
Red Eyes

Shaun's plan to kill Richard Kramer was ruined by none other than Sallie. This made him rather excited than angry, but no matter how excited he got, he can't kill a colleague, at least not yet since its too early. Shaun thought about what to do as he woke up the next morning. He had been having withdrawals of not killing, which made him seem rather distant and troubled. Mary noticed this, so this morning, "Shaun is there something that's troubling you? You can always come to me about it! ", stated Mary who was clearly concerned. Shaun smiled at her and with a gentle voice replied, "Nothing like that Mary, I'm just getting used to my new job. Don't worry about me".


"Is that so, you seemed rather distant, that's why I asked ", said Mary offering coffee. Shaun told her it's alright and headed to work.

On reaching work, Shaun still hadn't decided what to do about Sallie, but killing her was obviously not an option, not yet. As he entered the cafe, he saw Sallie cleaning the cups, this made him excited and not being able to control himself, Shaun headed towards her. He whispered in her ear, "Nice kill last night ". Sallie turned around immediately, her face became pale as she was filled with terror.

_Oh god! That's it! That's it! Fill with despair!!_

Shaun cleared his throat, "I saw in the newspaper that the guy who harassed you was killed last night. No matter what I do, I'm not able to feel sorry for him. He deserved it", Shaun turned around to pick up the apron, but really he wanted to hide the grin he had on his face. Sallie, still a bit suspicious, replied ," I don't think you should be that cruel, even if he harassed me, he didn't deserve to die", Shaun got pissed off immediately!

_Tsk! Even though you killed him, you dare lecture me Bitch!?_

Shaun took a deep breath, he couldn't lose his cool, for he had better plans for her. "You are right, I'm sorry I let my emotions get the better of me", said Shaun, just then John came in through the front door, "Yo guys! Let's work hard today!! ", Sallie rolled her eyes while Shaun sighed. "You have way too much energy John ", said Shaun as he started his usual chores.

Around mid day, a strange looking figure entered the cafe. He was a tall man with a dark coat and a hat. "Is the manager here? I have some questions for him. ", said the figure, Sallie seemed to be dumbstruck, so Shaun answered, "Certainly, if you could wait for a few min ". He went in to the office and came back with George, who invited the stranger to the office, leaving Sallie, Shaun and John. Sallie seemed to be shaken, noticing this Shaun asked her what's wrong, "That's the head detective who's working the case of Richard Kramer. Dan Palmer" , that's bad, very bad, thought Shaun. He wasn't worried about Sallie, in turn he was worried about himself, if the detective decides to check the backgrounds of all the employees then he would be found out and also possibly be accused of this murder. There's no other choice, he has to die. But how! He's clearly way out of league for Shaun. This is when Shaun remembered, something very trivial, but heavy at the same time. The burst of energy he had felt when he killed Harry, which took his head right out with one strike. He has to find out what it is. But first he had to come up with a plan to avoid this problem, though solving it would be even better but he couldn't see any way to do that. Shaun thought that if he were to offer a cup of coffee, that wouldn't be very suspicious and possibly he might be able to eavesdrop what they were discussing about. Considering that this was the best way, for now, Shaun brewed a cup of coffee with a bit of cream and headed towards the office. The door was closed, so he knocked twice and entered, "Excuse me, I brought coffee for the guest~", said Shaun. George looked at Shaun and smiled, "As you can see, my employees are very considerate, they always treat the customers with care", George winked at Shaun and mouthed the words, 'Good timing'. Shaun gave a nod and placed the cup in front of Dan. As Shaun was about to leave Dan stopped him, "Wait, what's your name? ", Shaun answered, "It's Shaun Frost ". "I see, well Mr. Frost, do you recognize this man? ", asked Dan while showing a picture of Richard Kramer. Shaun took a look at the photo and replied, "Yes, he came the other day as a customer. But he was very drunk and caused a commotion, so we had to send him home. We called him a cab. I saw the newspaper this morning, apparently his name was Richard, right? ", Shaun had decided that answering with obvious and mostly truth in this situation is the best way to avoid suspicion. Dan raised a eyebrow and looked at Shaun questioningly, "Maybe you missed a detail. Was he just sent home after causing the commotion, or was he attacked? ", Shaun didn't realise that leaving out such a trivial detail made the detective doubt him.

_That's a pro detective for you, huh_

"I'm sorry, he didn't just cause a commotion, he harassed my colleague Ms. Sallie and to save her, manager slapped him across the chest, but not in any lethal manner", Dan sipped the coffee and asked, "Why did you leave that part out? ", Shaun smiled nervously and replied, "I didn't want to disrespect the dead by mentioning the past mistakes". Dan seemed to buy this, he finished the coffee and left, while George gave Shaun a thumbs up and promised to give him a raise soon.

Before moving ahead with everything, Shaun couldn't ignore about his condition. He visited a doctor, she was a specialist in Neurology. "Please have a seat, my name is Rachel Castle. How may I be of help?", said Rachel as Shaun entered. He sat down and told the doctor, except the situations when it happened, about his eyes turning red and his strength boosting suddenly. She took note of everything and also a bit of his blood for tests.

Next day Shaun visited the doctor, as she had contacted that the test results were back. "Hi, please sit down. I have got some news for you", said Rachel with a smile, which probably was intended as a sign saying that everything is fine. Instead Shaun felt a bit uneasy, rather creeped out to be precise. "I'll get right to the point. Do u know that some people have their eyes turning a bit red when they are angry? ", Shaun nodded. "Well it's a similar case with a rather interesting development. You see whenever you get angry or excited, your brain releases mixture of adrenaline and non-adrenaline to balance your body temperature and heart rate. But in your case the amount of adrenaline is higher which results in you getting a momentary greater strength, this in turn also causes the blood to flow faster which is shown through your eyes, as they turn red", Shaun digested this, since he now has a explanation, he felt relief. "There's more, the more you corner yourself, the more stronger you get but be careful, losing yourself to your emotions may result in too much adrenaline, which may take its toll later", Shaun wondered in what manner shall it weigh on him later. Anyway, since everything was explained, it's time to quench some bloodthirst, thought Shaun.

I hope the explanation of why his eyes turn red is comprehensive. Enjoy the chapter!!

Shaun_Frostcreators' thoughts