
Friendly Neighborhood Youtuber Spider-man

Mc reincarnates into Peter parker from the MCU before iron man 1 and decides to be the best spiderman there ever will be, but the path he chose led him to be an internet celebrity. This is my 3rd first fic so please be gentle The first 6-8 chapters might be awful but i promise it gets better. You can read 5 chapters ahead for $3 on my P@TREN/kambrofam and 12 chapters ahead for $8

KamBroFam123ERT · Movies
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94 Chs

Something ain't right

-Spiderman POV-

I swing back to Billie's and I'm hang-out spot and kiss her as soon as I land in front of her "Someone's in a hurry" she whispers and I nod as I tell her "I needed that" She looks at me pityingly as she says "Long day huh" I nod into her neck as I continue kissing her but she pushes me back as she says "Not now" I stand back as I ask her "Why?" She hugs me back seeing the hurt look on my face "We aren't kissing away our problems" I nod as I ask her "Them what can I do" She holds my face in her hands and kisses my forehead as she says "We are going to talk"

I nod and we sit at the edge of the building I lean back to relax on her lap. She combs through my hair as I close my eyes to avoid giving away any emotion I don't want to show. She asks me in a low whisper "What happened?" And I let the dam burst as I told her everything "I was walking with Ned when the whole Electro thing happened, I dealt with him pretty easily but..." I couldn't find the voice to continue so she guided me "But you weren't able to save everyone" I nodded and took a deep breath as I told her "I was too late."

She hits my head as she whispers "How can you be late to a tragedy?" I wanted to reply but no words came out as I was once again reminded of my own words. I had used those very same words to soothe Ned's worries but I failed to see the reason myself. I cursed myself as I told Billie "OK" She got back to rubbing through my hair as she asked me "So what happened after" I thought about it for a while as I told her "I met Tony again and he asked me to help with a monster situation" she frowned as she asks me "Are you hurt?" I lie immediately "No"

But she seems to know when I lie as she remarks "Stop lying" I wince and tell her "A few of the monster hits hurt but nothing much just bruises" She nods and asks me "Are you sure they were small hits? because you seem pretty pinched about it" she emphasized her point by pinching my shoulder making me wince.

I sigh as she rubs the spot to alleviate my pain "Hey Billie" "What?" "Sing for me" "I am not a parrot" "and I didn't say repeat after me" "We don't have music?" I sighed as Billie refused to sing for me but I let it be because as long as she caresses my hair like that I'll be content with my life.

Suddenly, a haunting music starts to play, the symphony fills me with dread at what is about to happen and that is when Billie sings.

"Early this morning

When you knocked upon my door

Early this morning

When you knocked upon my door"

I looked up only to find that Billie wasn't singing and that it was her phone playing the music, is this the song she wrote by herself?

"And I said hello Satan, ah

I believe it is time to go"

I ponder on those words which felt like a callout to my actions, I met her and ran by her side when she was in trouble and became her Man. I made her life worse than it was if I think about Kingpin and his kidnapping.

"Me and the devil walkin' side by side

Me and the devil walking side by side

And I'm gonna see my man

Until I am satisfied"

I am the devil she has to walk with, I am the devil she decided was her man.

"See, see, you don't see why

And you would dog me 'round

See, don't see why

People dog me around"

Am I dogging her around, I don't think so then why Is she singing that?

"It must be that old evil spirit

So deep down in your ground"

And with that, I knew who she was singing about, the anger burned within me calling me to take action. To rip her away from that godforsaken home but I knew she would deny and say that they were good enough people and good enough isn't enough for those fucking cultists to do as they please

"You may bury my body

Down by the highway side

You may bury my body

Down by the highway side"

What did she mean by down by the highway side, that is the one part of the song I couldn't understand what it meant.

"So my old evil spirit

Can Greyhound bus that ride

So my old evil spirit

Can Greyhound bus that ride"

As the song finished I only had one question "Was that song about me?" But she was confused "What no?" Soothed my worry about her thinking that I am the reason for the bad that is happening in her life "It was about my---guardians" The pause in her words told me all I wanted to know.

I asked her hotly "Do you want to leave that house?" She looks hesitant so I ask her in disbelief "What's there to think about?" She shakes her head as she says "They were the only people who cared, at least a little. Aside from their certain.." she searches for the right word before continuing "..proclivities they are normal people" I scoff in disbelief and mutter incredulously "Fucking Satanists are normal people now" but she seems to have heard me as she shouts "DONT INVOKE HIS NAME".

I immediately sat up and looked at her, her voice when she spoke was shrill and high pitched like the Voice from the Dune movies, there was no other change in her face and she seemed normal too, I looked at her once again and she doesn't seem to notice or doesn't seem to care about the change in her voice.

Is her throat soar or did it crack because she yelled suddenly, after a few moments pass in which she continues to glare at me for daring to Invoke the name of Satan I ask her "What happened to your voice?" She seems surprised before she says "I had to practice a lot to record that song, my throat hurts" I nod and tell her with a smile on my face "Then let's get you some tea at that small cafe that is open 24/7, by the way, did I tell you about the Monster I fought, apparently it was a British soldier who turned evil" Billie remarks "Aren't all British evil" I nod and say "Of course they are but this one was double evil"

I dropped Billie back home before I went back home and took off my costume V who had just finished streaming Dark Souls asked me "Rough day I heard" I lean back on the sofa as I tell her "Rougher than you think" She leans back on a pillow and asks me "Tell me then" I nod and tell her about how my day went and how Ned knew of our secret but as I was in the middle of telling her about Abominations hand was cut off she dozed off and I shook my head before lifting her and placing her on her bed.

I kissed her brow and pulled the blanket up but before I could turn off the light she told me "Good night" With half-closed eyes I nodded and just as I was about to leave I called out "Hey, V" She gave me a low "hmmm" and I ask her hesitantly "When did Billie record her song?" V is quick to answer "2-3 weeks ago why?" I shook my head as a dark look crossed my eyes "Nothing V, Good night"