
Free Fall (Pyramid of Gold)

Author: Guiltythree
Completed · 2.4M Views
  • 62 Chs
  • 4.9
    120 ratings
  • NO.200+

What is Free Fall (Pyramid of Gold)

Read ‘Free Fall (Pyramid of Gold)’ Online for Free, written by the author Guiltythree, This book is a Sci-fi Novel, covering ACTION Fiction, ROMANCE Light Novel, DARK Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: Wraiths are genetically altered people who possess special abilities. However, ability doesn't always mean power: more o...


Wraiths are genetically altered people who possess special abilities. However, ability doesn't always mean power: more often than not, it just makes you a target. This is especially true for Matthew, who might just be one of the most powerful wraiths in the world - and therefore, has to hide his power and use cunning in order to survive. And then there is that girl who wants him to join her rock band...

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Shameless author here, writing a review for their own book. Please indulge me a little ;) I will leave this review here in case any of the readers have questions they want to ask me. If you do, leave them in the comments: I will be sure to answer them to the best of my ability. Just don't ask me when was the last time I've slept or what on Earth compelled me to become a writer, because honestly... I hardly remember! :) As to how I would rate this book - without a doubt, this is the best book I've ever written. ... Largely because it is the only book I've written! I truly hope you'll like it. Please enjoy Free Fall :)


The author has a big heart. Most books have great world building, great story, great writing. However most books still fail. The reason, they fail is in the character department. The characters are none existent, they are robots, psychopaths. This book does it differently, the characters feel human. It sounds like such a small thing. However it what differentiates an ordinary novel to a great book. So if you are an aspiring author, this book is a great study on how improve your character design.


Reveal spoiler


I can’t even explain how great this novel is. The author spent his time deeply thinking about some of the more harrowing implications that “powers” can have on a person and society. I'd definitely recommend this if you want a superpowered novel with a more in-depth story.


The author has a way with the words. I came here after reading my daily chapter of shadow slave and what do i find?? Another master piece!! Bro... the main characters have personallity especially Cleire(i love her), and even if the novel has just 62 chapters i enjoyed every one of then (i even teared up some times). GREAT NOVEL. I had a test tomorrow(still have actually) and end up using a great chunk of my time today reading this, im screwed. Keep going Guiltythree your novels are awesome dude.


Umm... author? What happened to the story? Can you continue pls!? Pick this gem and continue................................................


Great story! hoped that it would have been longer however. One of the best webnovel writing I've read to date. Sad that it didn't get the attention it deserved to go on


After reaching the final chapter, I just can't wait to get more!. I am in love with the plot twists and the tension you create in the reader's mind. I love the way you slip emotions through your writing. Added to library and I highly recommend!


Just finished three chapters of the novel and can’t wait to read it all! So interesting and live narration, bright characters. Don’t believe it’s the first work of the author. If so, wishing a success to this one and many more in the future!


Came to read this because the shadow slave chapters aren't coming fast enough :) The story is fantastic, captivating since the very beginning. guiltythree is an incredibly talented writer and I'm looking forward to much more in the future!


I am sad that it ended so abruptly. Such an amazing story arc. The writer really builds world's that are so unique. I was anxious to see where it would lead. I definitely want more.


Positive point: The development of the disease, and how the author presents it to the reader, is innovative. The story is great, it has great potential. I will keep following your story, I liked it! Congratulations!


Matt is a wraith. He was born with powers in a world where the powerful are ostracized. Can the girl he meets manage to pull him out of his shell and show him what it means to live. Can he continue to maintain a normal life without exposing the depths of his powers.


It will give you chills from the first chapter and leave you wanting more on the last.


Never has a book made me feel as much as this one. I am distraught, empty and absolutely amazed having finished this. G3 made me relate to things which I didn't even notice I experience. He got in deep with my heart's most closely gaurded desires and pains; all while masterfully and seemlessly weaving it into a character's every day experience. I wish there was more. I deeply love Shadow Slave but can't help but wish the author was unconstrained by audience and want to see how his pure creativity looks like after having experienced what I can only call a masterpiece. Also, since you have the room to flesh out a story and world, SS doesn't have to end sad to end well, true to itself and memorable. I kept seeing SS get better as the chapters go on, and a big reason for that is that you are amazing at capitalising on the built up familiarity your readers have with the world. Time can be spent enjoying what is already built. My major regret for this book is that we never got to experience that here, as that could have given space for a more satisfying ending to feel right. Look at you making me care about your characters to the point of ranting like this.


it is so good you will regret start read it


Reveal spoiler


author is somehow inspired by stephen king. and this is really good inspiration. the atmosphere of the godforsaken dead world is top notch. recommended for reading.


This novel is written so elegantly and mesmerizing. The world and story development is wonderful but the strongest point of this novel and as well the other work of this author (shadow slave) os the character writing and development. I enjoyed every second reading this novel it is almost a crime this novel is as short as it is. 10/10, G3 deserve much more popularity for the effort and soul that was put is his writings.


I started reading this novel like probably many others because of Shadow Slave and the Author just doesn't disappoint. The writing style is definitely a refreshing rarity in Web Novels: To put it in simple terms it is highly skilled and professional. The Author uses a lot of stylistic devices from classical literature and if you have read "The Catcher in the Rye" you will see a lot of inspiration drawn from it, obviously in a completely original context (there is also a direct homage to Catcher in the Rye in the Novel, which I very much appreciated). Let's be honest I came to confirm that the Sunny/Nephis relationship is in good hands and I for my part was able to discard any worries that Shadow Slave might develop in a bad direction. Thanks Guiltythree for the great novel!


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