
Full time Artist

"Music, film, painting, calligraphy, sculpture, literature..." "You know all of them?" "Just a bit." "So, you mean you know a little about each?" "Yes, I know a little about each." With a system in hand, he conquers the world through art, becoming the uncrowned king whom everyone from all walks of life admires and worships. **This is a translation** 14 chs / week

ADA99 · Urban
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18 Chs

Wedding in Dreams

In Qin state, musical copyright consciousness was significant. Once Lin Yuan backed up his song to the company, he didn't have to worry about any unforeseen problems.

The next day.

Lin Yuan returned to his regular campus life.

However, the music composition department only had one class that morning. After class, there was still a lot of time, and his classmates gradually returned to their dormitories to play video games.

Lin Yuan didn't plan to go back.

Without the pressure of exams, even though he was still attentive in class, he had more free time. Naturally, he wouldn't waste this precious time in the dormitory.

So, what should he do during the break?

After some thought, Lin Yuan sent a text to Jian Yi and Xia Fan, asking if they were free to hang out. However, both declined—

They had classes.

Even though they all attended the same university, and Lin Yuan had known Jian Yi and Xia Fan since childhood, forming an inseparable trio, their different majors meant they rarely saw each other.

But Lin Yuan wasn't disappointed.

He found something to do.

That was, to play the piano in the music room.

Having been rewarded with professional-level piano skills by the system, Lin Yuan had yet to try them out.

Considering that the arrangement for "Big Fish" was centered around the piano, Lin Yuan wanted to test his current piano skills. If suitable, he might even consider completing the piano portion of the arrangement himself.


Ten minutes later.

Lin Yuan arrived at the music room.

Qin state Art Academy placed great emphasis on nurturing musical talent. Therefore, many public music rooms were open to students long-term, and each room even had pianos of different brands. From grand pianos to uprights, students had ample choices.

This was convenient for Lin Yuan.

Since most students were in class at this time, many music rooms were vacant, giving him many choices.

Walking down the long corridor of music rooms.

At the very end, Lin Yuan found his desired target.

It was a typical upright piano, with luxurious keys, a beautiful porcelain white finish, and a streamlined design. It was clearly a level above the other pianos in the other rooms!

This was it.

Lin Yuan entered the room, sat in front of the piano, and played a classic piece from his memories, "Heart's Wish."

He chose this piece out of nostalgia.

This was the first piano piece his mother taught him, a song that once tormented him to madness.

But playing it now, Lin Yuan felt an unexpected warmth—

It must be the original host's feelings.

But it was also how Lin Yuan felt at the moment.

And besides this warmth, Lin Yuan's strongest realization was that he had become so much better!

Every key he pressed now felt so right, and both rhythm and technique came naturally to him.

In his memory.

Many of the difficulties the original host faced while playing could now be easily overcome. Lin Yuan remembered struggling even when following the sheet music.

But now.

He could play the entire piece fluidly and even make minor improvisations.

Furthermore, he noticed details such as pedal application, pedal depth, rhythm use, and how these details improved each note's quality.

Technically challenging components in the song, like double stops, were now executed effortlessly, with flexible fingering.

After completing the piece, Lin Yuan almost fell in love with the feeling of playing the piano.

Five minutes later.

After finishing "Heart's Wish", he felt confident and decided to attempt "Wedding in Dreams."

However, just as Lin Yuan was about to press the first note, a slightly cold voice interrupted him: "Who let you in here?"

Lin Yuan looked up.

Standing at the door was a long-haired girl in a black coat. The sunlight streamed in from behind her, highlighting her tall figure but failing to mask her icy demeanor. Those beautiful but cold eyes were staring directly into Lin Yuan's.

"Isn't this a public area?"

Lin Yuan found the girl's interruption puzzling.

The girl frowned, "Don't you recognize me?"

Lin Yuan was even more confused, "Have we met before?"

A hint of helplessness flashed in the girl's eyes, but her expression gradually returned to its calm state. "This piano belongs to me. As for this room, the school has granted exclusive use to me. So, please refrain from torturing my piano with your subpar skills."

Lin Yuan simply stood up, "Then I'll leave it to you."

The girl corrected him seriously, "Not 'leave'. It's 'return' because this was my piano to begin with."

"Alright, returned to you then."

As Lin Yuan walked to the door and passed by the girl, she suddenly said, "Many people have tried to catch my attention, but you've chosen the worst way. This behavior really bothers me."


Lin Yuan was utterly perplexed.

Taking a tissue from her bag, the girl started cleaning the keys that Lin Yuan had just played on and said, "Also, while Abigail's 'Heart's Wish' is my favorite piece, it doesn't mean I'd appreciate anyone playing it. Your skills are better than most of my suitors, but not enough to move me. Also, I don't like roses; they're in the trash bin downstairs."


Lin Yuan felt that there must have been some misunderstanding on her part. He wasn't angry, nor did he feel the need to explain. It's not like he lost anything, so he simply reminded her:

"I washed my hands before playing."

Some people who deeply cherish their pianos pay extra attention to hygiene, afraid that obvious fingerprints might mar the keys. Lin Yuan thought this was a public music room and, out of civic-mindedness, had made sure to wash his hands with soap before playing.

The girl didn't respond, continuing to clean.

She even cleaned the body of the piano, which Lin Yuan hadn't touched.

Left with no option, Lin Yuan moved to another room.

As he sat down at another piano and was about to play, he suddenly remembered the girl's remark about his subpar skills. He couldn't help but consult the long-uncontacted system, "Is my skill really that poor?"

"Not at all."

"That's good."

Just as Lin Yuan sighed in relief, the system replied, "To those with a higher playing level, anyone with lesser skills would seem subpar."


So that's how it was.

Lin Yuan hadn't expected that girl's piano skills to surpass his own, especially considering he had a professional-level skillset gifted by the system.

Perhaps she was a piano prodigy.

Without giving it much thought, Lin Yuan began to play "Wedding in Dreams," a piece he had acquired from the silver treasure box.

Finally done cleaning the piano, Gu Xi sat in front of the instrument, feeling a bit depressed.

Given as a gift by her father, this piano had accompanied Gu Xi since she was seven.

After entering Qin Arts Academy, she even requested the school to allow her to bring this cherished piano, with which she had formed a bond, to campus.

From the moment this piano became Gu Xi's, no one else had ever touched it.

But because she practiced late into the night and forgot to lock the door when she left, today, a stranger had played her piano.

It felt to Gu Xi as if a stranger had used her toothbrush, making her deeply uncomfortable.

This spoiled her mood for practicing today.

Just as she was getting irritable, a familiar piano tune suddenly drifted into her ears.

In the classic key of G minor.

Gu Xi quietly listened.

The notes were warm, soft as a rainbow. The romantic melody flowed, so sweet that it felt like honey melting in her heart, as if she was in the middle of a wedding ceremony...

No, that wasn't it.

Upon closer listen, this piece wasn't entirely romantic and sweet. It resembled a love filled with despair, where one could only wander in dreams, yearning for an embrace yet afraid of waking up from the dream. And then, there was the vision of a bride dancing in an ethereal wedding.

Sometimes fast, sometimes slow.

Sometimes high, sometimes low.

When the piece ended, Gu Xi, in a momentary daze, felt as if she had awoken from a dream. She quickly got up and dashed out, trying to find the source of the music, but she couldn't locate the pianist.

"Who was it?"

Her eyes sparkled with curiosity.

Suddenly, a slick-haired, makeup-wearing young man approached and said with a smirk, "Miss Gu, if you don't like it, it's okay to throw it away. But could you tell me, if not roses, what flowers do you prefer?"

"Who are you?"

Gu Xi, still feeling the loss of not finding the pianist, was suddenly interrupted, making her frown. Coldly, she inquired, "Were you the one who sent the roses?"

The young man replied, "Yes, it was me."

Gu Xi opened her mouth, her face turning even colder, "I'd prefer you keep your distance. I'm allergic to pollen."

The young man: "…"