
Free Fall (Pyramid of Gold)

Wraiths are genetically altered people who possess special abilities. However, ability doesn't always mean power: more often than not, it just makes you a target. This is especially true for Matthew, who might just be one of the most powerful wraiths in the world - and therefore, has to hide his power and use cunning in order to survive. And then there is that girl who wants him to join her rock band...

Guiltythree · Sci-fi
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62 Chs

Only One I Trust

'So what about the warehouse?'

Mickey blinked, woken up from his reverie.

'Ah, yes. The warehouse is the place where the Bitch's personal wards and a few dozen other wraiths take the test. The Bitch herself and the people who work directly under her are the elites of the PA. If anyone knows about the headquarters, it's them. Not to mention Mitchel, who follows her around like a crazed stalker. So, we paid them special attention.'

Suddenly, I was all ears.

'Really? Did you learn anything about the Protector?'

Mickey only sighed.

'I wish. She's too damn careful. Even Zero wasn't able to follow her without risking being spotted. The most we've learned is that she likes to smoke before and after each test. Nothing fancy, pretty much the cheapest shit you can buy in any convenience store.'

It was a tiny piece of information, but even in our current situation I was strangely excited to know it.