
Full time Artist

"Music, film, painting, calligraphy, sculpture, literature..." "You know all of them?" "Just a bit." "So, you mean you know a little about each?" "Yes, I know a little about each." With a system in hand, he conquers the world through art, becoming the uncrowned king whom everyone from all walks of life admires and worships. **This is a translation** 14 chs / week

ADA99 · Urban
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18 Chs

This Young Man

"Damn, this young man!"

Faced with Lin Yuan's proactive offer, Manager Zhou's eyes were as strange as everyone else's. His mouth slightly agape, he was momentarily at a loss for words. Only his brain was still operating instinctively.

Was he just calculating the money?

He plans to give the singer only 0.5%?

Famous singers definitely wouldn't accept such a share. 0.5% of 20% is typical newbie pricing. Usually, only new singers or those just debuting would accept such a low cut...

Wait, what?!

What the hell am I thinking?

Manager Zhou tried to regain his composure, suppressing the twitch at the corner of his mouth.

Clearing his throat, he carefully chose his words, "It's good to be passionate when young. But the task we have isn't something any newcomer can handle. Of course, Lin Yuan, you're not just any newcomer. Still, we should gather various opinions. So, within a month, send me your demo, and everyone else should do the same. Everyone must submit a sample."

Can't discourage Lin Yuan's enthusiasm.

In a situation where everyone was lamenting, Lin Yuan took the initiative to take on the challenging task of composing. Such an act was praiseworthy. Manager Zhou wouldn't utter any criticism.

As for the conversation between Lin Yuan and Zheng Jing in the group chat today, Manager Zhou was aware of it, but wouldn't blame Lin Yuan.

Because he knew several top composers in the company very well.

Every top composer had their quirks.

For instance, Zheng Jing, even though a top composer, rarely composed. Instead, she was passionate about drawing, even holding her own art exhibition.

It's as if composing was just a side gig for her.

Lin Yuan might not be a top composer, but based on his personality so far, he's no different from them.

So, Manager Zhou wasn't surprised.

But this out-of-the-box, quirky newbie being so proactive: is it out of genuine creative passion or the temptation of the five million?

Either way, it's suspicious.

Of course, while composing is an art, at the end of the day, most work for the money. There's nothing wrong with that.


For Lin Yuan to whip out a calculator and start crunching the numbers during the meeting? This was probably a first in the history of the company's composing department.

Not just Manager Zhou.

Everyone in the meeting room had their reservations but didn't know where to start voicing them.

Especially Wu Yong and Zheng Han sitting next to Lin Yuan, they were utterly bewildered.

Considering Lin Yuan's conversation style with Zheng Jing in the group chat today, everyone finally concluded:

A genius prodigy?

More like a total goofball.

But this realization somehow made Lin Yuan seem... endearing?

At least he's authentic.

Thinking this, the room gradually filled with laughter, lightening the mood. Some even teased Lin Yuan, "When you get the prize, don't forget to treat everyone to coffee!"


Lin Yuan agreed, seemingly already pondering how to spend the prize money.

Everyone laughed even more heartily.

There was no mockery. Instead, it was laughter filled with goodwill, especially from the female members, their faces beaming with warmth.

After all, Lin Yuan was just a sophomore in college.

A very handsome one, at that.

But, jokes aside.

No one believed Lin Yuan could secure this project.

Even the best composers in the department couldn't, so how could a newbie who's still learning sophomore-level basics do it?

It's laughable.

In this meeting room, no composer would deny the excellence of "Life like Summer Flowers."

But among the numerous top composers who were rejected, each had many successful compositions to their name.

And their representative works, any one of them picked at random, could rival "Life like Summer Flowers."

Otherwise, why would they be the company's top composers?


Of course, Lin Yuan had no idea about everyone's thoughts. Right now, all he could think of was the five million, even if he would only get 1.5% of it.

After the meeting ended.

Lin Yuan didn't leave right away, but instead asked Manager Zhou, who was packing up, "Manager, where can I find a singer?"


Manager Zhou frowned, "Aren't you aiming for Qi state's project? Your priority should be composing. If you produce a good song, then look for a singer. If the song isn't up to par, what's the point of finding a singer now?"

Manager Zhou didn't really have hopes for Lin Yuan producing a good song.

But he wanted Lin Yuan to understand the basic creative process.

After all, he had high hopes for Lin Yuan, who had composed "Life like Summer Flowers." He saw potential in him. Otherwise, why would he have sought him out so eagerly?

"If I produce a good song, how can I find a singer?"

Lin Yuan could only compromise. He couldn't very well say he already had a song ready, right?

That would be too suspicious.

Manager Zhou pondered, "To collaborate with a singer, you usually have to liaise with the Artist Department. Just fill out a form. If you aim to work with the top-tier singers in our company, you'll definitely need to apply well in advance. Then, I'll personally negotiate on your behalf..."

Lin Yuan nodded in understanding.

Seemingly recalling something, Manager Zhou smacked his forehead, "I almost forgot about your relationship with Zhao Jue. Even if your piece doesn't get approved, it's alright. If you truly want to release a song, just approach Zhao Jue directly. She oversees all the singers in the company. Of course, this is provided that your song passes the company's review and is deemed worthy of release."

"Oh," Lin Yuan simply responded.

Exiting the meeting room, he returned to his seat and immediately dialed Zhao Jue to inquire about acquiring a singer.

"A singer?"

Zhao Jue chuckled, "Didn't expect you to be this prolific. Already have a new piece? Tell me, what kind of singer are you looking for?"

"I want to find..."

Zhao Jue interrupted him, "Never mind, I'll send some profiles and audio clips of some of our lesser-known singers who are currently available to your email. With your ear for voices, you should be able to identify the right one. Once you've decided, leave the rest to me. But regarding top-tier singers..."

"Top-tier singers? What about them?"

"They have very high standards for songs."

"How high?"

"Let's put it this way, unless your new song can match the caliber of 'Life like Summer Flowers,' they usually won't even consider it. Typically, top-tier singers collaborate with the company's elite composers. Their earnings, after all, aren't something that can be matched by the lower-tier singers."

Lin Yuan's ears perked up, "Earnings?"

Zhao Jue laughed, "You can't possibly think all singers only take 0.5% of the 20%, do you? That's newbie pricing. High-valued singers get a higher share, often splitting it equally with the composer. Top-tier singers can even claim 1.5% of the 20%, leaving only 0.5% for the composer."

"I want a 'tool singer'!"

Lin Yuan's thoughts became crystal clear.

Zhao Jue laughed helplessly, "You really have been influenced by the composers in the department. I wonder who first nicknamed our lower-tier singers from the Artist Department as 'tool singers.' It's oddly fitting. But let me remind you: there are some songs that lesser-known singers can't master. In the future, if you grow in your craft, don't neglect collaborating with big-name singers just because of the earnings."


Lin Yuan said, "Thank you, Sister Zhao."

Zhao Jue replied, "No need to thank me. Gotta go."

Minutes later, Lin Yuan's email was filled with a myriad of audio files and profiles—106 to be precise.

Work began.

He put on his headphones and meticulously listened to the vocals of these 106 individuals.

Unlike "Life like Summer Flowers."

The song Lin Yuan intended to release, "Big Fish," wasn't something just any singer could master.

Certainly, Sun Yaohuo wasn't fit for it.

After all, not everyone was Zhou Shen.

Lin Yuan wasn't confident he'd find the perfect voice immediately, so he had to start scouting early.

If he truly couldn't find the right voice, he had a contingency plan.

He would seek a female singer with a vocal range similar to the original, then use some technological aids to enhance certain aspects—

Enter the million-dollar sound engineer.