
The Target

Shaun stood there, facing the drunk guy. He glanced at Sallie one more time and gave a smirk, " Well then, guess I have to steal your 'present' huh ", said Shaun to the drunk guy. Just as the drunk guy was about to take a swing at Shaun, he was slapped right across the chest and he stumbled down. Shaun was surprised by this, he looked towards the source of this attack and it was George. Shaun stepped back while George dragged the guy to the door and pushed him out. He turned to face Shaun and said, "Sorry you had to go through that, it's not a daily occurrence so don't leave the job or something". Shaun smiled, "Of course not, the place where I come from, I have seen my share of violence".

Shaun excused himself and started heading towards his new home, when Sallie came rushing behind him, "Wait! Just a min", he stopped and turned to face Sallie. "All that big talk about helping me, in the end you were just a wuss waiting for the manager to come. You are pathetic", saying this Sallie ran away. Shaun just stood there, he had never been this surprised and confused at the same time. He just laughed it off and went home. On reaching home, it was around 9:00pm, Mary was waiting for him on the porch. "Took you long enough, will work be always this late Shaun!? ", asked Mary and Shaun climbed the porch stairs, "Don't worry Mary, it's only till 8:00, there was some official stuff to go over, that's why I'm late. Sorry to make you wait for me". Mary smiled and asked him to follow her inside. A grand dinner had been prepared, "This is a celebration for getting a job", said Mary raising her glass of wine, Shaun immediately glanced at his side with hope which was immediately crushed as his glass had juice in it. Mary laughed and said, "You seriously thought I'll let you have wine!? ", Shaun gave a disappointed smile.

Next morning Shaun woke up with an unusual feeling, it was a kind of thirst. He got ready and headed downstairs. Mary had been early today, she had already prepared the breakfast and as he headed downstairs she handed him a glass of juice with a triumphant smile as if stating that she had won a challenge or something. Shaun gulped down the juice, hoping it would quench his thirst, but it didn't seem that way. He looked at the time, it was almost time to go to work, so he decided to ignore it for now and headed to work. He reached work just on time, and immediately started his chores. He crushed the coffee beans, cleaned the tables, wiped the window pane clean and brewed some black coffee. Sallie and John just stood there, as they saw Shaun working at a high pace. "Dude you alright? You barely said a word and you finished everything, even our jobs. Tell me if something's wrong ", Shaun snapped back to reality, he suddenly understood what was that thirst he was feeling that made him feel bad and lose his sense of reality. It was his Bloodthirst . He had to get a target today, he had been feeling the withdrawal symptoms of not killing, he had been clearly addicted to the thrill, smell and feeling of blood on this hands.

The work got over soon, nothing out of the order happened and when John asked Shaun why he looked pale, he just said he wasn't feeling that good. Shaun was let to go home early as he started looking more and more pale as time passed. Shaun didn't want to go home, he had to get a target and hunt. He went back to the cafe, into the manager's office and asked George, "Can you tell me who that drunk guy was from yesterday? I felt like someone was following me when I went back home last night ", George looked worried, he glanced at Shaun with concerned expression and said, "His name is Richard Kramer, I don't think he was the one following you, but if he was would you want me to complain to police about it? ", Shaun quickly said, "Oh no need for that! If something really bad happens I'll go to police myself, I just asked for safety reasons".

Shaun left for home, he has got the target, now he has to plan the hunt. He rushed home, Mary hadn't returned yet, which was perfect. He took out the phone book and searched for Richard Kramer, he lived a few blocks away. Shaun thought that it would be dangerous to kill him in his house as he lived close by. Shaun decided that he has to kill him when he's out. He called Richard Kramer's home address, a maid picked up, "Hello, Kramer's residence. How can I help you? ", Shaun knew that this might be a maid for she seemed too formal. He answered, " Hello! Sorry for calling unexpectedly, but may I speak with Mr. Kramer? ", the maid paused for a minute and then replied, "I'm sorry but Mr. Kramer isn't home, he has gone out with his friends". Shaun grinned widely and asked, "May I know where? It's an urgent business", she seemed to hesitate first but then finally answered, "He has gone to a club called 'Simon Says Brew', that's all he informed", Shaun thanked her and found out where this club was.

It was around 7:00, it's about time Richard came out the club, thought Shaun. The plan was to guide him saying that he will get him a cab and then start the game.

Richard exited the club, and just as Shaun was about to head toward him, he noticed someone lurking near the corner and watching Richard. As Richard called a cab, the figure hurried towards Richard and stabbed him in the back. Richard screamed in pain and as the crowed formed the attacker ran away. The figure was wearing a black hoodie and had the face covered, but Shaun had caught a glimpse of the face when the figure struck Richard. Shaun had his devilish grin again, he said, "Guess I got a new target! ". Next day Shaun walked upto Sallie and whispered in her ear, "Nice kill last night! ", Sallie's face filled with terror.

Sorry for taking so long , the chapter will take sometime now since I'm busy. Anyway enjoy the chapter!

Shaun_Frostcreators' thoughts