
Friendless World: The Pure Hearted Soul

[DISCLAIMER: None of the events and actions in this novel relates to the ACTUAL history] "Karina," Kosha urgently spoke to his beloved wife amid the chaos of the enemy attack, "save our daughter and don't come behind us. It's for your safety. Love you, dear." These words echoed in the air as Karina grappled with the conflicting emotions of love and concern for her husband's safety. In that critical moment, Karina's primary instinct was to aid her husband against their assailants. With determination, she swiftly stepped out of the royal buggy, clutching her sword tightly. "This ancient forest will abode the victory or defeat of Moonlight Kingdom" she said being determined. Her daughter remained in the safety of the vehicle. As Karina emerged, a tense atmosphere enveloped her, and she immediately sensed the presence of five figures behind her. Turning, she discovered her friends—Elina, Ana, Ogara, Elor, and Osam—each armed and rushing towards the impending battleground. However, a disconcerting realization hit Karina when she noticed that Elina and Ogara had brought their children along. Concern etched on her face, she questioned them, "Why did both of you bring your kids here?" Ogara responded, "We couldn't leave them alone. The condition is worst in the kingdom" Ana quickly approached, offering a reassuring solution, "I'll take care of all three of them!" United in their resolve for the Moonlight Kingdom, Karina, Elina, Ogara, Elor, and Osam exchanged determined glances. In unison, they declared, "For our beloved Moonlight Kingdom, we'll never bend in front of them!" The scene was set for a fierce battle, a testament to their unwavering commitment to defend their kingdom and loved ones. ----- "Kiana, everyone relies on you," Lady Irha stated, her eyes filled with hope as she looked at me. Simultaneously, I felt a surge of anger upon discovering the truth. My only desire at that moment was to execute swift justice, revealing to the world the consequence of heartlessness. Lady Irha addressed us, expressing her expectation, "Hope so, you all wouldn't disappoint us. My role is completed, and now it's Master Ziyaad's turn. I'll bid you farewell," she said before disappearing, leaving all of us with a clear understanding of our next steps. ATTENTION: Readers tighten your seat belts, it's going to be a WILD ride *smirks*

duo_sisters · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Steps into the Unknown

I experienced the repetition of a familiar sound once again, a desperate cry, "Kelly, PLEASE help!" Turning swiftly, I found myself alone. However, the persistent plea emanated from an unexpected source—the voice seemed to be originating from my drawer. Intrigued, I cautiously approached, covering a mere three to four steps. Suddenly, an intense, radiant light spilled forth from the drawer, forcing me to shield my eyes from its brilliance.

As I stood there, eyes shut tight, a serene voice resonated, breaking through the luminosity with a greeting, "Assalam o Alikum." Slowly, I dared to open my eyes, revealing a breathtaking sight—a lovely girl stood before me, her rosy cheeks and charming demeanor evoking a sense of adorableness. The surreal nature of the encounter left me utterly astonished, absorbing each passing second.

Her melodious voice broke the silence once more, "Kelly, Assalam o Alikum." I, still grappling with disbelief, managed to reciprocate her greeting. Confused yet intrigued, I inquired, "Who are you? How did you enter my room? And how do you know my name?" With a warm smile, she responded, "Oh Kelly, it's quite apparent. You've been confiding in me for three years, sharing every woe and joy. I am..." Before she could reveal her identity, I interrupted with a startled realization, "ChuChu!" Her affirmative smile confirmed my accurate guess—she was none other than ChuChu, my diary.

The revelation left me dumbfounded. How could a diary transform into a real person? It was a truly unbelievable and surreal moment, each passing emotion etched in the unfolding seconds of this extraordinary encounter.

She spoke, "Kelly, I recognize that right now, you're utterly bewildered by what's unfolding. However, you must trust me; your life is far from ordinary. It's destined to be filled with unimaginable events, revealing sights you never dreamed of witnessing. Along this journey, you'll encounter complexities beyond your initial perceptions. You'll come face to face with your true self, marking this voyage as a transformative, life-altering experience."

In response, I expressed, "ChuChu, I can't believe it's really you!"

She gently replied, "Kelly, we can discuss that later. Just allow me to finish." I nodded, signaling for her to continue.

With a deliberate pace, she elaborated, "You will confront situations and events that defy the comprehension of an average person. They'll be supernatural, so brace yourself for the extraordinary becoming ordinary." There was a depth of emotion as she uttered, "Be aware about those whom you trust and love. This world is rife with traps and betrayals."

Inquisitively, I addressed her, "How did you transform into a human?"

With a tone of revelation, she replied, "When you truly acknowledged my existence, I was granted the chance to assume human form. Your acknowledgment shattered the curse imposed upon me. In reality, I am neither a diary nor a human."

Attentively, I absorbed her words, yet a confounding haze clouded my comprehension. I articulated, "I'm utterly perplexed by all of this."

Undeterred, she probed, "Kelly, did you even hear what I just conveyed?"

I affirmed, "Yes, I comprehended your words clearly. But why is it consistently me who must endure such hardships?"

She consoled, "Darling, understand that your fate had already been predetermined."

Curious, I questioned, "By whom?"

She began to respond, "Am-" but was abruptly cut off as a radiant brilliance enveloped her. Hastily, she added, "You'll soon learn the name, but for now, head towards the hill!" Bewildered, I inquired, "What's happening?"

She urged, "I can't elucidate now; just move towards the light cascading upon the hill. Whatever you discern in the light, grasp it. And be aware that we'll me-" Abruptly, she vanished, the luminous spark carried her away, leaving no trace. In haste, I rifled through my drawer only to discover ChuChu. To my astonishment, it too had vanished.

I took a moment to process the whirlwind of events that had just unfolded. Gradually, seconds ticking away, I began the task of packing my belongings. It may sound peculiar, but I found myself in possession of an array of weapons - a Karambit knife, Push Dagger, Boot knife, Tomahawk, Kusarigama, and a Fighting fan. Each selection carried its own weight of significance and potential use.

As I meticulously chose these tools, contemplating their role in my uncertain future, I couldn't help but feel a mix of apprehension and determination. The Karambit knife's curved blade spoke of precision, the Push Dagger exuded a sense of close-quarters readiness, and the Boot knife was discreet yet lethal. The Tomahawk, Kusarigama, and Fighting fan added layers to this unusual arsenal.

Moving to the kitchen, I retrieved two bowls and packed some sustenance, preparing for the journey ahead. Returning to my room, second after second, I strategically arranged my chosen items in a durable and padded tactical backpack, carefully placing each one in its designated compartment, except for the Boot knife, which found its place snugly within my boot.

I selected a change of clothes, methodically adjusting them to fit within the confines of my backpack. In a moment of contemplation, I considered plucking a small flower from my hydrangea, a symbol of the life I was leaving behind, but hesitated, not wanting to inflict harm upon the innocent plant.

Before ChuChu had disclosed the impending circumstances, my decision to leave had already been made. Uncertainty lingered about my destination initially, but now, every passing second solidified my resolve. I had become resolute – I would not linger here for another moment.

With a sense of finality, I penned a letter and placed it delicately on the nightstand beside Aunt Zoey's bed. Silently, I retreated to my room and secured the door, aware that Aunt Zoey possessed an uncanny ability to sense her surroundings, even in her slumber. Approaching the window, time seemed to stretch as I grappled with the challenge of escaping. After a struggle that felt like an eternity, I succeeded. I chose the window exit, understanding that Aunt Zoey's instincts could discern disturbances, even during her restful moments.

For the final time, I gazed at my charming house, a flood of emotions enveloping me as I prepared to depart. Each second lingered, carrying the weight of memories and the uncertainty of the journey ahead. With a heavy heart, I turned away, making my way towards the illuminated beacon atop the distant hill. The path stretched endlessly as I trod forward, the distance from my home becoming increasingly uncertain.

During my solitary trek, I encountered a lady traversing the same route. Intrigued by the bright light on the hills, I approached her with a sense of curiosity. "Ma'am, can you tell me about that radiant light?" I inquired, gesturing towards the distant hills. To my surprise, she turned back, her response perplexing me as she declared, "Are you blind? There's nothing there."

Her denial left me bewildered, struggling to comprehend how she could not perceive the radiant glow that beckoned from afar. Undeterred, I sought the opinions of others along my path, posing the same question. However, their collective response echoed the lady's denial – there was no light on the hills.

Despite their assertions, confusion persisted within me. I couldn't fathom why they remained oblivious to the brilliance that captivated my attention. Lost in contemplation, I directed my gaze back towards the enigmatic light. It was then that a couple approached, their voices cutting through the silence: "Come quickly. We are waiting for you."

Abruptly, the scene took a dark turn. The man collapsed to the ground, as though struck by an invisible force, and the woman crumpled beside him, as if her throat had been ruthlessly slit. Shock and horror gripped me as I witnessed the sudden and violent demise of the seemingly inviting couple. And after that tragic event their bodies vanished!

Processing the harrowing events, my attention was drawn to another figure: a lady with an intense glare fixated upon me. I reciprocated the gaze, my unease growing as her face remained concealed, only her eyes and forehead visible. Her demeanor resembled that of a serial killer, adding an eerie layer to the unfolding mystery. Each passing second seemed to drag on as I grappled with the unsettling reality that confronted me.

With her sprinting towards me, a surge of fear gripped my senses, prompting me to instinctively shut my eyes, anticipating a perilous threat. Slowly, I summoned the courage to open my eyes, only to discover her standing directly in front of me, poised to strike with a menacing intention. However, before her impending attack, an inexplicable phenomenon unfolded – she began to fade away, gradually dissipating into nothingness.

In a spine-chilling tone, she declared, "NOW IT'S YOUR TURN TO DIE," leaving an eerie echo resonating in the void she left behind. The sudden disappearance left me trembling with fear. Abruptly, an array of unsettling voices reverberated around me, uttering desperate pleas like "SAVE US," "FRIENDS UNTIL DEATH," and a haunting "BEHIND YOU." Disturbed, I urgently covered my ears to silence these disturbing cries, a successful endeavor that brought a momentary relief.

Overwhelmed by fear, I consciously worked to compose myself, embarking on a journey to escape the unsettling encounter. In a serendipitous moment, my attention shifted to a distressed puppy, its paw trapped beneath a formidable rock. I exerted effort to free the canine, extending a helping hand. As gratitude, the puppy nibbled on the offered sustenance, a sight that briefly alleviated my apprehension.

Finding a semblance of joy in this small act of kindness, I continued my journey towards a distant light. As I approached the presumed destination, a few paces away from where I had encountered the puppy, a glance backward revealed an empty space. Perplexed, I sensed a presence near my feet, only to discover the faithful puppy following me. Observing a locket around its neck, marked with the symbol for "MALE," I concluded it was a male puppy, and the silent understanding between us confirmed its desire to accompany me. Dubbing him BamBam, I cradled him in my arms as we proceeded on our journey.

The luminous beacon ahead persisted, growing brighter with each step. Drawn closer, an echoing plea pierced the air: "HELP!" This time, an enigmatic occurrence transpired as a hand of tears emerged from the radiant light. Without hesitation, I grasped the outstretched hand, a decision that led to an abrupt loss of consciousness.

Hey sweet readers! Take notice:

Mon-Fri : 1 chapter at 07:00 p.m.

Saturday: 2 chapters at 07:00 p.m.

Sunday: Bonus chapter at 07:00 p.m.

Stay tuned! Love you all

That's your QuraxNoor_Mazhar

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