
34. Chapter 34

Maya’s shoulders ached, though she was in a surprisingly good mood. The hearing was constantly on her mind, but in small moments, she could almost ignore it. Rolling hoses with Travis and Theo was a good distraction – their constant banter enough to keep her laughing or groaning or some combination of both.


“You’re the slowest here, Montgomery,” Theo said, shoving Travis in the side with his elbow.


Travis scoffed, pressing a hand to his chest in mock offense. “As the resident hose expert, I beg to disagree.”


They slowly walked through the barn together while Maya’s thoughts drifted to the evening ahead, even as she snorted and grumbled “you’re both ridiculous.”


Jamie was upstairs and the DeLuca-Bishops were planning to pick up something greasy and go home to watch a movie. As they approached the lobby, Maya could just make out Carina through the window, and she picked up her pace, looking back at Travis for a second as she opened the door.


The first thing she saw when she turned again was Andy staring right back at her. The next thing she noticed was the stranger, pale and sweaty, standing in front of Carina.


Why was a stranger standing so closely to Carina?


But he wasn’t just standing.


He was…


It took a moment for Maya to fully understand what she was looking at. A man held Carina’s collar in one hand. The other was tucked under her jaw, curled around something, and Carina’s shirt was stained.


It was stained red. The collar was stained…


“Carina!” Maya cried, barely able to move before Travis barrelled in front of her. The man released Carina and pushed against her chest, swinging around to face Travis, but Maya was fast on her feet, catching Carina before she hit the floor.


She could hear a tussle behind her and then Jack was on the stairs, flying past them, joining Travis, and the dull thud of a fist connecting with flesh echoed in the small space.


Maya searched Carina’s face, trying to read the pinched expression, trying to understand the shallow inhales and exhales, until she felt Carina’s hands on her shoulders, pushing her. Pushing her away.


Shit…too soft…


Maya let go, startled when Carina sunk to the step beneath her and pulled her knees up to her chest.


There was a loud groan behind her, and Andy was yelling at Theo to call the police and Maya felt her fear melt away as fury took its place.


It was cold. Ice. It bubbled up so quickly that Maya could barely remember a time before it existed within her. She turned, taking in Travis and Jack who held up the stranger by both arms as he sagged between them, winded.


“Who are you?” She yelled, balling her hand into fists.


When she received no answer, she took a step closer.


“Look at me,” she demanded. When he refused, she growled, wanting nothing more than to lash out. To physically hurt him.


But she knew that would only hurt Carina too. Carina who didn’t need to witness anymore violence.


Instead, she harshly grabbed at his jacket, searching the pockets, trying to find any identification. They were empty except for a polaroid picture. A polaroid picture of Jamie taken the day of Dawn Feguson’s supervised visit. 


Three names were written on the back.


Maya Bishop


Carina DeLuca




Her hands started shaking, hands that wanted nothing more than to curl around the man’s throat and squeeze. She could barely breathe, could barely see from the anger coursing through every vein, every bone.


“Look at me,” she said again, a command. She recognized that voice. She knew where it came from and for once, she didn’t push it away. She embraced it.


Jack grabbed the man by his hair and forced his head up, forced him to make eye contact and Maya found herself staring into hard, cold eyes.


“I don’t know who you are,” Maya said, “I don’t know who sent you. But I do know that in thirty seconds the police will be here and when they arrive, I am going to make sure they bury you in a hole so dark and so deep that you will know nothing but suffering for the rest of your miserable life. If you think you can come into my station and touch my wife? Threaten my child? You think you can touch my wife?”


Her voice shattered around the word.




She swallowed hard. The idea alone sending her reeling. She felt unsteady on her feet, she barely recognized the level of violence she wished she could inflict. Because the garbage standing in front of her had touched Carina. He’d hurt Carina.


Her Carina.


Maya shook her head, forcing herself to keep going. “I will end you. I will make your every living moment a nightmare. I will make sure you do not know a moment of peace until your pathetic excuse for a heart gives out. You will be alone and you will rot and I will laugh every single day knowing that you are suffering. So, you’d better hope you can afford a good attorney because I am here to promise you that you’re done. You’re going to wish for death over and over and it will never come. Because you don’t deserve even that. I will be at every parole hearing. I will know about every transfer, every sorry attempt you make to free yourself. And when you die an old man, broken and diseased, I will dance on your grave. I promise you that.”


“Maya…” Travis’ voice broke her rant and she looked up, the sound of sirens and flashing lights surprising her.


She heard a whimper over her shoulder, a quiet please don’t, and when she turned, she found Andy crouching next to Carina, trying to comfort her. Vic was there too, sitting beside Carina, about to place her arm around her and Maya knew it would only do more harm.


“Don’t touch her!” Maya yelled, louder than she meant to. They couldn’t know that Carina was triggered. They couldn’t know that touching her would make the situation worse.


There was too much happening at the same time. Too many moving pieces. Maya wanted to be with Carina, but she also wanted to make sure Jack and Travis had a handle on the man currently sneering at her. And then there was Jamie upstairs…


Three police officers walked in alongside a woman in a suit who was obviously a detective and Maya felt frozen in the middle of the lobby, unsure where to start or what to do.


Andy straightened, visibly shifting into Captain Herrera mode and for once Maya was grateful. Her heart was beating so loudly that she could hear it in her own ears. She wanted to yell and she wanted to hold Carina and she wanted to find Jamie. And somehow all of those wants had her incapable of moving at all.


“I’m Captain Herrera,” Andy said, extending her hand to the suited woman.


“Detective Kim. What se…”


“He assaulted my wife,” Maya pointed at the man in question, “and he threatened my daughter.”


Detective Kim raised her eyebrows.


“And you are…”


“Lieutenant Maya Bishop.”


Detective Kim looked over Maya’s shoulder, clearly taking in Carina who was still huddled on the stairs. She nodded once to herself before placing both hands on her hips.


“Take him in,” she said to the police officers behind her, who immediately cuffed the stranger and began reading him his Miranda Rights. Andy pointed to the knife of the floor and for a moment, everyone seemed distracted as they showed Detective Kim evidence and explained what happened.


Maya only had eyes for Carina.


She perched on the step below Carina, wanting desperately to touch her, but knowing she couldn’t. The sight of Carina shaking, her collar soaked in blood, made Maya feel so helpless.


“Babe?” Maya said softly, ducking her head down, hoping Carina would look at her.


Carina raised her head, gaunt, but breathing steadily.


“Jamie?” Carina’s voice was barely a whisper.


“She’s safe. She’s with Vic. She’s safe.”


Carina nodded, wincing as she moved her head. Before Maya could say another word, Detective Kim appeared again, though she seemed much less confused than before.


“Dr. DeLuca? I’m Detective Kim. I know this is the worst timing, but I’d like to take a statement. We’ll also need to photograph your injuries for evidence,” Detective Kim spoke slowly, her tone even, and Maya appreciated the calm she seemed to exude.


Carina apparently felt it too because she sat up, clearly understanding the necessity of Detective Kim’s request. The blood on her neck was beginning to dry, but Maya so wished she could check to see if the cut was deep, if Carina would need stitches.


“Can my wife come with me?” Carina’s question surprised Maya, as did the feel of her cold fingers when they circled her wrist.


“Of course.”


“We can use the washroom upstairs,” Maya said, eyeing the Detective’s camera. She hated that Carina needed to go through this, that she needed to make herself even more vulnerable than she already was.


When Carina stood, Maya instinctually wrapped her arm around her waist, steadying her. Carina tensed and then exhaled, as if trying to convince herself that Maya was safe, that she could trust Maya’s touch. Of all the horrible events of the past thirty minutes, knowing Carina was afraid of her was perhaps the worst of all.


They took each step together, silent, Carina holding on to the railing, Maya holding on to Carina. When they reached the beanery, Carina paused, her cold hand finding Maya’s once more.


“Can you bring Jamie?” She asked, her eyes pleading.


Maya could only nod, finding it difficult to speak. Every instinct was screaming that Carina needed her, she needed protection, she needed to be held and ignoring those instincts was making Maya feel sick. But she also wanted more than anything to help Carina feel safe, so she forced a small smile and left Carina to take Detective Kim in the washroom. It wasn’t the most orthodox place for an interview, but it would do.


Vic was on her feet before Maya even walked into the lounge, shock all over her face.


“What happened? Is Carina okay? Who was…”


Maya raised her hand. “Later, I promise, I just need Jamie right now.”


Vic nodded, understanding.


“She slept the whole time,” Vic said, which brought an odd comfort. The idea of Jamie even hearing any part of what had happened sent shivers down Maya’s spine.


Jamie was awake when Maya approached her carrier. Someone had dressed her in a navy onesie covered in red fire trucks, and somehow the sight of her big blue eyes made Maya’s fear melt away.


“Hi, Baby T-Rex,” Maya whispered, lifting Jamie into her arms. Jamie propped herself against Maya’s shoulder, taking in the room.


With one last look at Vic, Maya left, making a quick stop at her locker to grab an extra t-shirt for Carina and a first aid kit.


Maya kissed the side of Jamie’s head and took a deep breath.


“Let’s go make Mama feel better,” she said, pushing open the door to the washroom.


Carina and Detective Kim were in the middle of a conversation, though Carina stopped speaking as soon as she caught sight of Jamie. She couldn’t hold her yet, not until they’d photographed her and bagged her shirt for evidence, but Maya hoped the baby’s presence would be enough to lend Carina some strength.


“Feel free to continue, Dr. DeLuca,” Detective Kim held a pencil to her notepad.


Carina exhaled sharply. “As I said, that’s when Maya came in…it all happened so quickly. Travis pushed him away and Maya caught me…I didn’t see Jack, but he was there too. That’s all I know.”


“And other than asking for the baby and threatening you, he didn’t give any indication of his identity?”


“No,” Carina shook her head, “but he knew who I was.”


“Mmhmm. He had a Florida driver’s license in his pocket. Does that mean anything to you?”


Maya caught Carina’s gaze and they both looked at each other in horror.


“Our daughter’s biological grandmother is from Florida,” Maya said, stepping closer to Detective Kim, “she tried to contest our adoption, but the judge denied her request. We have a restraining order against her.”


Detective Kim made a few more notes and then seemed to notice Jamie in Maya’s arms.


“Is this the cause of all the trouble?” Detective Kim smiled at Jamie who immediately turned to look at Maya, her tiny brow furrowed.


“It’s okay, you can say hi,” Maya said, surprised to hear herself laugh. Given the circumstances, laughter was miraculous.


Jamie seemed to take that under advisement though her focus soon shifted to Carina.


“Ciao, piccolina,” Carina waved, her voice wavering.


Detective Kim likely knew that the next part was delicate, it was the part Maya was dreading the most too. She wished she could hold Carina’s hand while it was happening or at least let Carina hold Jamie for comfort.


But her wife was resilient even in moments of fear.


“Dr. DeLuca, I’m going to photograph your wounds now,” Detective Kim said, picking up the camera she’d left on the counter.


Carina nodded. She looked grey.


All Maya could do was stand close by and watch as Detective Kim had Carina tilt her head back revealing her throat, as a bright flash captured the damage to the spot Maya so loved to kiss.


“And your shirt, please,” Kim spoke softly, as if Carina could bolt any second.


Maya could see Carina tense, she could see the moment of hesitation, but it passed quickly as Carina got to work unbuttoning her blouse. She handed it to Kim who carefully placed it in an evidence bag.


A large bruise was forming over Carina’s ribs where she’d been pushed into the desk. It painted her usual tan skin purple and angry blues. Maya could tell it was painful, she could tell it was also going to get worse over the next few days, and the anger returned, so much anger. Except Jamie was in her arms, Jamie who was brushing tiny fingers over Maya’s chin and her mouth.


Without giving it a second thought, Maya playfully captured Jamie’s hand between her teeth, and the sound of Carina laughing shocked them all. Maya looked at her wife, her wife who was hurting and scared, her wife whose smile was wide as she watched Jamie.


“Did Mommy get you, cucciola?” Carina’s voice was steady again, steady and warm.


When Jamie smiled her big drooly grin, Maya knew everything was going to be okay. Despite the trauma and the fear, everything was going to be okay because they were together. The three of them. It didn’t take away Carina’s bruising or the blood on her skin, but they would find peace and healing again. She just knew it.


“Okay, Dr. DeLuca, we’re done here. I’ll be in contact once we know more, but for now, go home. Be with your family,” Detective Kim seemed to sense the DeLuca-Bishop magic in the room as she spoke, looking from Carina to Maya with kind eyes.


Once she left, Maya found herself still hesitant to touch Carina. She wasn’t sure how much contact Carina wanted, but they needed to examine her cut and get her cleaned up. Carina eagerly took Jamie, holding her tight, kissing her forehead over and over, and Maya took the opportunity to open the first aid kit she’d brought and sort through supplies.


“Can I look?” Maya asked, holding up an antiseptic swab.


Carina nodded slowly, leaning her head back.


The cut was thin, superficial, and Maya sighed in relief that they wouldn’t need to go to the hospital. She took a deep breath, hating that she had to hurt Carina, though she knew it was for the best.


“This is going to sting,” she said, waiting until Carina nodded her head again. Her grip on Jamie tightened and Jamie seemed aware that something serious was happening because she tipped her head against Carina’s shoulder and watched Maya with eyes that almost looked solemn.


Maya worked fast, wincing herself when Carina hissed as the alcohol swab brushed against her skin.


Jamie whimpered, picking up on Carina’s energy, but before Maya could comfort her, Carina exhaled slowly and started rubbing circles on Jamie’s back.


“La mamma sta bene,” she cooed. Maya wondered if that was true.


She applied a few steri-strips and then covered everything with a large, white bandage. It was an awkward placement, stark against Carina’s tanned skin, and it took all of Maya’s willpower not to kiss the spot. The way she did every day. Ten times a day.


Once she was finished, she cleaned the dried blood from Carina’s neck, careful not to touch her more than necessary. Carina had yet to reach out for her since the interview, so Maya wasn’t about to make assumptions about what Carina wanted or what she needed.


“I brought you a t-shirt…or…I think I have a hoodie if you’re cold?” Maya said.


Carina looked at the navy tee on the counter, her cheek pressed to the top of Jamie’s head.


“Is it yours?” She asked, swaying just a little.


Maya nodded.




Maya held up her hands to take Jamie, expecting Carina to pass the baby. She didn’t expect Carina’s hand on her shoulder, nor did she expect the soft tug against her shirt sleeve as Carina pulled her closer. Maya circled Carina’s waist with one arm, mindful of the bruising, stepping so close to Carina that their foreheads touched and then she reached up, resting her palm over Carina’s hand where it lay on Jamie’s back.


They stood huddled together, breathing in sync, and again Maya was struck with the unshakable knowledge that they were going to be okay.