
Future Smartphone

I returned to the past with a smartphone containing all the information. If you have this smartphone, becoming rich is a piece of cake. In addition, there were many women around me who were like hidden gems, strangely more beautiful than anyone else, but ugly because they were not crafted, and I decided to make all of them my women.

NescafeMTL · Fantasy
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31 Chs


From that day on, Heera's big diet plan continued with no signs of stopping.

Because it was so hard and my body hurt, there were times when I whined.

Every time that happened, she realized that I was giving her extra money than usual to motivate her, so she whined every day.

But who am I? I was fooled once or twice, so at some point I mercilessly cut off all support.

When I firmly told her not to do it if she was going to keep doing it, Heera could not stand it any longer and went along with Nayoung's Spartan diet.

"Still, there is some progress… Is there…?"

When I saw Heera continuing her warm-up exercises with ease unlike the first time due to consistent exercise, my mind was confused.

I am now following Nayoung's exercise method to see if it is effective, but strangely enough, I have not lost any weight.

I was already fat, but I couldn't lose any of the fat I was told to lose and only gained muscle, so I felt like I had gained even more weight.


"Yes why?"

I called Sister Heera.

She was always watching from the side, looking at her strange smartphone or doing her own exercise, but she was surprised when I suddenly called her.

"Do you eat a lot after exercising?"


As expected. The answer to the question did not come out right away.

He avoided my gaze, sweating profusely as if something was stinging him.

"Sister... Eating is important, but there is a problem with eating to the point that you can't miss it even after exercising so much."

As Nayoung said.

I'm following a high-intensity diet and exercise program that makes me frown, but it doesn't make sense that I'm not losing weight.

I just wonder how much he eats after the workout is over and he leaves us.

"I'm not giving you money to do this."

It was money given to provide some help to poor lives.

Wouldn't it be better if I had been extravagant? When I only used it for eating, I could only sigh.

Since I was planning to make her my second wife anyway, I was able to provide as much money as she needed to live a luxurious life.

I don't want to give it to a woman who can become pretty enough, but I want to give it to Heera, whose beauty has already blossomed.

However, if you keep eating things that won't make you lose weight and take money as money, you won't be able to treat them well even if you try to treat them well.

"Sister... It's not like you don't have any money saved, right?"


Hey. surprising.

The amount of money I gave her in just over a month was close to 1 million won.

It must be a lot of money for a student, but it hurts to think that all that money was spent on food.

Is this why we will be able to see Cha Hee-ra, who is called a girl crush due to her sharp impression, in the future?

Or maybe the Cha Hee-ra I know and the fat Cha Hee-ra here are different people.

"This isn't going to work."

"...! If you don't give me money, I'll never come out again!"

This is truly shameless.

It is perfectly true that if favor continues, it is considered a right.

They make me exercise, and in exchange for the exercise, they even give me money. Anyone can tell that A is me and Eul is Heera.

Despite this, I inadvertently burst into laughter as I watched Sister Hee-ra threaten that she wouldn't exercise if she didn't give me money.

Let's be patient. Let's be patient.

There is nothing to be gained by looking at each other for a moment and getting angry when it is not even a conversation.

"I'll give it to you. I'll give it to you, so don't worry."


There is no reason not to give money.

That amount of money is not a huge loss to me, so it doesn't really matter, but it's just frustrating because I don't get results compared to the time and money I invested.

"Sister. You still weigh 120kg, right?"


Not long ago, after exercising, I stopped by the bathhouse to relieve my fatigue in the hot water.

At that time, Nayoung said Heera's weight was 120kg.

There isn't much difference between then and now, so I'm probably maintaining 120kg.

"Oh, no...! I lost a bit... I'm now 118.7kg..."

Is that different? The 1.3kg difference is not that big.

"Yes. It's 118.7kg, right?"

I used my patience to correct my weight.

"55 kg"


"I'll give you 100 million won if you lose just 55kg."

"What…? What…? 1, 100 million…?!"

100 million is not the name of anyone's dog. Sister Heera was momentarily speechless.

For reference, 55 kg was Heera's older sister's weight in the past and future.

"100 million... and 55 kg... that's impossible..."

I was already desperate at the thought of losing more than twice the weight in my sleep with my eyes rolling to 100 million.

"Yes. It's sure to be very difficult. But it's 100 million. 100 million."

"Do you have that much money? No, even if you do, can you really give it to me?"

No matter how rich my family was, it was strange to think that I, a child, could freely spend 100 million won.

So it's natural that you can't trust it.

"Nayoung. Are you wearing a ring right now?"


"Yes. It's the ring I put on you when I confessed to you."

"It's in the bag. Just a moment."

The ring I took off for a while because of exercise. Nayoung brought her school bag and rummaged through it to get the ring.

Soon, a luxurious-looking ring case was held in her hand and brought out.

The ring case was carefully opened.

"Wow... it's pretty."

Cubic is an emerald, and the ring that makes up the ring is decorated with diamonds, literally a luxury ring.

However, Heera expressed her impression that it was just pretty, as if the kids had it and thought it was a counterfeit product.

"Sister. This is cubic emerald."

"Emerald...? The emerald I know?"

"Yes. Wow... that's amazing."

Even though I knew it was an emerald, it was dull.

Well, cheap emeralds can be found quite cheaply in the market, so I guess that's the case, but the cubic emeralds in my ring and Nayoung's ring boasted a whopping price of 30 million won.

Not only that, but the diamonds that make up the ring were also of high purity and were worth approximately 50 million won.

We commissioned a famous craftsman and the custom-made cost was 20 million won, or 100 million won per ring. This is the ring that was made with a total of 200 million won.

"Sister. Do you know how much this costs?"

"How much? 3 million won?"

3 million won is actually very expensive.

However, the money he gave her was 1 million won, and Heera was confident that she would be able to live comfortably on this amount.

"It's 100 million."


"100 million each. I forgot mine and left it at home today. The two together are 200 million."

Her eyes trembled like aspen trees.

He looked like he was dismissing it as a lie or a joke.

"Whether you believe it or not is none of my business."

If you really reach the weight I want, I plan to give you 100 million won.

Is it only 100 million? If it were to become my second child, I would be willing to give him over 100 million won and up to half of my current wealth.

To that extent, she was as beautiful and attractive as Heera's older sister, Nayoung.

In the first place, I am saying this because I am confident that I can make as much money as I want.

"I'm taking a break from exercising today."

If we tried to exercise in this state, we would secretly pick up something and eat it again to put back on the weight we had lost.

If that's the case, I'd rather.

"Nayoung. Shall we go eat some meat today?"

I promised to only eat meat once every two weeks, and I happened to eat meat last week.

"Meat...?! I ate it last week, is it okay?"

"Why don't I just eat this week?"

"Really...?! Heehee! Then let's eat! Let's eat!"

A smile as beautiful as a bright flower appeared on Nayoung's face as she thought about eating meat again this week.

"Do you want to go too?"

meat. It was meat, but Heera nodded her head unconsciously at the thought of getting such meat for free.

So, I took Nayoung and Heera to the restaurant we always went to.

"Huh? You came three days ago. Are you here again?"

As soon as we entered the restaurant, a woman with a familiar face greeted us.

"I want to eat again."

"Well, I want to eat meat anytime, and it's delicious. Let's go to sleep. Sit here."

"thank you."

I went to the indicated spot and lowered my heavy buttocks.

"Give me what you always eat."

"Okay. Just wait a moment."

Heera suddenly followed us into the restaurant, sat down, and then cautiously opened her mouth.

"Isn't this place really expensive?"

This is an expensive meat restaurant that ordinary people come to once in a while.

As soon as we entered that restaurant, the staff greeted us in a familiar manner and showed us to our seats, so we realized that we weren't visiting this place once or twice.

Soon after.


Heera was surprised when the beautifully marbled meat was neatly placed on a large plate.

That alone is enough to easily break dozens of pieces.

"Ah, just now… Yes, just like I always eat… Just like I always eat…?"

The pupil, unable to find its place and rolling around, turned towards me.



When I asked calmly, Heera lowered her head without saying a word.

While grilling meat. She opened her mouth towards Sister Heera, who was somewhat depressed.

"Sister. The restrictions I just made remain in effect. Are you going to accept them now?"

It was a dubious offer, but even if you were fooled, there would be no particular problem.

If it is not a lie, you will earn 100 million won, and even if it is a lie, it is a profitable situation for the purpose of losing weight.

"The deadline… when is the deadline…?"

"It's a deadline..."

He seems to be worried. Nayoung trailed off and placed two pieces of cooked meat on the plate in front of her. Two pieces on Heera's older sister's front plate. I uploaded it.

"How much do you want, sister?"

Sister Heera was worried.

It seems like he wants to keep it in his mouth for 2-3 years.


As soon as I heard the number 1, I was impressed.

Probably not for a week or a month.

Heera quickly changed her words.

"half a year.....?"

He spoke carefully.

"It's tight, but in some ways it's also generous."

If you were training your muscles, I would have told you not to talk nonsense, but if you were simply losing weight, it was quite possible in about half a year.

And I'm not just asking you to lose weight, I'm offering you 100 million won, so that seems like a pretty good deal.

"Okay. Let's do it for half a year."

We agreed on half a year.

Now that we have reached this agreement, it is clear that Heera will really avoid the foods she used to eat in order to lose weight.

1 million. It made no sense not to do it even though there was a whopping 100 million at stake.

"It's what I buy, so I can eat as much as I want. If it's not enough, I order more."

"Yes... thank you."

Sister Heera wrapped a piece of meat in a thick wrap and put it in her mouth.

He looked relaxed as the meat melted in his mouth and tasted delicious.

"But... you know. Why are you doing this to me?"

A buried question.

"Because it's similar to me."

Nayoung, who was eating meat in silence and repeatedly giving me ssam (ssam), said.

"That's right… you said you were similar to me…"

Heera nodded as if she understood.

"Then what about you?"

"Hmm… Should I say I smell Nayoung on my sister?"

"Huh? So you're saying I'll become as pretty as Nayoung?"

When Heera heard Nayoung's situation, the corners of Heera's mouth twitched.


"Pfft… Puhahahaha!"

I tried hard to hold it in, but eventually I couldn't hold it back and burst out laughing.

I wiped my eyes with a tissue, as if there were tears in my eyes.

"Then if I lose weight, will I become your woman?"

"How is your sister?"

"It's good for me. They say they'll take me with them. They even seem to have a lot of money. Is Nayoung okay?"

Heera glanced at Nayoung who was sitting next to me.

"Me? It doesn't matter if you like Jihoon."

"Yeah... you're a little weird too."

It was so far from the ideas that Heera knew, such as me investing a lot of money to make myself lose weight when it was obvious that I was ugly, and the existence of a girlfriend supporting a boyfriend rather than trying to stop him when he was openly cheating on her.

But actually, I had no idea that Nayoung would so obediently allow it.

Do you think it's not possible? There is a great precedent for that.

"I recorded it. There's no need to change it later."

"When are you going to record?"

"Just now. Would you like me to stop by?"

"No... it's okay. Do whatever you want. I actually wish you wouldn't abandon me. Even though I did this, I didn't become prettier."


Even though I happened to make an appointment, I can't be satisfied with this.

Looking at the reaction now, it feels like if I just make huge profits from FX or overseas stocks as usual and show my virtual bank account balance, she will automatically become my woman.

Still, there is something to be said for what if. She promised herself that she would make Heera rely on me just like she did with Nayoung.

No matter what method is used.