister was so surprised that she didn't know, but she had already seen it all.

"Who... did that?"

Nayoung got angry.

Even though we only met for a short time, I became close with Heera's older sister. It has become an established fact that her older sister is being bullied by someone.

"Because someone is bothering you, your stress builds up and continues to build up, so you relieve it by eating like this?"


Nayoung, who had experienced it herself, perfectly understood the feelings of Heera, who was in a similar situation to herself.

"And my intuition tells me it doesn't stop there."

With confidence.

"Is there more? Is there something more… sister?"

Heera's older sister burst into laughter with a bright smile at the sight of her getting angry for herself.

"Really... Nayoung, you seem like an innocent child who doesn't know anything about the world, but sometimes you're really smart and sharp."

He said, wiping his moist eyes.


"Yes, sister."

"Jihoon, you too?"

"I'm curious."

This is information that cannot be found even when searched using future smartphones, so I can't help but be curious.

"Okay. I'll tell you everything. Everything… everything…"

It's been a while since I've seen the words in my heart that I couldn't tell anyone. He dropped his heavy lips as if he had decided to tell this to children who were three years younger than him.

"That's it…"