
From Idol To Master: A Fallen Idol’s Cultivation System

Liu Ming was once a top idol in the entertainment industry, but his career came to an abrupt end when he was framed by his rivals and betrayed by his trusted friends. He lost everything he had worked for, and even his reputation was tarnished. He became a laughingstock and a target of ridicule. But fate gave him a second chance when he stumbled upon an ancient jade pendant that contained the secrets of a legendary cultivation technique. With the help of the pendant, he embarked on a new journey of cultivation, seeking to regain his lost glory and to take revenge on those who wronged him. Along the way, he met new friends and foes, and he also discovered that there was more to the pendant than he had imagined. It was not only a tool for cultivation, but also a key to a hidden world of wonders and dangers. Will Liu Ming be able to overcome the challenges and obstacles that await him? Will he be able to restore his fame and honor as an idol? And will he be able to find out the truth behind the pendant and the mysterious master who left it behind?

Zellflyn · Urban
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6 Chs

Chapter 2: Concert

The game had changed. The players had shifted. But Liu Ming, the fallen idol, was back on the stage. And this time, his performance would be a masterpiece of revenge, redemption, and the raw, and untamed power of a Dragon-Blooded.

The inscription on the jade pulsed with renewed intensity, a silent testament to the transformation unfolding within him. He cradled the pendant close, feeling the ancient power resonating with his own simmering rage.

"Time to rewrite the script," he murmured, a steely glint flashing in his eyes. The headlines, the sneers, the fabricated accusations – they would all become fuel for his performance. He would reclaim his narrative, not as a pathetic victim but as the conductor of his own destiny.

He rose from the couch, his movements imbued with a newfound purpose. The penthouse, once a gilded cage, now pulsated with the potential for escape. He swept through the empty rooms, gathering essentials – his laptop, a worn notebook filled with forgotten lyrics, and a duffel bag stuffed with clothes that no longer spoke of the manufactured idol but hinted at the warrior-in-the-making.

As he reached the door, a gnawing worry surfaced. The paparazzi vultures wouldn't let him fly off under the radar. They were his audience, his chorus of disdain, and their gaze needed to be manipulated. A mischievous grin playing on his lips, he grabbed a can of spray paint and a black scarf, tools for a different kind of performance.

Stepping out into the pre-dawn twilight, adrenaline pulsed through his veins. The city, still slumbering, was a blank canvas waiting for his strokes. He slunk through deserted alleys, dodging the occasional patrol car, the cityscape blurring into a labyrinth of shadows and opportunities.

Finally, he arrived at his destination – a towering billboard overlooking the city, emblazoned with the face of his supposed rival, the one who had orchestrated his downfall. With a practiced hand, he masked his features under the darkness of the scarf, then unleashed his creativity.

His spray paint danced across the billboard, transforming the smug smile of his nemesis into a grotesque sneer. Above it, in bold, jagged letters, he scrawled a single word: "Liar."

A silent defiance, a declaration of war painted against the canvas of dawn. He knew it wouldn't last, but the fleeting disruption was enough. The city would wake up to a new headline, a whisper of doubt amidst the fabricated narrative. They would talk, speculate, and that, in itself, was a victory.

He slipped away before the first rays of sunlight caught the defaced billboard, a phantom in the cityscape, leaving behind a trail of questions and a taste of what was to come. Back in his penthouse, amidst the chaos of preparations, he pulled out his laptop. Time to play a different game on their digital stage.

A cryptic message on a music forum, signed with the enigmatic moniker "Dragon-Blooded," was all it took. The news spread like wildfire, igniting curiosity and speculation. He dropped snippets of his past, distorted truths laced with poetic license, enough to pique the public's imagination and leave them hungry for more.

He weaved a web of intrigue, a digital puppet show where he controlled the narrative. The media vultures, his unwilling chorus, now echoed his own carefully crafted verses. The stage was set, not for the fabricated idol, but for the Dragon-Blooded, a new player in a dangerous game, his melody a promise of redemption and reckoning.

His fingers danced across the keyboard, composing a message he knew would send shockwaves through the industry. An announcement, a challenge: a concert. Not in a stadium bathed in blinding lights, but in an abandoned warehouse, shrouded in the city's underbelly. No polished dancers, no choreographed moves, just him, his voice, and the raw power of the jade pendant humming against his chest.

This wouldn't be a concert. It would be a declaration of war, a performance etched in defiance and fueled by the flames of betrayal. He threw down the gauntlet, inviting the world to witness his rebirth, not as a fallen star, but as a Dragon-Blooded, ready to sing his own song, no matter the cost.

As the night bled into dawn, the city buzzed with the anticipation of his performance. His message had resonated, a spark igniting the tinderbox of public discontent. He felt the shift in the atmosphere, the whispers morphing from derision to intrigue, a flicker of sympathy amidst the storm of doubt.

He was playing a dangerous game, walking a tightrope between truth and deception. But for the first time in months, he wasn't running away. He was facing the music, his hands steady on the strings of his new reality. The stage was his crucible, his voice his weapon, and the Dragon-Blooded was ready to sing.

The concert would be more than just a performance. It would be a turning point, a battle cry for the ostracized, the betrayed, the ones whose voices had been silenced. It would be a symphony of vengeance, a serenade of defiance, and ...a requiem for the idol who died and the birth of the Dragon-Blooded who roared.

As the warehouse doors creaked open on the night of the concert, a wave of raw anticipation slammed into Liu Ming. No screaming fans, no flashing lights, just a sea of faces shrouded in the warehouse's dusty shadows. These weren't his old audience, the starstruck teenagers and giddy fangirls. These were the disaffected, the disillusioned, the ones who knew the bitter taste of betrayal and the sting of injustice.

He surveyed the crowd, his heart pounding in rhythm with the industrial hum of the building. A motley crew of outcasts, artists, and rebels, their eyes burning with a shared hunger for truth and a flicker of hope for a different melody. This was his new choir, and he, their conductor.

Taking a deep breath, he stepped onto the makeshift stage, a bare platform bathed in the harsh glare of a few spotlights. No glittering costumes, no practiced choreography – just him, the worn clothes, and the jade pendant pulsing against his skin, a living ember in the dim light.

His first chord rang out, a raw, unpolished cry that resonated through the cavernous space. It wasn't the saccharine pop he was known for, but a primal howl of defiance, a melody forged in the fires of his downfall. The crowd erupted in a roar, not of adoration, but of recognition, a chorus of voices finding their lost note in his song.

He sang of betrayal, of the vipers he once called friends, their venomous whispers echoing in his lyrics. He sang of the fabricated lies, the media storm that drowned out his truth, his voice a weapon carving through the fog of deception. He sang of the jade pendant, the whispers of power promising a new path, a melody of vengeance and redemption.

Each word, each note, was a missile launched into the heart of the fabricated narrative. He wove stories into his lyrics, truths veiled in metaphor, riddles for the curious and daggers for the guilty. The crowd swayed, some chanting along, others lost in the music, their faces illuminated by a kaleidoscope of emotions – anger, hope, disbelief, and a glimmer of understanding.

The concert wasn't a spectacle; it was a raw, visceral exchange. He poured his soul onto the stage, his voice raspy with emotion, his eyes burning with the fire of the Dragon-Blooded. And the crowd, they answered him in kind, their voices rising in a defiant chorus, a counterpoint to the lies that had poisoned their air.

As the last note faded, a stunned silence blanketed the warehouse. Then, a thunderous applause erupted, shaking the rafters and echoing through the city's underbelly. It was a standing ovation, not for the idol reborn, but for the Dragon-Blooded awakened, a force of nature unleashed.

Liu Ming, his chest heaving, a bead of sweat tracing a path down his temple, looked out at the faces before him. He saw not fans, but allies, fellow travelers on the path of truth and revolution. He had found his voice, not on the gilded stage of his past, but in the rawness of this abandoned warehouse, surrounded by the whispers of the Dragon-Blooded.

This was just the first verse. The concert, a mere tremor in the earthquake he was setting in motion. He had awakened the city's undercurrent, given voice to the voiceless, and planted a seed of doubt in the fertile ground of public opinion. Now, the game truly began.

He stepped off the stage, the echo of his defiance still hanging in the air. He wasn't a fallen star returning to the sky. He was a meteor ignited, blazing a new trail across the night, his melody a beacon of hope and a harbinger of reckoning. The game had changed, the players had shifted, and the Dragon-Blooded had just taken the stage, ready to rewrite the script, one defiant song at a time.