
From Idol To Master: A Fallen Idol’s Cultivation System

Liu Ming was once a top idol in the entertainment industry, but his career came to an abrupt end when he was framed by his rivals and betrayed by his trusted friends. He lost everything he had worked for, and even his reputation was tarnished. He became a laughingstock and a target of ridicule. But fate gave him a second chance when he stumbled upon an ancient jade pendant that contained the secrets of a legendary cultivation technique. With the help of the pendant, he embarked on a new journey of cultivation, seeking to regain his lost glory and to take revenge on those who wronged him. Along the way, he met new friends and foes, and he also discovered that there was more to the pendant than he had imagined. It was not only a tool for cultivation, but also a key to a hidden world of wonders and dangers. Will Liu Ming be able to overcome the challenges and obstacles that await him? Will he be able to restore his fame and honor as an idol? And will he be able to find out the truth behind the pendant and the mysterious master who left it behind?

Zellflyn · Urban
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6 Chs

Chapter 1: Jade Pendant

The stage lights were an inferno, scorching the sweat dripping from Liu Ming's face. The screams of his adoring fans echoed through the stadium, a symphony of devotion that had once been his lifeblood. Yet, tonight, the melody felt off-key, the spotlight a searing mockery. As he danced, Liu Ming couldn't escape the bitter residue of betrayal clinging to his throat.

The scandal had hit like a meteor, pulverizing his meteoric rise to fame. Fabricated allegations of manipulation and greed, splashed across every tabloid, had eroded the foundation of his trust, fracturing his friendships and leaving him exposed and alone. Even his carefully curated smile tasted of ashes now.

His final bow was met with a smattering of applause, drowned out by the chorus of whispers, a venomous tide lapping at his ankles. He fled the stage, the cheers morphing into jeering laughter, the once intoxicating scent of adulation replaced by the stench of public scorn.

The paparazzi vultures swarmed, clicking and flashing their relentless hunger. He retreated to his penthouse, a gilded cage that now felt like a tomb. News reports played on a loop, his face distorted into a villainous portrait, a stark contrast to the sparkling idol of mere weeks ago.

The world he inhabited had evaporated overnight, leaving behind a desolate wasteland of disillusionment. Despair gnawed at him, whispering of oblivion, of drowning himself in the oblivion of alcohol and pills. But a flicker of defiance, a stubborn ember of his once incandescent spirit, refused to be extinguished.

He wouldn't succumb. He wouldn't let them win.

Days bled into a blurry purgatory. One bleak morning, rummaging through his grandfather's forgotten belongings, his fingers brushed against something cold and smooth. A jade pendant, intricately carved with swirling dragons, hummed with an unexpected warmth in his palm. An inscription, worn but faintly discernible, promised "a new song" in an archaic language.

Something shifted within him, a tremor of possibility amidst the ruins. Was it desperation seeking solace in delusion, or a whisper of fate's cruel irony? He clutched the pendant, feeling a surge of resolve replace the corrosive apathy. This was his song, the start of a new melody, one crafted not for adulation, but for vengeance and redemption.

His fingers traced the inscription, feeling its smooth contours. The jade glowed faintly, pulsing with an otherworldly energy. He closed his eyes, surrendering to the warmth, and a vision engulfed him. Mountains sculpted from jade, rivers of silver moonlight, and a celestial symphony resonating through the cosmos. He saw himself, not as the fallen idol, but as a warrior, wielding power that crackled and danced like lightning.

When the vision faded, he was drenched in sweat, his heart hammering against his ribs. The once mocking inscription now seemed clear, a promise etched in starlight: "Rise, Dragon-Blooded, and reclaim your destiny."

Liu Ming, the shattered idol, was born anew. His stage was no longer the blinding glare of spotlights, but the hidden world behind the veil of reality. His audience was not screaming fans, but the secrets whispered by the ancient jade and the dormant power surging within his veins. His song, once drowned out by betrayal, was now a war hymn, a promise of retribution etched in moonlight and jade.

He had fallen from grace, but his descent had forged him anew. From idol to outcast, Liu Ming was now the Master Player, his game a deadly orchestra of power and vengeance, orchestrated by the whispers of the forgotten past and the pulse of a legend slumbering within. The melody had changed, but the stage was set for a breathtaking performance, one that would shake the very foundations of his world.

The game had just begun.

The silence in the penthouse was a palpable entity, pressing against Liu Ming's ears like a physical weight. He cradled the jade pendant close, its cool surface offering no solace against the inferno raging within. His once manicured fingers traced the inscription, the alien symbols glowing faintly, a cryptic promise of power amidst the ashes of his life.

He needed a plan. A lifeline. But who could he trust? His circle, once a shimmering galaxy, had imploded into a black hole of betrayal. Friends turned vipers, loyalty a discarded cloak. His eyes darted to his phone, the screen flashing with countless missed calls and unanswered messages. A tidal wave of contempt threatened to drown him, but then he saw it: a single missed call from Ray.

Ray. His manager, confidant, and, until the storm hit, his rock. He hadn't spoken to him since the news broke, a raw wound left to fester in the acrid air of suspicion. But now, desperation gnawed at him, sharper than any tabloid's headline. He needed someone, anyone, to cling to in this freefall.

With trembling fingers, he dialed the number. The wait was an eternity, each ring echoing the hollowness of his shattered world. Finally, a gruff voice rasped through the receiver.

"Liu Ming?" Ray's voice was rough, laced with a weariness that mirrored Liu Ming's own.

"Ray," Liu Ming choked out, the word a foreign entity on his tongue. "It's me."

An exhale, laden with a thousand unspoken questions, crackled through the line. "Where have you been?" Ray's voice was a low rumble, a hesitant step into the minefield of their fractured relationship.

"Hiding," Liu Ming admitted, the word tasting like bile in his throat. "From the vultures, the cameras, the whispers that echo like a bad song."

Silence descended again, heavier this time, pregnant with unspoken accusations and lingering loyalty.

"Ray, I need you," Liu Ming pleaded, the words tumbling out like a dam bursting. He poured out the tale of the jade pendant, the cryptic vision, the simmering rage that threatened to consume him. He spoke of the whispers of power, the seductive promise of a new path.

Ray listened, his silence punctuated by the occasional grunt or sigh. When Liu Ming finished, the air hung thick with the weight of his confession.

"I don't know what to believe, Liu Ming," Ray finally rasped. "The world's painted you a monster, and this... jade pendant, visions... it sounds like something out of a fairy tale."

"But Ray," Liu Ming countered, desperation sharpening his voice, "have you seen the news? The articles, the photoshopped pictures? They've already convicted me without a trial. Can you really blame me for seeking a different story, a different melody?"

A long pause stretched between them, the silence a chasm that threatened to swallow their connection whole. Then, a faint sigh, a flicker of the Ray Liu Ming knew.

"Alright, Liu Ming," Ray said, his voice low but resolute. "I won't pretend I understand. But you're my client, my friend. And if this is what you need to hold onto, then I'm here. Not as your manager, not as your friend, but as someone who remembers the boy with the voice of an angel and the spirit of a warrior."

The words were simple, yet they washed over Liu Ming like a cleansing wave. A single tear traced a path down his cheek, a testament to the relief that flooded his parched soul.

"Thank you, Ray," he whispered, his voice thick with gratitude. "I won't let you down."

"Don't worry about me," Ray chuckled, a dry, brittle sound. "I've dealt with worse than a fallen idol with a talking pendant. Just... promise me you'll be careful. This world, it's a game, Liu Ming, but the stakes are anything but."

"I will, Ray," Liu Ming vowed, the fire of determination rekindling in his eyes. "This isn't just about me anymore. This is about uncovering the truth, about silencing the lies. And I won't stop until every last note of my story is sung."

The call ended, leaving Liu Ming with a fragile hope clinging to the tattered edges of his reality. He wasn't alone. He had a witness, a believer in the melody that still pulsed within him. The jade pendant felt warm in his palm, a beacon guiding him through the labyrinthine paths of his new reality.