
Frozen Heart Burning Love: Decision Of Love Or Leave

Y/N was living a happy sweet day with her Mom and Dad Mr. Kim Hyunwoo and Mrs. Hyunwoo, owner of one of the most famous mobile industries in Seoul, South Korea. Until she was bonded with the son of the CEO of Seoul's famous Car Industry Mr. Jeon Jungkook, living with his 6 deadly so-called brothers (half of them worked under the forces of the nation) including their parents Mr. Kook and Mrs. Kook. let's see if Y/N can bear with this cold CEO for a contract of 1 year. Will this go till the end? Or she would find another?

Woozastories · Music & Bands
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12 Chs

Episode #3

You woke up the next morning with a pounding headache. You groaned and rubbed your temples, trying to get rid of the pain. you had cried yourself to sleep last night and had a restless night, filled with nightmares of being trapped in a loveless marriage with a man you barely knew.

As you got up and walked to your bathroom, you caught a glimpse of yourself in the mirror. your eyes were puffy and red from all the crying, and your hair was a mess. you sighed and decided to take a shower to refresh yourself.

As the warm water hit your skin, you closed your eyes and let out a deep breath. You tried to clear your mind and think of a way out of this mess, but every time you thought of something, you were reminded of your parents' disappointment and the looming marriage.

you got out of the shower and put on a simple dress. you didn't want to think about your appearance and just wanted to get through the day. As you walked out of your room, Minji came to pick you up, you saw her sitting on the couch, sipping on a cup of coffee.

"Good morning, Y/N," Minji said with a smile.

you forced a smile and sat down next to her. "Morning," you replied.

"How are you feeling?" Minji asked, looking concerned.

you shook your head. "I don't know, Minji. I feel like I'm in a nightmare and I can't wake up. This can't be my life. I can't marry someone I barely know, and I definitely can't marry Jungkook. I don't even know him."

"I know it's hard, you, but you have to be strong. You can't give up now. You have to marry him, and you have to make it work. Think of it as a business deal. You're marrying into a powerful family, and that comes with its own benefits. You'll be able to expand your father's business and make new contacts. And who knows, maybe you'll ever fall in love with Jungkook. Stranger things have happened."

you looked at Minji, incredulous. "How can you say that, Minji? How can I fall in love with someone I'm being forced to marry? It's not fair. I want to choose who I spend the rest of my life with."

"I know, you. But sometimes life isn't fair. You have to make the best of what you have. You're a smart and capable woman. You'll make this work."

you nodded, knowing that Minji was right. you had to be strong and make the best of the situation. You couldn't change the fact that you were going to marry Jungkook, but you could change your attitude towards it. you would do your best to make it work and hopefully, you would find some happiness along the way.

you tried to take Minji's advice to heart, but the prospect of marrying someone you barely knew still filled you with a sense of dread. you couldn't help but think about the life you were leaving behind, the plans you had made for yourself, and the man you had thought was your future. you wondered how you would ever be able to move on from the heartbreak of losing him and the resentment you felt towards your parents for forcing you into this situation.

As the day wore on, you tried to distract yourself by diving into your work. you spent most of the day holed up in your office, going over proposals and contracts for your father's company. you were so engrossed in your work that you didn't even realize that it was already dinnertime.

you heard a knock on your door and looked up to see your father standing there with a concerned expression on his face.

"Y/N, why are you still working? It's already past dinner time. Come downstairs, your mother and I have something important to discuss with you."

you sighed and closed your laptop. you followed your father downstairs, feeling a sense of dread in the pit of your stomach. you knew that the discussion was going to be about the wedding and you weren't sure if you were ready to face it yet.

you sat at the dining table with your parents, trying to focus on your meal. you had lost your appetite, but you knew that your parents expected your to eat. They had always emphasized the importance of family dinners, and you didn't want to disappoint them.

your father, a successful businessman, was discussing the latest trends in the mobile industry. your mother, who was equally accomplished in your own right, was listening intently and nodding along.

you tried to follow the conversation, but your mind kept wandering to the impending marriage. you wondered if your parents had chosen Jungkook because of his family's wealth and power, or if there was something more to it.

"Y/N, are you feeling alright?" your mother asked, noticing your daughter's lack of participation in the conversation.

you forced a smile. "I'm fine, Mom. Just a little tired."

your father looked at you with concern. "Is everything alright with your work? You've been working long hours lately."

you shook your head. "No, work is fine. I just have a lot on my mind."

your mother put down her fork and looked at you with a serious expression. "Y/N, we need to talk about marriage. I know it's not ideal, but it's necessary for the future of our business."

you sighed. you had been dreading this conversation. "I know, Mom. I've been trying to come to terms with it."

your father spoke up. "Jungkook is a good boy, Y/N. He comes from a good family, and he's well-educated. He's the kind of man that will be able to support you and take care of you. We wouldn't agree to this if we didn't think it was the right thing for you."

you felt a lump form in your throat. you knew your parents meant well, but you couldn't help feeling like you were being treated like a commodity. "I understand, Dad. I'll do my best to make it work."

your mother looked at you with a sympathetic expression. "I know it's not easy, you. But sometimes in life, we have to make sacrifices for the greater good. And who knows, maybe you'll even grow to love Jungkook. Stranger things have happened."

you nodded, knowing that your mother was right. you had to put aside your personal feelings and think of the bigger picture. you would marry Jungkook and make the best of the situation, for the sake of your family's business and for your own future.

As they finished their meal, you excused yourself and went to your room. you lay down on your bed and stared up at the ceiling, feeling overwhelmed and lost. you didn't know how you were going to get through this, but you knew that you had to try.

*kook's house

Jungkook couldn't believe his parents were serious about this arranged marriage. He had never wanted to get married, but his family's expectations were too high for him to ignore. As the only son of the largest car company's CEO, he knew he had to comply with their wishes.

As everyone seated together in the dining room, he couldn't help but feel a bit annoyed by their constant teasing about his upcoming marriage. They were all happily married, and they seemed to want the same for him, but he didn't believe in love. It was just a distraction, something that would get in the way of his work.

"you didn't cleared up your decision, son?" asked Mr.Kook

He kept silent...

"I didn't think upon it." He said

"what?" asked Mrs. Kook

"I was messed up with the office work. I will think and inform you this late evening."

"y/n's parents will be coming soon for discussing wedding plans. But I hope you will do as we're expecting..." Said Mrs. Kook