

The man almost turned blue. "You," he sized her. "Do you know how much this, costs?" he pointed his shirt.

Frankie gave him a brief look before she shook her head. "I don't think care."

The man advanced towards her but his chilling aura didn't affect her; it was like she was immune to it. "You made this mess and you still have the audacity to speak!" he thundered.

Frankie closed her ears with her hands. "Geez, you're so loud, are you a woman?" several veins popped in his head. "Besides, whose ice cream is that?"

The man greeted his teeth. "Mine, you dummy!"

Frankie signaled him to calm down. "Now, why on earth would a man like you," she ran his look over him. "Be eating strawberry ice cream, don't you have something call shame or dignity?" she threw moved her hands dramatically.

That was the last piece of string holding the man's patience. "Do you know who I am?" he grabbed her collar but Frankie only blinked. "I am Carlos Rex and I will be your death."

Wait what? Oh no this day was going to go to her diary. She took a closer look at the guy. It was hard to know of a person who stayed away from public image and never took a photo all his life, yet, anyone could fake identity she didn't have to believe him although she admitted he looked rich and not to mention good looking. "I didn't know you were this dumb," she stated in a matter-of-fact tone.

The man's face underwent several expressions before he released her and breathed in and out. This day was supposed to be great. He was wearing his favorite shirt. His favorite shirt! He had great meetings today; he was going to finally close the multi billion-deal with a foreign company. He even bought straw berry ice cream as advised by his brother for good luck. Damn! Why was he even arguing with this thick block headed girl? "You should watch where you're going," he finally said after a lot of breathing and was about to walk away when Frankie spoke.

"Watch where I am going? If you would have been as careful as you want to appear you'll have avoided my blind trolley."

Another great number of veins popped in his head. He turned back sharply. "Do you have a mouth disorder or something?" he asked seriously pissed.

A smile made its way to Frankie's face. "I am glad you noticed."

The man stared at her with a look of disbelief. Did he wake up in the wrong side of the bed or was he still stuck in one of his nightmares. Weren't women supposed to be vulnerable, elegant, well-mannered, proper, shy and quiet! Was this even a woman or a boy? He scanned her clothing, she was wearing black jacket which was open to reveal a baggy white T-shirt, oversized baggy blue jeans ripped at the thighs, on her feet were painted sneakers that screamed badass in black, on her head, she wore a cap and a golden bullring hang from her nose. He shook his head and hurried off.

Frankie watched the man flee with a smile plastered on her face. "Frankie," Lily came closer and whispered. "That…he said…Carlos Rex!"

The smile on her face widened. "Don't believe him; anyone can pull off that trick." She turned and tapped Lily's shoulders. "Now, are we done here." She looked at the half filled trolley. "That's all?"

Lily nodded. "And you should learn these things, how will you take care of yourself in future?" Lily reminded her.

"Future, eh?" Frankie smoothed her chin with her hand. "I'll be dropping by your house for meals."

Lily narrowed her eyes. "I won't always be there," she shot back.

Frankie shrugged. "Then, I guess that's why someone invented hotels and cafes." She hummed and pushed the trolley to the cashier and paid for the groceries.

Thanks for reading