
Future Smartphone

I returned to the past with a smartphone containing all the information. If you have this smartphone, becoming rich is a piece of cake. In addition, there were many women around me who were like hidden gems, strangely more beautiful than anyone else, but ugly because they were not crafted, and I decided to make all of them my women.

NescafeMTL · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
31 Chs


Time passed quickly and the weekend arrived, as if there was no time to rest.

It was a golden time for me, as FX margin trading was active and volatility was extreme in the early morning in the American morning, so I had the answer key.

So, after trading all morning on the weekend, I was able to take my eyes off the monitor for a moment only in the early morning.


As the tension went away, my body became drowsy.

As the fatigue I had forgotten came flooding back, my eyelids became heavy and I yawned constantly.

"Ah... that won't work... let's just sleep now."

I could still be active in the morning and make a lot of money, but my body just couldn't handle it.

FX margin trading is so risky that you can lose about half of your money with a single mistake, so I decided not to overdo it.

So I decided to stop at this point today, turned off the computer, and laid down on the bed with my limp body.

My aching body immediately relaxed at the feel of the soft bed and immediately got ready to sleep.

If I stay like this for just a little while, I will definitely fall asleep. But it doesn't seem to let me sleep.

The tightly closed door burst open.


Nayoung, with a very bright smile on her face, had finished getting ready for bed and was about to leave her body in Suma when she came into my arms.

The shock caused quite a bit of pain, but it was more than that.

"Nayoung...? When did you come?"

"Just now! I just arrived home in the car with my father!"

For your information, the very next morning when Nayoung was supposed to sleep at our house, her father suddenly showed up and took her away.

I was worried about Nayoung, who didn't come home even after a day or two, so I tried to contact her father, but the only response I got was to wait a little while.

I was just wondering what on earth he was doing and why he didn't even say hello to Nayoung for four days. Looking at Nayoung's bright face, she didn't think she needed to worry.

"Hehe. Jihoon. It's Jihoon~!"

Although we hadn't seen each other for only four days, Nayoung was so overcome with emotion as if we hadn't seen each other in years, and was rubbing her face against my chest.

"That's right! Jihoon!"

Soon, something occurred to Nayoung.

"We're siblings!"


What kind of strange noise suddenly appeared in the dry sky?

I don't know what happened over the past four days to make me talk nonsense like this.

If dad hadn't taken the kids and fed them strange things, they wouldn't have suddenly said they were brother and sister.

Otherwise, I might be sleeping with my head on the keyboard while doing FX margin trading, unable to sleep.

"What are you talking about?"

I waited blankly for an answer to the shocking remark that I couldn't understand.

"Hehe! Can't you believe it?! I can't believe it either! Jihoon and I are said to be siblings!"

It seems like he mistakenly thought I was so happy that I couldn't believe it.

"Why are we called brother and sister?"

"S-you don't like it? Being brother and sister with me...? Well, then, wishing rights...!"

"No, no. Don't use the wish ticket."

Would it be that good to be siblings with me? He was trying to get me to acknowledge him by even writing a wish ticket.

"Whoa… Nayoung. Wait a minute."


Nayoung, who was so depressed that it was not the reaction she wanted, pouted her lips with a pouty face.

Normally, I would have laughed and patted his head for such a cute reaction, but I couldn't afford to do that now.

By my standards, it was an old junk smartphone that I doubted anyone would use, but now it was the latest model and boasted a ridiculous price. I called my mom while holding the smartphone in my hand.

Not long after I heard a connection sound in my ear.

[huh. Jihoon.]

"Mom. Nayoung came home."


"And Nayoung says she and I are brother and sister. Do you know what that means?"

[What you mean is that they are brother and sister.]

"No, Mom. It's not a problem that can be easily overlooked..."

[Oh my~ It's been a while~ You look so pretty~! haha. no. What am I doing? I just feel like I have a little more free time these days. It's not that much~]

Mom must have met someone in the morning.

[Jihoon. Her mom met her friend for the first time in a while? Let's call later. I'll hang up.]

"Uh, mom...? Mom!"


The phone call was disconnected without any results.

"Is it your mother?"

"Yes... it's your mother."

For some time now, Nayoung had been calling my parents by their honorific title.

Like when a married daughter-in-law calls her husband's parents.

"for a moment."

If my mom couldn't explain it to me, I had to ask my dad.

It was right to call my dad from the beginning.

Considering that Na-young's mother knew that they suddenly became siblings, she probably heard it from her father, so she decided to call her father, who would be able to get a more accurate answer.

[Uh, son. Is it a bit late to call?]

"Where are you?"

[I guess that's not what you're curious about? First, I'm dropping Nayoung off at home and heading to work.]

Nayoung must have been busy for four days with work. As the company survived and was able to expand, it became busier.



"What does it mean that Nayoung and I are siblings?"

[What does it mean? We took custody of Nayoung.]


[ah. Do you know what it means?]

"Yes. I know that."

[oh. My son is smart!]

"How did you steal it?"

Nayoung must be so pretty and cute. Even now, she could tell that Nayoung's appearance was unusual.

So, they must have been terrible parents who clearly would never let Nayoung go, as if they had won the lottery because of Nayoung's perfectly blooming beauty. What kind of magic would I have to do to take away custody?

Even if I had planned, I wouldn't have been able to bring Nayoung here so quickly.

[Um... it's a long story. To put it simply, there is nothing that money can't do. Hahaha!]

That's right.

There is nothing that cannot be done with money.

Whether it was happiness, love, or anything else, money could buy it.

The problem is that I am curious about how much money was spent to transfer custody of Nayoung.

[Do you think you probably spent a lot of money?]

I picked it up exactly.

[don't worry.]

Since the house has once been tilted, it is inevitable that you will start to worry about money, whether you know it or not.

Even though I was at an age where I was just playing around with my friends without being tied down by money, it was natural for me to be interested in money.

Plus, she must have heard from my mom that I got into stocks.

[It turns out that they are more trash than I thought. They only provided me with poor food. It was easier than I thought because Nayoung testified that she even hit him.]

and. Even though you knew it was trash, you still abused it?

It's beyond imagination.

I looked at Nayoung with pitiful eyes.

Nayoung felt my gaze and just burst into laughter.

There is no place on this delicate child's body to hit. Well... it's too much.

[My son worked hard to make it look pretty, but I'm thinking of taking advantage of him without even saying thank you. Still, since she was Jihoon's girlfriend, I tried to educate her in some way, but it seemed impossible, so I put her in her hands and brought her in.]

I could feel my father's anger over the phone.

[I really want to make her my daughter, but since Jihoon has to marry you later, I only got custody. So, don't worry, just know them as formal siblings until they get married.]

When I heard that they were siblings, I thought my father had adopted Nayoung.

If he had adopted her, it would have been a huge obstacle when he later married Na-young.

Somehow, they will be able to get married, but they will face many difficulties in the process.

But my father had taken care of it.

"I understood."

[Maybe it's because he looks like me, so he's smart! son!]

I'm not smart.

Even if I play well, I have the brains of an upper-middle level player.

[Well, anyway, since the matter has been resolved that way, I will take good care of Nayoung even if she is confused...]


I hung up.



"When is your birthday?"


"Uh, birthday."

"Uh... Is it March 20th?"

"March 20th...? That's fast, isn't it?"

He was born in the same year, but he is older than me.

In this case, it's a bit unfair to ask him to call me oppa.

We love each other from the beginning and will soon develop into lovers, so what does my brother and my sister have to do with each other?

All you have to do is get along.


As all my questions were answered, the drowsiness that had been put to the side for a while came flooding back in an instant.

"Nayoung. It's nice to see you after a long time and I know you have a lot of things you want to talk about, but I'm really tired. Can I get some sleep?"

"Sleep...? It's morning?"

"I couldn't sleep because I had too much to do at night."


Nayoung couldn't help but feel disappointed.

We met after four days. I wanted to tell you how much I missed you and what happened during those four days.

But the person who will listen says they are tired, so there is nothing they can do.

"When I wake up, I will listen to everything..."


"When I wake up, I will listen to everything..."

The voice became increasingly faint and then broke off completely.

Soon, Nayoung caught the eye of Nayoung's sleeping face, breathing softly.

"Jihoon? Jihoon? Jihoon~!"

Warm sunlight coming from outside the window poured onto Jihoon's face.

Nayoung's already handsome face looked even more handsome in the sunlight, making Nayoung's heart pound.

I think this happened even during vacation.

At that time, Nayoung was still ugly.

He was so ugly that I couldn't even secretly kiss him because he was noticed, but now it was different.

Even in her own eyes, Nayoung was prettier and cuter than any other girl, and she was constantly complimented on her appearance, as if to let her know that this was not just an illusion.

Without distinction between people I know and people I don't know.

"I like you...Jihoon."

Nayoung shyly whispered her love, clutching her red face and pounding heart.

I imagined that Ji-hoon, who had not been sleeping and heard Na-young's confession, would open his eyes and say "me too" with a warm smile.

I was happy just thinking about it.

But imagination is just imagination. It can't become reality.

I felt a little disappointed seeing Jihoon still sleeping.

"Jihoon? Jihoon?"

I gently shook Jihoon's body.

It definitely looks like he's sleeping.

Nayoung lay down next to Jihoon and hugged him.

"Just like Jihoon said, I have become prettier. I have also become very prettier."

I don't know how Jihoon actually knew that Nayoung was pretty.

Even though it was a fact that I didn't even know. Even Nayoung's mother, who gave birth with a stomachache, and her father, who had been watching next to her, did not know.

Still, Jihoon was confident and constantly whispered that she was pretty.

And finally. As Jihoon said, the past has become unbelievably beautiful.

You've become prettier.

"Jihoon, why doesn't he tell me he likes me?"

As she became prettier, the boys who had been harassing Nayoung even before vacation shyly approached her and shamelessly confessed that they liked her.

In addition, the children who saw Nayoung being bullied but did not stop her and turned a blind eye have also confessed.

Of course, they weren't the boys I wanted to confess to, and they weren't even interested, so I flatly refused without a moment's hesitation.

"I'm waiting like this..."

I felt resentful of Jihoon for not telling me that he liked me like the other kids.

If you could just roughly tell her that you like her, Nayoung would happily accept that confession.


I was disappointed and sad.

I was also afraid that I might be the only one who had this feeling.

That's because he knows Nayoung, who was ugly in the past. I kept thinking about Nayoung, so it seemed like the feelings of liking her might not sprout.

Out of frustration, I suddenly became scared at the thought that if Na-young confessed first and then got dumped, my relationship with Ji-hoon could be shattered.

So, even if you decide to confess, in front of Jihoon, your head will be covered in pure white paint, and the confession will be canceled.

So I waited endlessly for the confession, but it felt like a useless thing.


Nayoung placed her mouth on Jihoon's cheek.

Sigh. And her lips touched the soft cheek and then fell.


I realized belatedly what I had done and blushed.


It's embarrassing, but if you keep your mouth shut, no one will know.

I clung to my body.

I woke up early in the morning and found out that we were brother and sister. I wanted to tell Jihoon about this happy news, so I headed straight home and felt tired like Jihoon.

Nayoung didn't put up any resistance against the drowsiness that came over her, but just gently closed her eyes.

I went to bed with a small wish that Jihoon would confess to me, even in my dreams.