
Friendless World: The Pure Hearted Soul

[DISCLAIMER: None of the events and actions in this novel relates to the ACTUAL history] "Karina," Kosha urgently spoke to his beloved wife amid the chaos of the enemy attack, "save our daughter and don't come behind us. It's for your safety. Love you, dear." These words echoed in the air as Karina grappled with the conflicting emotions of love and concern for her husband's safety. In that critical moment, Karina's primary instinct was to aid her husband against their assailants. With determination, she swiftly stepped out of the royal buggy, clutching her sword tightly. "This ancient forest will abode the victory or defeat of Moonlight Kingdom" she said being determined. Her daughter remained in the safety of the vehicle. As Karina emerged, a tense atmosphere enveloped her, and she immediately sensed the presence of five figures behind her. Turning, she discovered her friends—Elina, Ana, Ogara, Elor, and Osam—each armed and rushing towards the impending battleground. However, a disconcerting realization hit Karina when she noticed that Elina and Ogara had brought their children along. Concern etched on her face, she questioned them, "Why did both of you bring your kids here?" Ogara responded, "We couldn't leave them alone. The condition is worst in the kingdom" Ana quickly approached, offering a reassuring solution, "I'll take care of all three of them!" United in their resolve for the Moonlight Kingdom, Karina, Elina, Ogara, Elor, and Osam exchanged determined glances. In unison, they declared, "For our beloved Moonlight Kingdom, we'll never bend in front of them!" The scene was set for a fierce battle, a testament to their unwavering commitment to defend their kingdom and loved ones. ----- "Kiana, everyone relies on you," Lady Irha stated, her eyes filled with hope as she looked at me. Simultaneously, I felt a surge of anger upon discovering the truth. My only desire at that moment was to execute swift justice, revealing to the world the consequence of heartlessness. Lady Irha addressed us, expressing her expectation, "Hope so, you all wouldn't disappoint us. My role is completed, and now it's Master Ziyaad's turn. I'll bid you farewell," she said before disappearing, leaving all of us with a clear understanding of our next steps. ATTENTION: Readers tighten your seat belts, it's going to be a WILD ride *smirks*

duo_sisters · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Navigating the Unknown Trial

As I slowly opened my eyes, I found myself surrounded by the dense embrace of a forest. The initial moments were shrouded in darkness, causing a sense of disorientation to envelop me. Taking a moment to collect myself, I rose to my feet, my senses attuned to the unfamiliar surroundings.

With each passing second, I scanned the environment, hoping to discern any clues about my predicament. The shadows played tricks on my perception, adding an element of mystery to the wooded landscape. As I stood there, a subtle tension lingered in the air, a mixture of curiosity and trepidation.

Driven by the need to find shelter for the night, I embarked on a cautious exploration, navigating through the underbrush. It wasn't long before a faint glow beckoned from beyond a thicket of bushes. My intrigue heightened, I carefully maneuvered towards the source of illumination, guided solely by the soft radiance.

Upon emerging from the foliage, I discovered a modest hut nestled in the heart of the forest. Each creak of the wooden floor beneath my feet echoed with uncertainty. Time seemed to stretch as I approached the dwelling, my heartbeat synchronizing with the rhythm of my steps.

The revelation of a light source within the hut was met with a mixture of relief and curiosity. Tentatively, I entered the humble abode, greeted by an eclectic collection of peculiar artifacts. Animal skulls and potions adorned the interior, creating an eerie tableau that would have unnerved many.

Despite the unsettling nature of the scene, an unusual calmness washed over me. I surveyed the room, taking in the bizarre assortment with a measured detachment. The initial shock gave way to a contemplative gaze, as I grappled with the surreal nature of my surroundings. Questions lingered, but a subtle courage emerged, tempering any fear that might have taken root.

In the stillness of the hut, I mustered the courage to inquire if anyone else occupied this peculiar dwelling. The air hung heavy with anticipation as my voice broke the silence, resonating within the wooden confines. The moments unfolded with a strange blend of curiosity and acceptance, as the mysteries of the forest and its enigmatic inhabitants began to unravel before me.

In an instant, the hush of the room was shattered by the creaking of a door swinging open. My senses jolted as I heard the unexpected intrusion, and with a start, I turned to witness the entrance of an unexpected visitor – a witch. A genuine, bona fide witch standing before me. The very notion sent a shiver down my spine, as I grappled with the surreal encounter.

The seconds ticked by, each one laden with a mix of shock and disbelief. My eyes remained fixed on the witch who had materialized into my reality. She began to approach, each step sending ripples of unease through the air. I stood frozen, caught in the paradoxical blend of fascination and fear, watching her every movement as if under a spell.

A few steps into her approach, the witch abruptly halted, her gaze fixed on me with an intensity that raised more questions than answers. A perplexed expression crossed her face as she uttered words that hung in the air like an enchantment: "How can this be possible?"

A strange dance ensued as she retraced her steps backward, her movements imbued with an otherworldly grace. I remained rooted in place, an observer to the enigmatic unfolding before me. The room pulsated with an eerie energy as the witch's words lingered, leaving me suspended in a moment that defied all rationality.

Suddenly, a new dimension of the inexplicable enveloped me. I felt an unseen force wrap around me, like an invisible web closing in. Panic set in as the realization dawned – I was enclosed within a cage, a confining lattice that seemed to materialize out of thin air. Desperation surged as I struggled against the ethereal confines, every attempt to break free met with resistance.

Each passing second became a battleground, a struggle against the intangible prison that held me captive. The air crackled with tension as my efforts intensified, yet the spectral cage seemed impervious to my resolve. Emotions swirled – frustration, fear, and a deep-seated urgency to escape this surreal ordeal.

In the strange dance between reality and the supernatural, I found myself entangled in a web of bewilderment and confinement. The room echoed with the echoes of my futile attempts, a symphony of resistance against an unyielding enchantment.

As my eyes locked onto the approaching figure, I discerned the unmistakable silhouette of the witch drawing near. A sense of trepidation intertwined with curiosity as she closed the distance, and soon her inquiry pierced the air, "Are you Kelly?" The unexpected familiarity with my name startled me, prompting a guarded response, "How do you know my name?"

Her response unfolded with an air of mystery, "Ham-Del will be happy to see you." The mention of this enigmatic character, Ham-Del, injected a new layer of intrigue into the unfolding conversation. Uncertainty lingered as I sought to unravel the threads connecting me to this peculiar moment.

Inquisitiveness compelled me to press further, "Who is Ham-Del?" Her reply carried an unsettling weight, "Oh! It's good that you don't know about your past." The words hung in the air, casting a shadow of uncertainty over the very foundation of my identity. Each passing second seemed to magnify the mystique of the situation, as I grappled with the revelation that there was a part of my history veiled in secrecy.

The seconds ticked away as I contemplated the implications of her cryptic words. A mix of emotions swirled within – curiosity battling against a burgeoning sense of unease. The very essence of my being felt tethered to an unknown narrative, and the mere mention of Ham-Del hinted at a connection that remained elusive.

As I stood there, enveloped in the unfolding enigma, the weight of the unanswered questions bore down on me. The witch's presence became a conduit to a world I had yet to fully comprehend. Every word exchanged added another layer to the intricate tapestry of my existence, leaving me suspended in a moment where the past and present collided.

In the hushed atmosphere, the revelation of my forgotten past lingered like a spectral presence. The realization that there were chapters of my life hidden in the shadows heightened the tension. With each heartbeat, I grappled not only with the witch's enigmatic statements but also with the profound implications they carried for the person I believed myself to be. The seconds stretched, as if time itself had become entangled in the unraveling mystery of Kelly and the elusive figure known as Ham-Del.

As her words hung in the air, a veil of perplexity descended upon me, leaving my mind entangled in a web of uncertainty. The echoes of her statement reverberated through my thoughts, each word a mysterious thread that wove itself into the fabric of my consciousness. The mention of 'Ham-Del' and 'Fe-Del,' both names concluding with 'Del,' became the focal point of my contemplation.

In the ensuing moments, my mind buzzed with a flurry of questions, attempting to decipher the significance of these names. The seconds ticked by, each one a microcosm of contemplation and conjecture. I found myself immersed in a mental labyrinth, navigating the twists and turns of the enigma she had presented.

As I grappled with the puzzle, a realization slowly dawned upon me – the witch had departed, leaving me alone with the lingering mysteries. The transition from her presence to her absence was subtle, and it was only when the silence settled in that I became aware of my solitude.

A cascade of emotions followed. Confusion, tinged with a hint of frustration, lingered as I replayed her words in my mind. The room, once filled with the weight of her revelations, now echoed with the emptiness of unanswered questions. The 'Del' suffix reverberated like a distant echo, a key that could unlock the door to a concealed truth.

In the wake of her departure, I stood amidst the remnants of the conversation, attempting to piece together the fragments of information she had bestowed upon me. The name 'Ham-Del' lingered like a specter, an enigmatic presence that demanded exploration. Every passing second felt like a whisper, urging me to unravel the mysteries concealed within the labyrinth of my own thoughts.

I found myself once again engaged in a desperate struggle to break free from the confinements of the cage. Each passing second seemed to stretch infinitely as I exerted all my strength in an attempt to escape. Amidst the struggle, an unforeseen misfortune befell me as I inadvertently collided with a sharp nail, causing a searing pain to shoot through my body.

As the seconds ticked by, I became acutely aware of the throbbing sensation emanating from a sizable scratch on my arm, a consequence of the collision with the unforgiving nail. A slow trickle of blood commenced its descent, marking the passage of time with each drop that escaped my wounded limb.

My gaze shifted towards the outside world, revealing a surreal tableau unfolding before me. The ominous figure of the witch approached with determined strides, cradling a peculiar bowl in her hands. The intensity of her pursuit mirrored the urgency of my predicament.

In a surreal moment, she carefully positioned the bowl adjacent to my foot, her gaze fixed upon it with an unsettling hunger. The subtle anticipation on her face was further accentuated by the rhythmic motion of her tongue licking her lower lip, as though savoring the prospect of a long-awaited feast.

With an almost unnatural swiftness, a drop of blood descended into the bowl, creating a ripple effect that seemed to echo the pulsating rhythm of my racing heart. The witch seized the vessel promptly, her demeanor transforming as she eagerly indulged in the crimson elixir within.

Upon sating her inexplicable thirst, she fixed her gaze upon me with an unsettling intensity. Uttering words that resonated with an otherworldly gravity, she remarked, "Your blood possesses a peculiar flavor, distinct from others, as if it is waging an internal battle within me. The enigma of why Ham-Del desires you remains beyond my comprehension."

In the hazy borderland between wakefulness and dreams, I became aware of the aftermath of my outburst. The disarray in the hut served as a testament to the raw power that had surged through me. Fragments of shattered objects lay scattered, mirroring the fragments of resolve that had shattered within the witch's dominion.

Slowly regaining consciousness, I found myself sprawled on the floor, the cool touch of the uneven surface beneath me providing a stark contrast to the fiery emotions that had recently coursed through my veins. The air was tinged with an unsettling stillness, a palpable residue of the supernatural disturbance that had unfolded moments ago.

As my senses reoriented, I discerned the witch, still recovering from the shock of my unexpected defiance. Her eyes, once filled with arrogant assurance, now held a glimmer of uncertainty. It was a fleeting moment of vulnerability, and I seized upon it.

With a newfound determination, I rose from the debris-laden floor, fixing my gaze on the witch who, despite her earlier amusement, now faced the repercussions of underestimating the potency of a fervent plea for justice. The memory of the wolf's eyes, pleading for salvation, fueled my resolve.

Summoning the remnants of my strength, I addressed the witch with an unwavering tone, "Release me from this captivity, and I shall leave your dwelling. Allow compassion to guide your actions."

The witch, shaken but not defeated, contemplated my words. The atmosphere crackled with an unspoken tension, hanging in the balance between compliance and continued defiance. It was a critical juncture, a crossroads where the outcome remained uncertain.

Suddenly, with an enigmatic smile, the witch yielded. The invisible shackles that bound me loosened, and I felt a newfound freedom coursing through my veins. As I stepped out of the dilapidated hut, the world outside unfolded before me, bathed in an eerie glow that hinted at the mystique of the supernatural forces that still lingered.

The wolf, having eluded the clutches of impending doom, was nowhere to be seen. In its absence, a sense of bittersweet triumph settled within me. The encounter with the witch had been an ordeal, but it had also unearthed an untapped reservoir of strength within, a strength fueled by a righteous cause.

Leaving the enchanted abode behind, I ventured into the unknown, carrying the echoes of my defiance and the memory of the pleading wolf's eyes—a testament to the indomitable power of compassion against the forces that sought to imprison both body and spirit.

As I basked in the liberating aroma of freedom, a sudden disturbance shattered my tranquility – a shout from the witch behind me. "Not me, but he'll surely catch you up," she warned. My mind raced with the possibility that "he" might be a harbinger of trouble, perhaps associated with Ham-Del. Casting a glance back, I observed the witch dissipating into thin air like ashes, a phenomenon beyond the realms of natural understanding.

Then, from the confines of a nearby hut, a radiant glow emanated. My intuition immediately recognized it as ChuChu, as the light mirrored the one that accompanied her in her previous appearances. A delightful sight unfolded as a charming figure emerged from the hut – none other than ChuChu herself. Her demeanor radiated joy and happiness as she approached me swiftly, enveloping me in a warm embrace. "You've done great, Kelly," she commended. Grateful, I reciprocated with a smile, only for it to fade abruptly as her expression shifted.

Anxiety replaced her earlier elation, and she exclaimed, "Oh no no no! This can't be real. OH NO! This wasn't intended to happen." Confused and concerned, I inquired, "What's happening?" Alas, my question hung unanswered in the air as ChuChu vanished before my eyes. A sense of finality enveloped me, leaving an indelible impression that our paths would never cross again.

Hey sweet readers! Take notice:

Mon-Fri : 1 chapter at 07:00 p.m.

Saturday: 2 chapters at 07:00 p.m.

Sunday: Bonus chapter at 07:00 p.m.

Stay tuned! Love you all

That's your QuraxNoor_Mazhar

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