
Free Fall (Pyramid of Gold)

Wraiths are genetically altered people who possess special abilities. However, ability doesn't always mean power: more often than not, it just makes you a target. This is especially true for Matthew, who might just be one of the most powerful wraiths in the world - and therefore, has to hide his power and use cunning in order to survive. And then there is that girl who wants him to join her rock band...

Guiltythree · Sci-fi
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62 Chs

Free Fall


We left the port as silently as we sneaked in, not daring to even breathe until we were a hundred meters away from the Protector, separated from his hiding spot by a row of shipping containers. Not knowing what else to do, we retreated back to the concrete tower, exhausted and disheartened. Now that I had retrieved the money, there was no point in climbing to the top of it, but we did it anyway, perhaps for the illusion of safety that being so high above the ground would grant us.

Back in the windowless, claustrophobic office, we sat with our backs against the wall, trying to come to terms with the circumstances. I was trying to keep a brave face, but in reality, my mind was on the verge of panic.

Mickey looked to be his last leg, though.