

Lily and Frankie walked in the rooftop of the resort hosting the party. The night was young and the party was…grown up!

"Did you say party?" Lily whispered.

Frankie elbowed her and dragged her to where drinks were, a place they could see everybody without interference. She started pointing people she knew and explaining them to Lily was least interested and only hummed in agreement. "And that is Bob!" she whisper yelled. "He is co-founder of Robin cooperation!" she pointed at a guy leaning on the rails alone. "Let's go greet him!" she quickly dragged Lily to where he stood.

"I don't think this is a good idea," Lily whispered but she was late, they were already standing in front of Bob.

"Hello, Mr. Scott," Frankie greeted with a huge smile.

Bob gave them a look, scanned them and then forced a smile that was evidently forced. "I'm Frankie and this is my friend Lily." He nodded in acknowledgement. "We just wanted to say hi, and I am your biggest fan. I adore you, everything about you. I love your company, oh my God…" she stopped realizing she was speaking too fast and too much. "I talk much right?" he smiled more naturally, nodding his head but Frankie was quick to notice that his look was on Lily.

Okay, she was totally aware that her best friend was pretty and fashionable while she… never mind. "So, I don't think we know each other?"

Noticing that his eyes were on Lily, Frankie kept quiet. Damn, she would have listened to her mom and Lily and wear a gown at least. If only she knew that that was what caught this people's eyes. She looked at her ripped black jeans and her white hoodie, okay maybe she was looking more of a gangster.

"I study at Culture University, fashion and modeling."

Frankie watched Lily with disbelief. It wouldn't have hurt if she would have introduced her too and from the look of the things; Bob seemed to forget that she existed. Now she was regretting not bringing her mother. She was busy thinking when she heard a familiar voice.

"Bob, I have been calling you for ages…"

He paused and looked at Frankie and the memories of their meeting were still fresh in their minds.

"You again!" they both yelled.

Bob looked from one to the other in confusion. "You know each other?"

"No!" they both denied.

Noticing the coincidence, Frankie crossed her hands. "I don't know this dumb-ass."

Bob's jaw fell and so did Lily. "Frankie," Lily whisper yelled.

"Her name is Frankie, ptf…is that a name!" Frankie watched the so called Carlos her mouth open.

In disbelief, she turned to Bob. "Do you know him?" she wanted to clarify things once for all. God save her if he was indeed Carlos Rex.

Bob nodded. "My brother Carlos Rex."

Frankie cursed in her head. "This guy is your brother?" she was at the verge of tears. "Why did he have to be Carlos Rex," she mourned.

Carlos beside her wore a smile when Frankie saw his face she frowned. "I worshiped Robin Company, it was my dream company but if this fool is in it. I am not so sure if I want to work there anymore." Her shoulders slumped.

Carlos watched the girl before him. She was calling him a fool! "We deal with experts; you don't even qualify to get an interview in our company."

Lily spoke for the first time to him. "You might take your word back; she's damn good at what she does. She hacks people's stuff and causes damage but you get the point right?"

Frankie wanted to disappear; she glared at Lily, what a way to praise a friend. "No, thank you, I am currently fine; I want to finish school first."

"How old are you, I mean which year are you in?" Bob suddenly showed interest in her.