
Frozen Heart Burning Love: Decision Of Love Or Leave

Y/N was living a happy sweet day with her Mom and Dad Mr. Kim Hyunwoo and Mrs. Hyunwoo, owner of one of the most famous mobile industries in Seoul, South Korea. Until she was bonded with the son of the CEO of Seoul's famous Car Industry Mr. Jeon Jungkook, living with his 6 deadly so-called brothers (half of them worked under the forces of the nation) including their parents Mr. Kook and Mrs. Kook. let's see if Y/N can bear with this cold CEO for a contract of 1 year. Will this go till the end? Or she would find another?

Woozastories · Music & Bands
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12 Chs

Episode #4 (MEGA EPISODE)

As he was eating breakfast, his phone rang. It was an urgent call from one of his clients,

"yeoboseyo? right now?" he asked and looked at his wrist watch on his veiny hands

"ok...I'll be there in a second"

"what is going on?" asked Mrs. Kook coming near him and held her hand on his shoulder

"An important client is coming over for deal. That matters a lot for our company. I got to handle it, see ya" he rushed picking up his bag

"but her parents-"

"I'm sorry, give them an excuse. bye!!" he said rushing through the main door.

"aish! this boy is really something!" said and chuckled Mrs. kook

others were going to work too but Mr. Kook, Jin, Suga and J-Hope were staying because there is not sort of work for them right now.

"okay Mom! we're leaving." said Jimin

All were just like their sons but one thing they haven't is just a daughter...they love you very much but since you're too busy holding your dad's business its just a long time you haven't meet properly.

"ok, take care! don't forget to come back early, and have lunch properly. especially you Taehyunga!" everyone chuckled

"my son's getting weaker, I don't know even Office wrokers offer you some drink or not..."

everyone roared with laughter and Tae glared Si-U (her wife) with a shy smile.

"Are we planning to get late?" Asked Mr. Kook

they noticed the time and went to their business site. rest were Mrs. Kook, the three sons and 6 spouses.

*Mr and Mrs names

Mr. Jin

Kim Seojun (Mrs. Jin)


Kim Yu Jun (Mrs. RM)


Min Ji Hye (Mrs. Yoongi)


Jung Seo ah (Mrs. Hobi)


Park Jiwoo (Mrs. Jimin)


Kim Si-U (Mrs. Tae)

Everyone left and the cleaning by maidens was started. In half hour the living room. They were sitting in the hall discussing their own perspectives; guests, arrangements, venue etc...-though it was only 1 month remaining for the wedding. Meanwhile, Y/N's parents arrived at the Kook family's house to discuss the wedding plans.

"Anneyong!!!" your mother and Mrs. Kook greeted as they were lost for many years

"its really nice to see you, dearyyy" said Mrs. Kook.

"ah...Y/N-ah..." she admired you cupping your face.

"anneyonghaseyo.." you tried to keep a smile on your face.

your dad greeted Mr. Kook and the gentlemen.

"How are you doing? And your business?" asked your dad

"Very well!" Mr. Kook replied

"well done. It seems your boys don't let you do anything." Mr. Hyunwoo chuckled

"Well, our business is going lucky and it would be even luckier when Y/N will accompany us."

everyone looked at you and admired your face that went red tomato. There came the 6 spouses through the stairs getting themselves ready.

"Ah..." your mom smiled widely looking at the queens. Jin's jaw dropped and the Misters were drooling on their spouses.

"Annneyonghaseyo" they greeted everyone respectfully, they were happy to see their upcoming member.

"they're my daughters..." said Mrs.Kook

"uh..." Your mom was like 'when did this happen?'

"I meant, they all are my daughter-in-laws but I serve them as my own daughters.

"meet them; she's

Kim Seojun (Mrs. Jin)

Kim Yu Jun (Mrs. RM)

Min Ji Hye (Mrs. Yoongi)

Jung Seo ah (Mrs. Hobi)

Park Jiwoo (Mrs. Jimin)

Kim Si-U (Mrs. Tae)"

"these queens are really beautiful. I wish I had more daughters and sons. cuz you know, when you send your only girl to other house after marriage, no-one's left behind except when you have sons." Sighed Mrs. Hyunwoo

"Aren't we your sons?" complaint Jhope.

everyone chuckled.

"umma!" whispered Jiwoo that guests are still standing for long time and she didn't seat them.

"oh! mianhae!! I kept everyone standing, come sit!"

they sat down but mainly you were quiet the whole conversation. And was still getting used to the idea of an arranged marriage.

"The venue should be at a peaceful place. Like...not in the city..." suggested Si-U.

"What?" Chuckled Mr. Kook


"No! lets take somewhere historical!" suggested Seojun.

"Eonniee!!" offended everyone.

everyone laughed but you just smiled. Mrs. Kook noticed your this hesitation.

"Ya! Y/N...why aren't you participating? would you like to chose?"

"gomawoyo..." you replied.

"oh, come on! you're still so unpretentious." giggled Mrs. Kook

you giggled. Jin came up with an idea

"Ya! Seojun-ah! why dont you take her upstairs and talk freely?"

"yea! that'd be better." said Mr. Kook

Jin looked at you and blinked his eyes to comfort you. you smiled back to say thanks and you kinda felt brother feelings from him.

"okay...as you feel better." replied Mrs. Kook

"gaja!" said Yu-Jun.

everyone went and took you upstairs. As you were climbing upstairs you were feeling relaxed. Girls were explaining you everything

"This would be your house!" said Ji Hye

"this portion is all Mom and Dad's..." she continued "there's the balcony. she pointed and the balcony was hella big! there you noticed a piano. you had a piano at your villa. you reached the piano. the theme of the grand piano was just so creamy.

"do you like piano??" Asked Ji Hye furiously.

"yea..." you smiled "But I play it very often."

"Minji plays it very well" Jiwoo pointed at Minji.

"aw...jjinja?" she cutely hugged and everyone chuckled. this made you feel like heaven, as If they were your sisters.

"Come on! lets go upstairs. Upstairs even too fuvkin' big!" said Minji

everyone was like-'she used abusing word?'

but then everyone laughed and you laughed too.

"come," she opened the door of one of the two rooms.

"Is this the only house where y'all live?" you asked furiously

"nope...This villa is for Kookie his sister and Mom and Dad. Three of us live in the villa, few miles away. and rest live in other villa. like this is just a big circled area with three mansions." replied Si-U

"cool..." you said in agreement.

"isn't it hard to come here from there?" you asked

"nope. Maybe, sometimes" said Ji-Hye

the room was as big as yours. you all sat on the bed and started talking about yourselves. Seojun sighed and started the wedding topic

"Y/N-ah...we've never gone too deeply since you were on our wedding. but you know what? I wanna clear your some misconceptions..."

you lowed your vision.

"listen me as a friend. ok?" she continued "mom often tells us that she oppressively wanted daughters. but he got only one son - Jk . as Jk worked with his brothers they got to introduce themselves as Jk's brothers. literally no one can say that they're so-called brothers. after their marriage, mom got us as their daughters. but you'll be saying she got many sons and daughters and she still wants YOU is the reason that she loved you much more when she hadn't have us. She is admired towards you that's why he asked your proposal." Said Seojun.

this made your heart race faster and faster.

"As far I know Jungkookiee,"

the word JUNGKOOKIE kind of gave butterflies in your stomach.

"he's kind of tough boy, hardworking somewhere cold...but he's really soft with his personal relations. don't think that we're feeding only good deeds of him. Its just the fact that he doesn't show love easily because he never fell for a girl. cuz of that maybe he looks cold but we should see the brighter side of a person. isn't it right?" Said Jiwoo that made your heart beat faster

"yea, he might look cold but he's truly one of a man!" Added Ji Hye.

you rolled your eyes and peered the pink stuff in the room and related it with the word 'GUY'

"Never mind, its not his room." said Si-U.

"then?" you asked.

"Its Young-Mi's room."


"her younger sister."

"but you sai-"

"We never told her that she was adopted..."

"where is she then?"

"she studies abroad, In America. She'll arrive on your wedding next month."

that kind of made you nervous because you didn't know what kind of girl she was. But for sure, now you were feeling butterflies for Jk but you don't know why.

After a while, they all sat down for lunch, and JK's mother made sure that you were comfortable and had enough to eat. Your parents were impressed with the hospitality of the Kook family and felt reassured that their daughter would be well taken care of.

"jk hadn't came yet?" asked Mr. Hyunwoo worriedly.

"I don't know, he said that it's urgent client to meet..." replied Mrs. Kook

"haven't you called him?" Asked Mr. Kook to Suga

"I did. He was busy and didn't picked my call." complaint Yoongi.

your mouth chewed slowly realizing how he's so sticked to work. you wondered if he didn't give you time then? then you suddenly brushed off the thoughts that why are you thinking your marriage with him even you're not going to! after the lunch has finished its time to say bye-bye because the planning have been half-done. you and your parents greeted with the members. you cheered and hugged your unnies.

"We wish we could spent more time with you" said Jiwoo

"me too"

"oh! Glad to hear that! thank God you enjoyed their company." Said Mr. Kook

"God bless you..." you sweetly hugged your oppas as you hugged Yoongi he teased you

"I am seeing that you're taking my position huh?" he chuckled looking at Ji Hye

"uh! oppa! Why will I do that? She's only yours don't worry" you said and sided aside.

everyone busted into laughter and Ji Hye just blushed like a tomato.

Later that evening, JK arrived home late from his meetings. He found his family members gathered in his parents' room, chatting and laughing. JK's six brothers and their spouses were all there.

"Was Y/N feeling ok with y'all?" asked RM

"ne, oppa." replied Jiwoo

"that's good to hear..." said Mrs. Kook

Jk's pov*

"Aishhh! can't they stop talking 'bout her? I don't know what mom see in her."

"we tried to make her feel like her own home, and she was quite pleased." Said Yu Jun.

"yea...I thought she'd be moody but not at al!! she seems a nice hearted person." commented Si-U

"I wished we had a beautiful, hist-" said Seojun

"no, please! unniee." said every girl.

"I cant stand you, for this HISTORY class!" chuckled Jin.

everyone laughed on his dad jokes but not Kookie. he was sinking in his own thoughts, lowering his sights

"Jungkookah!" said Mrs. Kook

"hm?" he raised his eyes

"why are you so mouth-shut?"


"did you end up with your client all well?"

"yeah, they are pending the decision. that's making me a bit stressed"

Jin's spouse, Seojun, got up to make some refreshments for everyone, and JK decided to follow her to help out.

"umma! lemme go and bring some ice cream for everyone. It will release everyone's stress!" asked Seojun

"yeah!" everyone replied.

she got up and Jk was tracing his eyes on her as if he wanted to go with her oppressively.

"I'll help you out unnie!" said said Ji Hye.

"Aniya! lemme go noona. someone has been complaining already for your absence..." he looked at Yoongi who was smiling widely.

Jk went following her to the kitchen, scratching his head, how to start the conversation.

opening the freezer, Seojun Asked

"Come on, champ! what's teasing you?" looking for the ice cream

jk came closer and helped her finding her ice cream

"noona...I cant stand it now..." giving the ice cream pack to her.

"what happened to my brother?...." she asked worriedly

he sighed, rubbed his eyes with his finger and thumb and said in certain voice

"I cant marry Y/N."

"Jungkookah! You know what you're saying?!"

"This is all what I know."

"This ain't gonna happen!"

"but I'm not ok with this decision!"

"this is OK that's why we made it!"


"we've decided everything and done it" she put everything on the tray.

"I cant do this with neither myself nor her!"

"you're, Jungkookah!" she handed one tray to him and one took herself. "tell your parents whatever you feel. then lets see what they decide."

"can't you talk with them?"

"how can I?"


"you're doing this by yourself Jungkookah..." she continued "now come upstairs" she went and jk was all behind. he didnt waste the time and went after her.

"yaaahh! we'll pick that one for engagement." everyone cheered with happiness as jk entered the room. Seojun was putting tray on table, glancing at Jk that he would do a wise decision.

Jk sighed and moved on, he also put the tray there and both served the ice cream to everyone.

"Didn't you call Young-Min?" Asked Mr. Kook

"Young-Min-ah??" Jk's eyes opened widely as he heard the name.


"Is that monkey coming back??"

"Jungkookah! behave yourself!" Mr. Kook said and slapped his back

everyone chuckled

"she's your only sister!" scolded Mrs. Kook

"and now she's coming to add spice in my situation?" pouted jk

"yes! forever!"

"forEVER?" he asked dumbfounded

"ok, just don't overreact! eat the ice cream"

As everyone tucked in the ice cream JK couldn't help but bring up the topic of the upcoming wedding. He told his parents that he couldn't marry Y/N because they didn't know each other well enough, and he wasn't sure how they would live together.


everyone got ears to him

"since everyone is here...I wanna say something"

Mrs. Kook was expecting good but he just...

he deeply sighed

"I can't marry Y/N." said sternly

Mrs. Kook dropped the spoon and came out of the bed and grabbed jk's arms

"what are you saying?" asked Mrs. Kook worriedly

"this is my last decision." he didn't even gave a expression

"are you in your senses?? we've planned everything accordingly! and now we cant deny it at all" Scolded Mr. Kook

"I can't destroy neither my life nor hers. we're not a business deal, dad!"

"Jungkookah...Mind your tone!" growled RM.

"don't you know! how much I love her? I always wanted her to be pride of our family." Mrs. Kook almost cried

"What about me? You can give me to someone I don't know?" he said in harsh tone

"stop it jk!" whispered Seojun

"Everything has a final decision-" said jk but Mrs. Kook cut it off

"and the decision is that you're marrying her! you never told about a single girl that you loved or you wanted to marry. and now you're rejecting such a beautiful talented girl?? shame on you!" said Mrs. Kook.

there was a heart dropping silence...

"as you wish...."

everyone was now ears to him because he was dead serious

"then I have a bet too..."

"what??" Shocked Jin

"Behave yourself its not a deal!" said Suga

"You can deal me but I can't make one?" he smirked and said "I will marry her only for 1 year."

"aish! jungkookah!!-" Mr.Kook were going to hit but Taehyung and Jimin calmed them down

"This is on point! Why not? If we made it work until one year....we'll carry on our journey. And if not..."

"what do you think you're doing?" cried Mrs. Kook

"you left no option Umma!" he said and his eyes formed tears-but he was a brave man. He wasn't hurt because he was getting married to you. But his parents were hurt by his decision.

"This is going to happen or I should consider left off from this family..."

of course Mrs. Kook didn't want that and they have to go through his decision.

As the meeting came to an end, JK felt a sense of unease. He wasn't sure if he had made the right decision, but he knew that he had to try. He had never been in a serious relationship before, and the idea of spending the rest of his life with someone he barely knew was daunting. But he was determined to make it work, for the sake of his family and his future.

You, on the other hand, was feeling a mix of emotions. You were excited about the prospect of getting married to JK, but at the same time, you were nervous and unsure of what the future held. you knew that the coming year would be a challenge, but you were willing to give a try and see where it took you.

There was still a long road ahead of them, but they were both determined to make it work.

I am unavailable till may's end! its treat for these months. use ur own imagination :>

hope u are enjoying


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