
Friendly Neighborhood Youtuber Spider-man

Mc reincarnates into Peter parker from the MCU before iron man 1 and decides to be the best spiderman there ever will be, but the path he chose led him to be an internet celebrity. This is my 3rd first fic so please be gentle The first 6-8 chapters might be awful but i promise it gets better. You can read 5 chapters ahead for $3 on my P@TREN/kambrofam and 12 chapters ahead for $8

KamBroFam123ERT · Movies
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94 Chs

Wesley was cooking but that shit got burned

-News Reports-

"Not three days have passed since the arrests of every criminal they could find in this city and we already have a bigger problem but this time it isn't something that can be dealt with by normal police, we have with us former Officer John Abraham who is going to tell us what this situation entails" Abraham wiped his glasses as he said "Well, Mrs. Davis what this entails is that the city is safe"

Mrs. Davis looked surprised as she argued "Safe? 28 dead and 37 Injured in a day across two different incidents and you call it safe" But Abrahams isn't people change his tune when faced with an adversary "If you look at the damage done to the city, they were akin to terrorist attacks but the difference is that these individuals with unimaginable power don't have any motive." He paused to emphasize the point before continuing "They are rabid creatures that can't be defeated with the firepower our Police force has but we have something that no other megacity in this world has.."

Mrs. Davis asked him with barely contained curiosity "What do we have?" Abraham smiles as he says "An opportunity and a weapon. The opportunity we all know, it's the calm of the city, no gunshots, no drugs, and more people with withdrawal but we can't have it all can we? It is an opportunity to make our city the safest in the world..." Mrs. Davis interrupts her curiosity, not willing to turn a blind eye to what happened "But the opportunity is lost when we have people with superpowers roaming around"

Abraham just smiles as he says "And that is where the weapon comes in. We have Spiderman don't we" Mrs. Davis raised an eyebrow as she said "And where was Spiderman today" Abraham looked at her in confusion "He was at both the incidents and saved a lot of people" Mrs. Davis smiled as she asked him "What if both of them happened at the same time" that question made Abraham pause as he was about to make that point next "Then the death toll we had would increase"

Mrs. Davis smirks as she says "Then the weapon you suggested is null and void right Mr. Abraham" Abraham smiles along with her as he says "What the media and the people didn't notice is that there are more Vigilantes than we thought. A black man with skin as tough as steel, a red devil fighting against the gangs of hells kitchen, a cat-themed Robin hood, the world has been filled with remarkable individuals for a while now it's just a matter of fear of public perception that has hidden them from our eyes. With Spiderman being the face of the Vigilante scene we can expect more people with unimaginable power to choose the superhero route as long as the government doesn't get too involved in the matter"

Mrs. Davis looked outraged as she asked "Are you suggesting vigilantism on national TV?" Abraham spreads his arms as he says "I suggest we make a new policing force to deal with threats that can't be solved with gunfire alone" Mrs. Davis sensing that she is on the backfoot throws words into Abraham's mouth "Are you saying New York police are trigger happy?" Abraham tried to defend himself against this weird turnabout "I said no such thing ..." But his words fall on the dead years of media as Mrs. Davis continues throwing around baseless accusations against Mr. Abraham.

A man watching the whole thing on an old TV while leaning back on his Beat up office chair remarked "They sure do know how to twist their words, just like us huh Matt" Matt just remarks "We don't Twist words, we find the deeper meaning behind their words foggy" but foggy shakes his head as he says "No, we ask them specific questions to make them say something that would seem incriminating but isn't and tell the judge why it is incriminating to make them spill more of their guts out" Matt wanted to deny but couldn't argue against that and nods his head.

Matt left that thought behind him as he pondered about the words of Abraham, a world where vigilantes are allowed to help rather than being shot at for wanting to save the woman being dragged into the alley, and the idea that vigilantes can help the police has come to light because of Spiderman. When he came to me asking me to teach him to fight I thought he was just trying to prove that he was better than me or something.

But his punches were weak, he was untrained, and he would have been a bad student all in all but every once in a while like a corpse reanimating itself, he dodges a punch or a kick that he couldn't see like he was warned that it was coming or something. I trained him hard enough to make sure he never relied too much on it again. He didn't grow any muscle but he grew stronger somehow. He said it had something to do with his powers and cancer. He said he wouldn't die but I worried all the same.

At the end of his training, he took off his mask and showed me his face before his training, I would have told him to not even think of going back to this whole vigilantism thing but his perseverance in the training and what he achieved in the few weeks he trained with me made me hold my tongue.

Really, a giant robot with a reactor in its chest exploded in your face and gave you cancer. No one would have believed it you know. Even I didn't but the bruises and the cast his hand was in as he tried to fight me said it all. He was in pain and he wanted to come out of the training stronger than before.

And then he went off and killed Wilson Fisk, why did he have to do it, he could have put him in jail from the amount of evidence he had and Wilson Fisk lost most of his power that night too so why did Peter kill Fisk is what was on Matts mind right now and as he looked at Foggy and pondered about telling him about his little daredevil stunts just to have another brain to bounce ideas off of Matt realized.

Kingpin found out about his secret identity.

-POV George Stacy-

"The crimes my Client has been charged with are solved Mr. Stacy, the real culprits have already admitted to committing them have they not?" My veins were popping at Wesley's tricks but I couldn't shoot the man in front of the whole court could I?, so I replied to him "New evidence suggests that he was, in fact, present on the crime scene for 3 counts of murder and 2 counts of sexual conduct..." But I was cut off as Wesley asked me "What about evidence for the other 12 counts of murder and 2 counts of aggravated assault?" I bite the inside of my cheek as I tell him "..we unfortunately couldn't find the evidence for them but we will give enough time"

Wesley turns away from me as he says "Point to be noted your honor" The judge nods and it is recorded in the hearing. Wesley walks back and finally, Matt Murdoch walks forward with the help of his stick I was relieved to finally answer a few digestible questions but his first question kind of makes me regret hiring him "What was the death toll from the gang's side on that day?" I sweat a little as I wonder if this blind son of a bitch has been brought off by those damn politicians.

I answer slowly "71 injured and 16 dead" he nods as he asks "Civilian casualties?" That settles it he was definitely brought off "11 injured, 5 from gunshots and 6 in a car pile-up while chasing J.B Oman" He nods before turning to the judge I have already prepared myself to give in my badge but a glance at Wesley showed me a different story as he seemed nervous and Matts next words confirmed that he was on our side after all.

"The last large-scale gang war happened in 1987 when two lower East side gangs went from fist fights to shootouts, 19 civilians dead and 23 injured before the police stopped those jackasses and that too with heavy casualties from the police force. So, when a similar gang war was on the horizon my client, the commissioner of the police force Mr. George Stacy has decided on preemptive action the government allows for the arrest of suspicious individuals in case of riots..."

Wesley seems to not agree as he yells out "Hearsay, hearsay to all of that. The reason for their detainment was clearly provided, I object to this line of..." The judge slams his hammer down as he says "ORDER, ORDER, Objection granted. The last few lines to be struck off from the testimony" I sighed as It seemed we lost the lead once again.

-POV James Wesley-

How much power did those goddamn cops give this Blind Lawyer, they are essentially giving back all the pawns they have killed till now to their opponent all in the hopes of making the king be stuck in his own place, a dirty fucking checkmate is what it is.

The fucking former Mayor shakes me out of my stupor as he angrily growled "You just spent the entire morning to prove that he didn't actually file the cases properly, now why the fuck are you saying they are right" I sneered at the idiot as I told him "You idiot what he means when he says they arrested all those people to prevent a riot is that they were all just detained for a day and they don't need much evidence to prosecute these buggers because they caught half of those fuckers with their pants down while the other half never bothered to wear pants anyway"

I breathe out slowly as I look at the dangerous lawyer "They were sacrificing the chance to put thousands of criminals in Jail for 20 years. If I had not accepted that those case files were true, all those two-bit gangsters would have been out on those streets within 6 months" the mayor asks me in confusion "Isn't that a good thing?" I smirk as I tell him "But you'll get a life sentence since they'll get more time to gather evidence" The former Mayor nods dazedly as he says "Do whatever you can, just get me out of this whole thing?" Wesley smiles as he says "As you wish"