
From Mortal to Shinobi

A guy who lives for wonders and beauty of unexplored gets another chance in another world. The copyrights of Naruto are not mine, but I invite you to dive in and enjoy my vision of the interesting progression of the characters in this fanfiction.

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Forty-six years since the founding of the Village Hidden in the Leaves.

A cloudy summer day, quite a rarity for Konoha, with equally rare raindrops that, for all its desire, could not plunge the villagers and its architecture into a nasty slushy mood.

On the back porch of a two-story house sits, tucked away in his deep thoughts, a boy with raven black color hair and brown eyes.

The children's growth was aided either by the chakra-filled environment or the chakra itself in the inhabitants of this world, as the two-year-old boy looked the full three years old.

It is with age that the line becomes hard to discern and physical changes on the face and other parts of the body remain the same for decades. The thing is very different with children, and the younger the child is, the more his appearance changes from year to year. From this, it is so easy to understand the difference between a two year old and a three year old, although for someone who rarely interacts with children this will be an overwhelming task.

The thoughts that plague his young mind revolve around the ultimate question of his life: "What advantages does he have and how can he utilize his full potential in this dangerous, but to an immeasurable degree, fascinating world?".

Yuske realized that he wanted everything from life at once, but greedy impulses must have a grounding. He has no right to want to be on top of this world unless he has something that can elevate him there, something that others don't have.

You don't have to be particularly brilliant to notice that there are several advantages, especially when you consider the fact that in his previous life, our acquaintance spent all of his time confined to a wheelchair.

However, in addition to the excitement for the magical and amazing component of this mysterious world, there was a fair amount of fear of being discovered. Very few of the inhabitants of this world will like the idea that everything existing around is painted and outlined in someone's story, and he is only a simple line of the author's fantasy. This could resonate with the unwanted interest of dangerous personalities, which directly means nothing but a threat to his existence. Hence the requirement to be humbler than a dust until multitude of factors are clarified and the proper level of strength has been achieved.

The very first advantage the boy possessed was the ability to sense chakra quite clearly. From the moment Yuske accepted the need to integrate into the shinobi world he began to focus on his own body.

There was a constant feeling of heaviness that his non-adult body was subjected to. It made it impossible to think about anything for long, and a terrible itch in his mind demanded to understand its source.

Not only the most mediocre inhabitant of the shinobi world, but even a professional of his trade with years of experience under his belt would not be able to identify chakra on the level that a person from Earth would, and especially one who had spent twenty-one years of his life being disabled. Putting any person from Earth into the world of Naruto, his primary interest would be the presence of something foreign in his body that was not on Earth, and it would be the chakra that would be the answer to that question, requiring further exploration.

If we remember what kind of person Yuske was, his unconcealed desire for adventure and discovery of the unknown, then the things he found in himself did not scare him, but on the contrary made him feel euphoria, which even a kid in a mall full of only candy stores, at the same time absolutely free on this day, could not imagine.

He had been stuck for so long due to the limitations of his body in his other life that even a simple walk was becoming something priceless, let alone an opportunity to study and unlock the secrets of chakra.

Yuske himself couldn't know this, but being reborn and an Earth dweller at that, and even more so with having a very frail and sickly body previously allowed him to perceive chakra much more easily than others could dream of. This affects the ease of understanding and discovering the chakra both around as well as within himself.

The rest of the inhabitants of the shinobi world are alien to the idea of living without chakra, for they have never been to a place where it is completely non-existent, and thus distinguishing it within themselves is a very difficult task for them.

* What is this black substance, why do I have it in me, and as far as I remember, nothing like that was mentioned in the original. - While asking himself these questions, Yuske concentrated on his index finger, the skin of which, from the very tip to the first phalanx began to turn black, giving a slight sheen of metal.

If feeling chakra was only a small bonus of being reborn, then it was this black matter that interested the boy the most, and it was what he considered his difference from all others.

He didn't remember the common inhabitants of the anime world possessing anything like that, and yet he was from the most ordinary of origins.

One could mistake the phenomenon for haki from one well-known piece, but the way and from where the substance itself emerged indicated its distinctive uniqueness.

In addition, this substance had the ability to take shapes, which was contrary to haki, which simply covered the necessary area of the body or even weapon. In contrast to haki, he could form a needle on the tip of his finger or make claws out of the substance, but so far the crumbs he had were only good for covering a thin layer of part of his finger.

As for the use of this matter as claws or a means of defense, Yuske felt that it was most likely too superficial an application of this substance in battle. He had a lot of things to check out, but even now some more pragmatic prototypes of ways to use this mysterious power were forming in his mind.