
From Mortal to Shinobi

A guy who lives for wonders and beauty of unexplored gets another chance in another world. The copyrights of Naruto are not mine, but I invite you to dive in and enjoy my vision of the interesting progression of the characters in this fanfiction.

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45 Chs


The aspect of where the black substance originated required special attention, as it was happening in a mysterious way, indicating its clear relationship with the chakra, and at the same time further confirming the idea that it was not haki.

Initially, there was no black substance within Yuske, but only a pressing and sucking force, like a hungry void wanting to quench its needs by any means. It was something he felt all the time, and it was this feeling of absorption and emptiness that made the youth notice the difference within himself.

He even thought of it as a 'black hole' based on its behavior and the fact that the black matter was formed from it. Granted, he had an understanding of black holes and knew that the phenomenon did not apply in this case, but he could find no closer explanation for this oddity within himself.

In the beginning, the boy did not know how to interact with what was inside him, for he could not see it. He knew there was something, but how to 'feel' or 'touch' it remained a riddle.

However, when he tried to concentrate on it, he unconsciously channeled some of his chakra inside that void and the energy just disappeared, but as a result a clot of black substance was obtained. The resulting substance, unlike the void inside his body was not only within Yuske's control, but he could even perceive its volume and weight.

He didn't know where exactly it was, yet the image of the black substance that had appeared was constantly visualized in his mind. At the same time, it was completely under Yuske's command, from which he could guide and shape it just by thinking of it.

Having grasped the detail that this black substance was formed from chakra, Yuske made the logical conclusion that in the future it would be necessary to constantly convert his chakra into this black substance if there was a desire to create and utilize this 'special matter'.

The process itself took place in a very mysterious, yet simple way. All he had to do was to want to 'touch it', or rather, imagine within himself touching it or trying to reach it, and then the chakra within his body would begin to decrease, but at the same time, this black substance would emerge.

The 'pumping' process itself was quite fast, even instantaneous one might say. Perhaps it was also the fact that the chakra itself inside the boy was too little, given his young age, which made it difficult to get a full understanding of the 'pumping' process itself, and how fast it was happening.

There was also a need to put this power into practical application, in the manner of experiments, which would provide more insight into the properties of this ability. The way to use the black substance that had been created was even simpler, although it took Yuske a lot of effort and hard reasoning to figure it out, but in the end, it was gracefully easy.



A few hours earlier

* Well, how am I supposed to use you? – Feeling and seeing the image of the strange black ball inside himself, Yuske wondered about the method of how to summon it. He had been watching the process of it emerging for over twenty-four hours now, as each time his chakra was fully replenished, he 'pumped' it inside the suction force within him. The ball itself was slightly smaller than a walnut in size. Yuske hadn't tried anything else until now for the simple reason that he wanted to see if any changes would occur from the constant infusion of his chakra into that sucking force within him. He tested with volume, sometimes pouring in only a small fraction of his reserves of chakra, and sometimes almost a full fraction of it, but no matter how much he tried, nothing but the simple emergence of a black substance happened. Realizing that nothing else would be possible to figure out, he moved on to the resulting 'product' itself.

* And how can I get you or use you? – As soon as that thought was voiced in the young man's mind, he felt a strange heaviness in his stomach. It seemed to him, like he could see, that this black ball had just formed inside his stomach, lodging itself in there and causing an uncomfortable sensation.

- Is this thing messing with me? – Gritting his teeth, Yuske didn't even notice that he had begun to voice his thoughts out loud, preoccupied with ideas about the reason for this turn of events, and most importantly, how to get rid of these feelings. He started to mentally address both the sucking force within himself and the black substance that used to be in an unknown location, and now clearly resided somewhere near his intestines, but nothing happened.

He went through all sorts of commands, again mentally, telling the black substance to move, to change location, to return, going through all sorts of alternatives, but no results emerged until he, about to give up, casually thought about the fact that the black substance must move or it might harm his health. To be even more specific, this time he imagined the very process of moving the ball.

Although he didn't know exactly where this strange matter was, he assumed that if it was in the intestine itself, there was only one way it could come out, and at that moment it was as if an image appeared in his mind of a black ball moving through the intestine and coming out, and it was at that moment that he felt the matter itself begin to move. The surprise at the relief that appeared, coming from the movement of the black substance, made him lose concentration, and a feeling of heaviness arose again, but nevertheless, it came to Yuske's attention that perhaps not commands but a mental image was the correct way to use this power.