
Friendless World: The Pure Hearted Soul

[DISCLAIMER: None of the events and actions in this novel relates to the ACTUAL history] "Karina," Kosha urgently spoke to his beloved wife amid the chaos of the enemy attack, "save our daughter and don't come behind us. It's for your safety. Love you, dear." These words echoed in the air as Karina grappled with the conflicting emotions of love and concern for her husband's safety. In that critical moment, Karina's primary instinct was to aid her husband against their assailants. With determination, she swiftly stepped out of the royal buggy, clutching her sword tightly. "This ancient forest will abode the victory or defeat of Moonlight Kingdom" she said being determined. Her daughter remained in the safety of the vehicle. As Karina emerged, a tense atmosphere enveloped her, and she immediately sensed the presence of five figures behind her. Turning, she discovered her friends—Elina, Ana, Ogara, Elor, and Osam—each armed and rushing towards the impending battleground. However, a disconcerting realization hit Karina when she noticed that Elina and Ogara had brought their children along. Concern etched on her face, she questioned them, "Why did both of you bring your kids here?" Ogara responded, "We couldn't leave them alone. The condition is worst in the kingdom" Ana quickly approached, offering a reassuring solution, "I'll take care of all three of them!" United in their resolve for the Moonlight Kingdom, Karina, Elina, Ogara, Elor, and Osam exchanged determined glances. In unison, they declared, "For our beloved Moonlight Kingdom, we'll never bend in front of them!" The scene was set for a fierce battle, a testament to their unwavering commitment to defend their kingdom and loved ones. ----- "Kiana, everyone relies on you," Lady Irha stated, her eyes filled with hope as she looked at me. Simultaneously, I felt a surge of anger upon discovering the truth. My only desire at that moment was to execute swift justice, revealing to the world the consequence of heartlessness. Lady Irha addressed us, expressing her expectation, "Hope so, you all wouldn't disappoint us. My role is completed, and now it's Master Ziyaad's turn. I'll bid you farewell," she said before disappearing, leaving all of us with a clear understanding of our next steps. ATTENTION: Readers tighten your seat belts, it's going to be a WILD ride *smirks*

duo_sisters · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Encounter with Fellows

The abrupt vanishing act of ChuChu plunged me into a state of profound shock. She, who had been my reliable guide throughout the journey, made no mention of her impending disappearance. Waves of perplexity engulfed me as I grappled with a multitude of unanswered questions. Why did the witch choose to vanish, and what unforeseen circumstance had prompted ChuChu to cryptically state that "it wasn't intended to happen"? My mind was a cacophony of uncertainty as I sought to unravel the mystery.

Lost in the labyrinth of my thoughts, I became gradually aware of faint sounds behind me, signaling the presence of two figures. Reacting with cautious precision, I assumed a defensive posture, a delicate retrieval of my boot knife mirroring my newfound wariness. The blade found its place in my hand, and with a swift yet deliberate movement, I positioned it at the throats of the figures behind me, a skill instilled by Aunt. "Who are you?" I inquired with a stern edge, but my demand was met with a wall of silence. Persistently, I repeated the question, each second drawn out in suspense, yet the figures remained mute.

Upon closer inspection, it became evident that the duo was still reeling from the shock induced by my sudden defensive action. Their gradual emergence from bewilderment coincided with the appearance of a charming pet, none other than my loyal BamBam. Two barks served as the canine's assurance that the figures posed no threat. I cautiously retracted the knife into my boot, and as the tension diffused, the identities of the figures came into focus—a girl and a boy.

As the minutes wove into hours, our interactions became a rich tapestry of introductions and revelations. Estella, the girl with an affable demeanor, extended a warm greeting, "Hey! I'm Estella, and he is Orhan. We found your puppy in the forest along with this bag. He guided us to a hut, but by the time we arrived, you were already free." Estella handed me the bag, and her curiosity prompted a follow-up query, "What's your name, and what happened to your forehead and lips?"

In response, I disclosed, "My name Kelly," each word lingering in the air, "and as for my forehead and lips, that's none of your business." The seconds stretched, capturing the essence of the unfolding encounter. The air seemed to hold its breath, anticipating the next revelations in the intricate dance of our shared narrative.

In a fleeting moment that played out like a scene in a story, the realization struck me that the three of us had somehow stumbled upon a destined encounter. It was as if the universe had orchestrated our meeting, setting the stage for a shared adventure where mutual assistance would be our guiding principle. The initial impression painted a picture of divergent paths converging into a common trajectory, a convergence that hinted at the prospect of a collective odyssey.

This awareness of newfound alignment sparked an electrifying sense of potential, an intangible energy that whispered promises of accomplishments beyond the boundaries of ordinary imagination. As I contemplated the synergy of our combined strengths, a profound sense of unity emerged, fostering the belief that together, we held the power to transcend the limitations of individual capabilities.

This realization unfolded like a slowly unraveling tapestry, each second pregnant with the weight of possibility. The threads of camaraderie and shared purpose wove intricately into the fabric of our intertwined destinies, forming a narrative that beckoned us toward unexplored territories. With every passing moment, the anticipation of our collective journey grew, revealing glimpses of the extraordinary awaiting our united touch, promising a future colored by the richness of collaborative effort.

In the wake of my decisive proclamation, a palpable sense of purpose propelled each step forward, as if the very air around us crackled with the anticipation of an impending encounter with the returning witch. The landscape unfolded like a tapestry of uncertainty, every stride an unwritten chapter in a narrative where the destination remained elusive.

Seconds turned to minutes, and the enigmatic veil over our journey persisted, casting an aura of mystery upon our collective odyssey. Each step bore the weight of unspoken questions, the uncharted path a canvas upon which our destinies hung in suspense.

The air was pregnant with an uneasy quietude, a symphony of thoughts echoing in the chambers of our minds. Orhan, unable to stifle his curiosity any longer, shattered the silence with a question that reverberated through the stillness, a query hanging in the air like a delicate wisp of smoke. "Where do our footsteps lead, and what purpose guides them?" he inquired. Estella, adopting a playful facade, unveiled our mission, a whimsical assertion that masked the somber undertones of our quest: "We tread the path to save the world." Laughter ensued, a fleeting respite concealing the shadows of uncertainty that danced upon the periphery of our consciousness. "Any lingering queries?" Estella jeste

The hands of the clock continued their measured march, an hour slipping away like sand through an hourglass, and still, we traversed the path, the destination shrouded in the veiled ambiguity of our purpose. Each moment, a heartbeat in the symphony of suspense, echoed in the recesses of our shared journey through the unknown.

Then, as if in defiance of the relentless march of time, an hour later, we found ourselves still amidst the labyrinth of our quest. It was then that Estella's stomach, betrayed by hunger, uttered a primal protest, a resonant growl that reverberated through the stillness. A flush of embarrassment painted her cheeks, and in response, a command issued forth: we paused. In that suspended moment, rations were summoned, and the act of dividing sustenance became a ritual, a shared communion amid the lingering shadows of doubt. I, a reluctant steward of this makeshift feast, divided it into two portions and extended them to Orhan and Estella.

Orhan, ever inquisitive, peered into my omission from the repast, his eyes a mirror reflecting the curiosity etched upon his countenance. "What sustenance sustains you?" he inquired. I responded with stoic assurance, "I can endure without the solace of sustenance." A bonfire was kindled, casting its warm glow upon our impromptu camp. In the flickering dance of flames, we found a temporary respite, a momentary pause in the relentless rhythm of our journey.

Yet, the symphony of our quest was not complete without its unexpected crescendo—an urgent cry, a voice pleading for assistance, pierced the stillness. The urgency in the appeal reverberated through the silence, compelling a shared instinct to action. Estella and Orhan, propelled by a curiosity interwoven with empathy, hastened towards the source of distress, and I, ensnared by the gravity of the moment, followed in their wake.

A scene unfolded before us—a foot ensnared in a trap, a desperate plea for liberation. As Estella and Orhan engaged in the delicate dance of releasing the captive foot, I stood witness to the emotions etched across their faces—determination, compassion, and a flicker of fear. The trap yielded, and there, amidst the relief, stood a familiar face, unveiled by the dissipating shadows of captivity—Fe-Del, a specter from our past, now liberated from the clutches of an unforeseen entanglement. The tapestry of our journey, woven with uncertainty, revealed yet another unexpected thread in the intricate narrative of our shared destiny.

Hey sweet readers! Take notice:

Mon-Fri : 1 chapter at 07:00 p.m.

Saturday: 2 chapters at 07:00 p.m.

Sunday: Bonus chapter at 07:00 p.m.

Stay tuned! Love you all

That's your QuraxNoor_Mazhar

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