
Frozen Heart Burning Love: Decision Of Love Or Leave

Y/N was living a happy sweet day with her Mom and Dad Mr. Kim Hyunwoo and Mrs. Hyunwoo, owner of one of the most famous mobile industries in Seoul, South Korea. Until she was bonded with the son of the CEO of Seoul's famous Car Industry Mr. Jeon Jungkook, living with his 6 deadly so-called brothers (half of them worked under the forces of the nation) including their parents Mr. Kook and Mrs. Kook. let's see if Y/N can bear with this cold CEO for a contract of 1 year. Will this go till the end? Or she would find another?

Woozastories · Music & Bands
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12 Chs

Episode #2

*Time skip

You didn't came out of your room and just locked yourself up, in the bed, thinking about what to do. you spent whole night thinking about it but you came up with no words.

The time you fell asleep wasn't too much to make you calm down.

The soft sun rises and scatter some rays onto your window-but, you are sleeping in such manner, that your one arm and one leg is hanging out of the single bed. you were pitsaw to the right side. It was about 7 am, your time to get to the office and handle out the work with your Dad.

*Alarm rings

you tapped your hand onto the alarm toake it shut. your silky hair strands were tingling on your face - just like a sleeping beauty. you * off the blanket and leaned back to the bed. it was too heartbreaking for you that happened last night. For that, Your mom always come to wake you up but she didn't this time.

suddenly, breaking your thoughts, your phone vibrated with a phone call.

It's your bestie, Minji. you sighed and picked the call.


"hello, Y/N! how are you doing?"

"Fine. you?"

"um...your voice doesn't seem FINE. anyways where are you? it's above 7 am."

"I am on leave today." you told her a bit wistfully.

"Is everything okay out there?..." she worriedly asked you out.

*you sighed and picked your hairs back from your face.

"why are you this quiet?? what did your mom say?"

"This is so unfair!.." you sobbed.

"tell me clearly..."

"They arranged my marriage with someone else."

"what?? who?"

"Mrs. Kook's youngest son." your tears filled your eyes

"oh my...ok don't worry, I will try to figure it out"

"this won't work, everything's turned out so bad"

"ok, ok. meet me at Ddong cafe. we'll sort it there. don't worry, take care see you!"

you hung up the phone and jogged towards the bathroom. you tied your messy hair and took your bag with yourself.

you climbed the stairs, your mom was coming through the joint kitchen in your hall.


"A meet up..."

"with whom?"


"driver will drop you." her tone was a bit strict

that's why you didn't clarify her.

you reached outside and sat in the car.

The driver dropped you at Ddong cafe - the most popular cafe of Seoul. you met Minji at the cafe shed.

she saw you and ran towards you. You were so distressed and you hugged her tightly.

"come, sit."

she took you and seated you well.

First, you both were a bit quiet and didn't talk about it much. then Minji, thinking cleverly said

"look, first of all, take a deep breath and listen to me."

you sobbed, sighed and got ears to her

"you need to understand that what your parents said to you. It will not be clear for us what they want. But it's clear that they want good for us. undoubtedly, they have chosen best for you. isn't it?"

"but I'm not prepared for it yet!"

"what are you waiting for? look! your life is not a joke."

"that's what I'm declaring."

"ya! you're.... you're still in - wait for him?"

your tears ran down as river. you stood up and tried to leave the place.

"Y/N! is that on what your mom scolded?! it's not 'unfair'!"

"what do you wanna say??" you turned back and offended.

she came near you, held your shoulders and said

"you're not priceless, why you're still waiting for him? he won't come back! why are you keeping this from yourself?!!"

"because he broke my trust, and now...it's hard for me to trust anyone."

"Jungkook's not ANYONE. believe me he's a trustworthy."

"I don't care..." you said that and turned your back

"you know what Y/N?? No-one but YOU are doing unfair to your self by not declaring the truth."

she yelled at a distance.

"you can call me if you need anything." she said.

you raced towards your car and went back home

*your home

"you came outta the car and entered the main door of the hall.

your mom was having a pedicure in the lounge, watching a talk show.

"back too early?" she asked frighteningly.

"yea. the tea got cold."

you said that and went upstairs for a hot shower to release your stress.

"I don't know what happened to this girl..."

*Kook's house

Mr and Mrs. Kook didn't tell jk that they have arranged his marriage with you. he slowly opened his eyes, the sunlight filtering through the window and onto his face. As he stretches out in bed, he feels the cool sheets against his skin and the warmth of the morning sun on his face. He yawned and rubbed his eyes, taking a deep breath and filling his lungs with the fresh morning air and went to take a cold shower to cheer up his morning.

As he walked into the kitchen, he was greeted by the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and sizzling bacon. His parents were already seated at the dining table, sipping on their cups of coffee and reading the morning paper.

"Good morning, son," Mr.Kook asked, looking up from his paper. "Did you sleep well?"

"I did, thanks," he replied, pulling out a chair and taking a seat at the table. Mrs.Kook nodded in greeting, a small smile on his face.

As his mom began to plate up his breakfast, he couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort and familiarity in the routine of their family breakfasts. He took a sip of his coffee and closed his eyes, savoring the taste and feeling the warmth spread through his body.

As he started his breakfast, he noticed his siblings and their spouses walking into the kitchen, each greeting him with a cheerful "good morning." His parents smiled at the sight of their large and lively family gathered together for breakfast.

"How's work been?" his father asked, setting down his newspaper.

"It's been busy, but good," jk replied, taking a bite of his bacon. "We have a big project coming up that I'm really excited about."

"That's great to hear," his mother said, smiling at him. "And how's your love life been?"

The big body man choked on his coffee, surprised by the sudden question. His parents had always been supportive of his choices, but he had never been one to share his personal life with them.

"I'm still single," he replied, clearing his throat. "But I'm not really looking for anything serious at the moment."

"Well, when you do, just know that we'll be here to support you," his father said, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"well, you went to visit some family friends yesterday?"

Mr.Kook cleared their throat

"you know our family friend, Kim Hyunwoo?"

"Mr. Hyunwoo...ah! yea."

"Well, Mr. Hyunwoo and I have been talking, and we think it would be a good idea if you and their daughter, Y/N, got to know each other better."

Kookie felt a growing sense of unease as his parents' comments became more pointed, almost as if they were hinting at something.

His oldest sister spoke up, "You know, its the time to find the right partner. She's educated, kind, and would be a perfect fit. You should consider meeting her."

The man felt a knot forming in his stomach as he realized what was happening. His parents and siblings were subtly suggesting an arranged marriage for him.

He didn't know what to say. He never imagined falling in love and choosing his own partner, but he also wanted to honor his family's traditions and values.

"I'll think about it," he finally said, not wanting to offend his family.

As the breakfast ended and everyone began to leave the kitchen, he was left alone with his thoughts. He wondered if he would ever find love on his own or if he would have to settle for an arranged marriage like his parents.

He took a deep breath and decided to keep an open mind, knowing that he couldn't predict what the future held. As he got up from the table and walked out of the kitchen, he felt both uncertainty and hope for what was to come.

I'm sick, please pray for me :>

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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