
Full time Artist

"Music, film, painting, calligraphy, sculpture, literature..." "You know all of them?" "Just a bit." "So, you mean you know a little about each?" "Yes, I know a little about each." With a system in hand, he conquers the world through art, becoming the uncrowned king whom everyone from all walks of life admires and worships. **This is a translation** 14 chs / week

ADA99 · Urban
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18 Chs

Dolphin Voice

Before clocking off that evening,

Lin Yuan finally finished listening to the voices of 106 individuals.

After sifting through the 106 voices, Lin Yuan realized even more profoundly why Qin state was renowned as the most eminent musical heartland of the Blue Star.

Each and every one of them, they could really sing!

Despite the fact that the list of 106 singers sent by Zhao Jue consisted mainly of rookies – with a majority of them yet to debut – their level of proficiency was already significantly higher than the average talent on Earth.

After this round of auditions, Lin Yuan had shortlisted three potential candidates to try singing the song "Big Fish".

This was definitely beyond his initial expectations.

That very night, Lin Yuan called Zhao Jue and shared his preliminary selections.

"Wang Ping, Jiang Kui, and Wei Xiaoxin..."

Hearing Lin Yuan recite these names somewhat hesitantly, Zhao Jue remarked, "It seems like you've chosen all rookies who haven't debuted yet?"


Zhao Jue held back a suspicion, wondering if Lin Yuan had chosen them because newcomers were cheaper. Pushing aside that thought, Zhao Jue said, "I'll inform these three to meet you at the recording studio tomorrow. You can test their voices and once you finalize your pick, you can start recording. But it's on you to ensure the recording passes the company's review. If it doesn't, then all your effort will be in vain."


Their call ended.

The next day, at the recording studio on the ninth floor,

Wang Ping, Jiang Kui, and Wei Xiaoxin, the newbies, sat upright on chairs outside, looking as anxious as job seekers awaiting an interview.

Gulp, gulp, gulp.

To keep her voice in pristine condition, Jiang Kui had already consumed more than half a bottle of water.

But drinking didn't help alleviate her nerves.

Last night, her manager had suddenly informed her about a recording session at the company since there was a possibility that Xian Yu might choose her as the singer for his new song.

Upon hearing this, Jiang Kui was so excited that she could hardly sleep.

She had never imagined that her debut opportunity would come so soon after joining the company.

It felt like winning the lottery or receiving an unexpected gift.

Moreover, the composer was Xian Yu!

With November still in progress, Xian Yu's "Life Like Summer Flowers" was dominating the charts. The gap between the song and the second place was a staggering 30,000 downloads!

This alone spoke volumes of Xian Yu's talent.

For her debut, the possibility of collaborating with Xian Yu was exhilarating for Jiang Kui.

Being a novice, she wasn't aware that not every composition by a composer could achieve the same level of excellence. Nor did she understand the hurdles of the company's song release process.

All she knew was that this was a golden opportunity she couldn't afford to miss.

Jiang Kui wasn't the only one.

Wang Ping and Wei Xiaoxin, who were also rookies, shared similar sentiments.

And as they waited nervously,

Lin Yuan arrived on the ninth floor. Recognizing him, a staff member greeted him warmly, "Mr. Xian Yu, welcome."

"Xian Yu?"

All three turned to look at Lin Yuan, surprised by his youth. Most successful composers they knew were over thirty.

It was rare to find someone under thirty with such accomplishments.

"Thank you," Lin Yuan nodded in acknowledgment, then asked, "Who's Wang Ping? Let's start with you. We'll do a voice test."

"I am!" Wang Ping immediately stood up, being the only male among the three.

Lin Yuan, accompanied by the staff member, entered the control room of the studio. He casually took a seat, put on headphones and gestured for Wang Ping to begin.

"Hello, Mr. Xian Yu."

After taking a deep breath, Wang Ping introduced himself, "My vocal range is from D1 to D3, a countertenor."

"Alright," Lin Yuan responded, "You have the sheet music and lyrics in front of you. Take three minutes, then sing the first two lines from the chorus for me. I'm looking for a voice that's pure and ethereal."


After preparing for three minutes, Wang Ping began his trial performance, "The silent waves engulf the deep night, reaching the corners beyond the skyline..."

He completed the two lines.

Lin Yuan continued, "No need to proceed with the main melody. Try a couple of lines from the chorus, specifically the section that goes, 'Afraid you'll fly away, afraid you'll leave me behind, even more afraid you'll stay here forever.'"

He demonstrated it himself.

Though the doctor had advised against him singing, a few lines with a lowered key was no challenge for Lin Yuan.

The so-called 'not singing' really meant he couldn't practice daily like a professional singer or belt out the high notes he once excelled in. His vocal cords couldn't handle that level of strain anymore.

"Understood, Mr. Xian Yu."

Wang Ping followed Lin Yuan's instructions.

As someone specifically chosen by Lin Yuan for a voice test, Wang Ping undeniably possessed a beautiful voice, handling both the main melody and the chorus quite well.

Lin Yuan nodded in approval, "Next, the humming part – the high notes towards the song's conclusion."

In "Big Fish," there's a particularly beautiful humming section. People colloquially refer to this humming style as "dolphin voice," though the professional term doesn't include the word "dolphin."

This "dolphin voice" is technically called a "whistle register."

It's a vocal sound produced by blowing powerful breaths through a very tiny gap between the vocal cords and the throat, creating a high-pitched sound. This register represents the uppermost limit of human vocal capability.

Apart from the "Bel Canto Vocal" technique, no other vocal method could surpass the whistle register, making this part especially challenging.

"Ah ah ah~ ah ah~ ah ah ah~ ah ah~"

Wang Ping attempted the section, but it was clear he struggled.

Lin Yuan immediately stopped him, "Your voice is too tight; you need to relax. Also, you're using falsetto. Can you try singing this part without it?"

"I can't..."

Disappointed, Wang Ping shook his head. His vocal range was a tad limited, and hitting the whistle register was quite a stretch for him.

"Thank you," Lin Yuan replied. "Can you call in Wei Xiaoxin?"

"Sure, thank you, Mr. Xian Yu."

With his head bowed, Wang Ping left the room.

Soon after, Wei Xiaoxin entered the recording studio.

Following a brief introduction, she proceeded with the voice test, just like the previous participants.

Judging by her performance, Wei Xiaoxin was evidently superior to Wang Ping, effortlessly singing even the whistle register sections.

But upon completing the test, Lin Yuan still seemed a bit dissatisfied.

While Wei Xiaoxin was competent, her performance was just passable.

There's a difference between being able to produce the whistle register and making it sound beautiful.

This distinction was the reason Earth's Vitas was so highly praised by professionals and amateurs alike. The beauty of Vitas's whistle register was unmatched.

One's timbre is innate and difficult to change postnatally. While Wei Xiaoxin had a lovely voice, her whistle register didn't quite meet Lin Yuan's expectations.

To the untrained ear, the difference might be undetectable.

But to Lin Yuan, the gap between her rendition and the original was evident. Sighing internally, he remarked, "Thank you, let the next person come in."

Technically, post-production could enhance Wei Xiaoxin's performance.

She had met the basic criteria Lin Yuan set for his 'tool persons.'

However, Lin Yuan would always prefer a natural talent over a digitally enhanced voice.

"Thank you, sir," Wei Xiaoxin, looking slightly disheartened, exited the studio.

Next in line was the girl named Jiang Kui.

A petite young lady, she entered adjusting the microphone height, amusing the staff.

"Greetings to the teachers," she said awkwardly. "My name is Jiang Kui. My vocal range is from G2 to C6..."

"C6 for a female voice?"

One of the sound engineers raised an eyebrow.

The other sound engineer chimed in, "She's got a broad range, that's for sure. Hitting the whistle notes won't be a problem. The question is whether her timbre meets Mr. Xian Yu's expectations."

"Let's begin," Lin Yuan said, guiding her through the same voice test process.

The young girl cleared her throat and began her performance.

From the start, she proved to be superior to the previous two. Her voice wasn't just clear and luminous; it also possessed a unique quality, often associated with male singers. It seemed to be a natural gift.

"Very good," Lin Yuan praised. "Now, for the humming part, remember, I want the whistle register, not falsetto."

After giving the instruction, Lin Yuan appeared anxious.

If she wasn't up to the mark, he'd have to settle for Wei Xiaoxin's recording and digital enhancements, or choose a recognized artist, which would be expensive.

Would editing be more cost-effective?

As Lin Yuan pondered, the girl began humming. The crisp and exquisite whistle register filled the room, bringing a sparkle to Lin Yuan's eyes.

He realized he wouldn't need to split profits with a renowned singer.

The third 'tool person' passed!

The two sound engineers exchanged glances, nodding in agreement.

In terms of overall vocal quality, this petite girl was the best. The previous two paled in comparison.

Lin Yuan spoke up, "You're Jiang…"

She quickly replied, "Jiang Kui! My name is Jiang Kui!"

Nodding, Lin Yuan made his decision, "Alright, Jiang Kui, I'll send you the complete score soon. Please familiarize yourself with the song. We'll officially start recording next Saturday."

"Thank you, sir!"

With barely concealed excitement, Jiang Kui made a discreet 'V' sign behind her back, "I promise I'll give it my best!"