
Forsaken Myself

Without pain you can-not understand peace. Without pain, you won’t protect the peace. Story of a young prince who's bound to face a cruel fate, but even through lies and deception he conquers Life. "I have forsaken myself as I am tired of this Fate. Now. whatever harm comes my way; I'll cut it with my sword." "Beloved by all?" He scoffs at his misery, spitting out blood, and clenching his sword once again, he whispers, "I never loved myself." He breathed out the cold air in the midst of a battlefield.

AbyssWriter · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

Shadow Citadel; the Dimension of Sinister Intent

Before departure:

"Your highness, Lord Samael has prepared your clothes and all the necessities for safe travel." A small demon taking small hops entered prince Eidan's room and from his small pocket took out various items.

Prince Eidan who was standing slowly sat on the bed and was watching attentively until the small demon finished taking out a huge number of clothes, accessories, and various artifacts.

The demon then nervously looked around and hesitantly asked, "Your highness…may I… present a small token of appreciation from my fellow friends?"

The small demon, in a short amount of time, seemed to have learned the human language.

Although prince Eidan knew they are harmless, he kept a distance between them so as not to startle the small demon. He wasn't expecting to receive something from the strange demons themselves.

When prince Eidan nodded, the small demon's tiny hands stopped trembling and a precious smile appeared on his face as he chirped brightly, "This!" taking out a beautifully crafted flower, "Please…take this!"

Eidan gratefully accepted the delicate flower but when he asked about the name, the small demon could only smile and giggle, making Eidan unsure about the gift that he had received.

"I guess I'll ask Lord Samael about this." Prince Eidan let it slide as he watched the small demon happily bounce out of the room.

"Now…what to do with all of this…" he sighed at the sight of the piles of clothes and stuff neatly arranged all over his room.

Although all the outfits were of the demonic realm, they were of high royal quality and more suited to the harsh environment of Shadow Citadel, even if they can't be used as a disguise because the higher beings can easily detect prince Eidan's dense mana, it is given so that the residents of the Shadow Citadel wouldn't feel as pressured and Eidan would also be comfy walking around the lands.

His request was to keep his identity hidden from the common folk and to prevent the information of the crown prince of Lucidnia, a human empire visiting the demonic realm from reaching the ears of the enemies.

After contemplating for a while, he chose to wear a plain white shirt and a sleek black leather jacket with a silver spike design running along the shoulders and sleeves. The jacket would be paired with black leather pants and matching black boots with silver buckles. With his sword Stargazer hung low on his waist, the outfit would be completed with a silver chain necklace featuring a small obsidian gemstone, which he hid under his shirt.

It was completely different from what he usually wore. To ensure Eidan can blend in with the demons, the jacket would have small details such as a red emblem on the back that signifies his pact to the demonic lord. The jacket would also have hidden pockets for Eidan to store any weapons or supplies he might need on his journey.

Additionally, the jacket would be enchanted to protect Eidan from any physical or magical attacks, making it an ideal outfit for traveling through the dangerous lands of the demonic realm.

Even though the outfit was quite simple, prince Eidan's features shone on top of it. Satisfied, he left his room and went to the rendezvous point.

Upon meeting with Lord Samael at the Demonic Sanctuary, both greeted each other.

"Hah! I knew you would look great in all those outfits, your highness really has a knack for demonic fashion."

"I would be happier if Lord Samael had not said that with a playful smirk on his face, wearing an outfit that is beyond the fashion sense."

Ignoring the sarcasm, Lord Samael shifted his attention and noticed a small flower near the hem of his sword.

He smiled and pointed at the flower saying, "This flower is called a "Soulbloom" and it is a unique creation of the small demons of the demonic realm. It's quite delicate." Knowing that the lesser demons must have given the prince a small gift he explained.

It is indeed a delicate, bell-shaped flower with velvety soft petals that range from pale pink to deep crimson. The center of the flower is a bright golden hue, which sparkles in the sunlight.

Each Soulbloom is handcrafted by the small demons with great care and precision, making each flower unique. The stem of the flower is made from a twisted vine, which is strong yet flexible. The petals are made from soft, feathery materials that give the flower a gentle, delicate appearance.

The Soulbloom is a symbol of the friendship between the small demons and Prince Eidan. They gift it to him as a sign of their gratitude and respect for his help and kindness towards them. The flower is said to carry a special energy that brings luck and happiness to those who possess it.

"I see, so that's why they gave it to me." Prince Eidan's expression softened but soon returned to his unfazed self. "How long will it take to reach the Shadow Citadel?"

"This Sanctuary, also allows us to use magic to connect with the demonic Gemstones that are placed in each region. It is so that I don't get delayed in time of need…not because I'm lazy of course." Saying that last part not louder than a whisper, Lord Samael explained.

Prince Eidan sighed; he had heard everything lord Samael muttered. Even though it was invented as a lazy person's thoughts, it was quite useful so he made a mental note inside his head that after he goes back to the human realm he will also ask the prime mage to set up Moonstones for faster transportation.

The image of the northern land entered his train of thought which made him even more bitter. As if sensing his bad mood, a trail of dust hovered above him, "Lumin, you're back." Lumin's feathers rustled warmly in the air and landed on Eidan's shoulder.

Giving him a small peck with its beak, it hummed lovingly. Eidan took the letter that was tied to its leg and thanked the small bird, "Get some rest now, you did well." Lumin cooed at hearing prince Eidan's gentle voice and slowly vanished into tiny sparkles.

The letter was made of thin light gold paper and wrapped carefully with a red ribbon having a crest of the royal imperial family, authenticating the origin.

Removing the seal Eidan opened the letter and began reading, his face becoming gloomier the more he read.

Lord Samael noticed the different emotions appearing on the crown prince's face but waited for him to finish till the end.

After prince Eidan read it thoroughly, the letter also dissipated leaving nothing but dust particles.

"How is the situation there?" Lord Samael asked in a concerned tone.

Prince Eidan just shook his head and said in a low voice, "Not well, the disasters in all regions are increasing and the evil flow of mana is manifesting itself in certain lands, affecting both humans and animals."

Without Eidan's spiritual aid, the lands were suffering more than he expected, "But…the royal soldiers and mages of their kingdoms are doing well in limiting the damages. However, I can't wait here for a long time and let them handle everything."

"Hmm…to send my forces we have to contact the celestial spirit realm first, to inform them why we are aiding each other, they might get the wrong impression of us working together against them by sending forces without prior notice." Lord Samael pointed out the difficult part of aiding another realm.

He sighed annoyed by the fact that the celestials are a pain to deal with. Specially the "Fairy Princess".

All three realms had to be in contact and understanding before sending any of the other two realms. After they had inspected the Dimension of sinister intent, the next step was to get an audience with the most reliable yet troublesome realm.


To activate the portal, the people who wanted to cross it, must infuse their mana so that the portal recognizes the owner and connect their bodies through their mana to the other side. Lord Samael took a deep breath and focused his mana. He steps forward to the center of the chamber and places his hand on a circular glyph inscribed on the floor. The glyph lights up with a pulsing red light, and Samael's mana flows through it, creating a glowing vortex of energy.

Prince Eidan steps forward and follows Samael's lead, placing his hand on another glyph on the floor. He focuses his own mana, and the glyph glows with a bright blue light. The two energies combine and feed into the vortex, creating a powerful portal that shimmers and pulses with otherworldly energy.

Lord Samael steps forward and gestures for Prince Eidan to follow. Together, they step into the portal, and the world around them dissolves into a swirling mass of colors and lights. They feel themselves being pulled through the portal at an incredible speed, the wind rushing past them as they hurtle toward their destination.

As they emerge on the other side, they find themselves standing in a field of dark, shimmering gemstones that surround the Shadow Citadel. The portal behind them closes with a loud whoosh, and they know that they are now on their own until they can activate another portal to return.

As Prince Eidan and Demonic Lord Samael step into the Shadow Citadel, they are greeted by a unique demonic race that calls this place their home. These demons are unlike any others that the Prince has ever seen before.

They are tall and lithe, with shimmering black scales that seem to absorb the light around them. Their eyes are glowing orbs of amber, and their movements are graceful and fluid as if they are dancing to an unseen rhythm.

The demons approach the Prince and the Demonic lord with a sense of reverence and respect, their movements slow and deliberate. They seem to sense the power and authority that radiates from Samael, and they know that they must show deference to their Lord.

As the Prince and Samael continue deeper into the Citadel, they are shown to a grand hall, where the demons have prepared a feast in their honor.

Although prince Eidan wasn't that hungry, he couldn't refuse the hospitality that was given to him.

The hall is filled with the sounds of soft music and the scent of exotic spices and roasted meats. The demons move about the hall, serving their guests with the utmost grace and humility.

"They don't talk much do they?" Prince Eidan asked out of curiosity.

Lord Samael turned his head to look at the prince and said, "Well that's because the residents of the Shadow Citadel are a reclusive and mysterious race. They keep to themselves and don't often interact with outsiders."

Samael paused for a moment before continuing, "But that doesn't mean they're unfriendly. They simply have their own customs and ways of life that are different from ours. It's important that we respect that."

Prince Eidan nodded, taking in the information. "I see," he said. "I'll make sure to be respectful and not overstep any boundaries."

Samael smiled at Eidan's understanding. "Good," he said. "Remember, we're here to investigate, not to cause trouble. Let's try to make this as smooth as possible."

Despite their fearsome appearance, the demons of the Shadow Citadel are fiercely loyal to their Lord and show great respect to those who have earned their trust. As the feast comes to a close, the demons bow low to Samael and the Prince, their eyes glowing with a fierce intensity.

They know that their Lord has brought them great honor by visiting their home, and they will do whatever it takes to protect him and his guests from harm.

The Prince, in his disguise, is amazed by the grace and beauty of these demonic creatures, and he knows that they will be valuable allies in his quest to uncover the secrets of the Dimension of Sinister Intent.

As Prince Eidan and Demonic Lord Samael make their way through the Shadow Citadel, they eventually come across a massive chamber, one that is unlike anything they have seen before.

The walls are made of shimmering black stone, and the ceiling seems to stretch up into the heavens. At the far end of the chamber, they see a figure perched on a massive pile of treasure, its eyes gleaming in the dim light.

As they approach, they realize that they are standing before Vrylissia, the ancient dragon that has been guarding the Dimension of Sinister Intent for eons.

The dragon's scales are a deep shade of midnight blue, and they glint in the light of the torches that line the walls. Its eyes are like orbs of pure gold, and they seem to look straight through the Prince and Samael as if assessing their worthiness.

Without warning, Vrylissia speaks its voice deep and rumbling like the sound of thunder. "Why have you come to this place?" it asks, its eyes narrowing slightly.

Demonic Lord Samael steps forward, his presence radiating power and authority. "We have come to investigate the Dimension of Sinister Intent," he says, his voice firm and steady. "We have reason to believe that there is an evil energy leaking from its cracks, and we need to uncover the source of this darkness."

Vrylissia regards the Demonic Lord with a sense of respect, its eyes glinting slightly. "And what of the Prince?" it asks, turning its gaze to Eidan. "What brings him to this place?"

For the ancient dragon, the disguise was nothing and Prince Eidan wasn't surprised either.

Prince Eidan steps forward, his heart pounding in his chest. He knows that the dragon is ancient and powerful, and he must choose his words carefully. "I am here to assist Lord Samael in his investigation," he says, his voice steady despite his nerves. "I wish to do whatever I can to help uncover the truth."

Vrylissia regards the Prince for a moment longer before nodding its massive head. "Very well," it says, its voice rumbling like distant thunder. "I will allow you to enter the Dimension of Sinister Intent. But be warned, the power that lies within is not to be taken lightly. You must tread carefully, and be prepared for the consequences of your actions."

The trio nods in understanding, and Vrylissia steps aside, allowing them to pass through a massive portal that leads to the Dimension of Sinister Intent.

As they stand before the portal to the Dimension of Sinister Intent, Demonic Lord Samael turns to Prince Eidan, his eyes dark with concern. "You must understand the gravity of what we are about to do," he says, his voice low and serious. "The evil that resides within this dimension has been sealed away for eons, and for good reason."

Prince Eidan nods, his face set in a determined expression. "I know," he says. "But we have to do something. The energy leaking from the cracks is causing chaos and destruction throughout the land. If we don't find a way to stop it, innocent lives will be lost."

Demonic Lord Samael nods in agreement. "I understand your concern," he says. "But you must understand that the sealing of the Dimension of Sinister Intent was a pact made eons ago, when the three realms were at war. The Prime Mage sealed the evil energy inside this dimension because the humans were too fragile to handle it. The Celestial Spirits hated the idea of evil residing in their realm, and so the Prime Mage had no choice but to seal the evil within the darkness of the Demonic realm."

Prince Eidan listens carefully, understanding the weight of the Demonic Lord's words. Once again he was reminded how big of a responsibility the Prime Mage had and Rupias did it well.

"Have you ever been inside the dimension before?" Prince Eidan asks.

"Yes, and we must enter carefully," Demonic Lord Samael replies. "After we investigate the source of the evil energy, if possible, find a way to stop it. But we must also be aware of the consequences of our actions. The power within the Dimension of Sinister Intent is not to be taken lightly. We must be prepared for whatever we may find."

"Understood." Prince Eidan gave a short response. He was eager to enter the dimension and stop the madness as fast as he could.

As Demonic Lord Samael watches Prince Eidan step through the portal, a sudden concern grips him. "Wait, your highness," he calls out, his voice urgent. "As a human, you must be aware that the evil energy within the Dimension of Sinister Intent can affect you more than anyone else. Are you sure you're prepared for this?"

Prince Eidan turns back to look at Samael, his expression resolute. "I'm aware of the risks," he says firmly. "But if we don't do something, my people will remain in danger. I'm willing to take that risk."

Demonic Lord Samael nods his concern still evident in his eyes. "Very well," he says. "But remember, we must stay together at all times. The evil energy can play tricks on the mind, and it's important that we don't let it get the better of us."

Prince Eidan nods, his determination unwavering. "I understand," he says. "Let's do this."

With that, the two of them step through the portal, ready to face whatever challenges lie ahead in the Dimension of Sinister Intent.


Head empty, just floating clouds above me.

AbyssWritercreators' thoughts