
From Mortal to Shinobi

A guy who lives for wonders and beauty of unexplored gets another chance in another world. The copyrights of Naruto are not mine, but I invite you to dive in and enjoy my vision of the interesting progression of the characters in this fanfiction.

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What the young man could not know was that initially the black ball, having been called up uncontrollably, had simply formed in the boy's stomach. It was only when Yuske mistakenly assumed it was inside the intestines and imaginatively visualized the movement of the ball along it that the black substance moved into the voiced organ and began to move.

* Can it happen in the opposite way? – Having grasped the connection between the mental visualization and the movement of the black substance, Yuske imagined the black substance returning, but he mistakenly assumed that the human intestine was vertical without knowing its exact length. To the young man's surprise, the black substance had not only moved upward, but had clearly passed the belly area and was now somewhere in the chest area.

* So, this black matter is not limited to the organs and tissues of my body, and can travel to any part of it? – Having found out an unexpected detail for himself, the youth marveled at the simplicity of this strange power and decided to confirm this theory by imagining the matter moving through his arm and forming in his hand. As a result, moments later he was observing a very hard black ball in his hand, having a perfectly rounded shape, just as he had envisioned it in his mind.

* What, it's gone already? - The boy felt exhausted and nauseous as he tried to experiment more, realizing that he had spent more chakra than he could afford, forgetting that he didn't have much of it to begin with, because he had poured most of it into the black substance before the experiment.

Only after restoring his chakra and after some attempts, he was able to find out that the shape of the ball was determined by his imagination and if he wanted, the black substance would cover the area of his body or take the shape of other objects if he thought of them, but of course it was not without limitations, which spoiled the mood a little. These limitations were due to both the small amount of black substance accumulated, as he only recently begun chakra experiments, and physical difficulties worth mentioning a little later.



Back to the present

The ease of controlling the black substance amazed Yuske since all that was required was imagination. He had thought that it would be a long and painful process to master the ability itself, with a lot of tedious pondering to be done.

Now it was enough for him to visualize this substance on some part of the body and it would begin to appear there, and the speed of this process again depended on the imagination: one could visualize a slow process and it would slowly cover a part of the body, or one could make this process an instant one. He only learned the latter when he recovered some of his chakra and was able to 'pump' it back into substance, as he had run out of the matter after the first ordeal.

Also, it should not be forgotten that it has one very nasty similarity to the chakra inside the body - you always have to leave at least a little bit of substance. Otherwise, that strange feeling of emptiness will return again, which is very irritating and unpleasant, because if even a small amount of black substance remains in the body, this sucking force calms down slightly and behaves less noticeably.

The same thing happens with chakra if you use it up completely. Yuske knew from the anime itself that a complete depletion of one's energy reserves could have negative consequences, so he tried never to cross that forbidden line.

At times he wanted to experience these sensations firsthand, but his self-love quickly dissuaded him from taking the risk, especially at such a young age.

Yuske thought it was foolish to assume that he knew all the specifics of the substance's uses, for there was no guide for it, and it had taken him hours of hard thinking and trying all sorts of wacky things to figure out everything previously described.

In addition to studying the strange power, the youth also performed the ritual of the reasonable transmigrator. He tried everything he could think of, and from the sidelines, his actions could not be called anything but strange. The only relief was that there was no one to watch his bizarre efforts. What would people think, and worst of all parents, if they were to see a boy of two years old, that tries in different ways to call, both audibly and not, inventory, system, status and all possible methods that are peculiar to the transmigrators.

From the very beginning he had doubts about the futility of the actions, but believe me - if you find yourself in another world and do not perform this ritual, and then after many years it turns out that you actually had the inventory or any of the benefits of the transmigrator like system, then most likely you will kill yourself jumping from the Hokage Mountain head down.

As it turned out, he had nothing but the black substance. Of course, only an idiot could claim such a thing for sure, and there was still some doubt that he hadn't tried everything possible. There might be more secrets, so Yusuke was determined to try long and hard to find out everything about himself and his abilities.

It makes sense that it would take up a great chunk of his time, and it makes just as much sense that it would have to be done mostly in the future.

If what was shown in the anime was true, he believed that the amount of his chakra would increase with both years and training. The first is a matter of waiting, and an excessive training is one big taboo for such a young body.

Perhaps someone might be foolish enough to claim that a transmigrator should start physical training at the age of two, or even younger, but any reasonable person, and Yuske tried to classify himself as such, knows about the harm of heavy workouts to a rapidly growing body.

He was going to do some light workouts, trying to give his body more stamina and flexibility, but that didn't mean kilometer-long runs or numerous push-ups with an equally numerous amounts of sit ups. All of this is still desirable to disguise as a childish antics and restlessness of an active kid in one place, so to speak to create a cover.

Of course, we shouldn't forget the wonders of this world and such a magical thing as chakra, which would make comparisons to the old world not particularly logical. But it still required reasoning within the bounds of common sense, so it was better to take a safe approach, listening to your body, than to push on and end up hurting yourself.