
Forsaken Myself

Without pain you can-not understand peace. Without pain, you won’t protect the peace. Story of a young prince who's bound to face a cruel fate, but even through lies and deception he conquers Life. "I have forsaken myself as I am tired of this Fate. Now. whatever harm comes my way; I'll cut it with my sword." "Beloved by all?" He scoffs at his misery, spitting out blood, and clenching his sword once again, he whispers, "I never loved myself." He breathed out the cold air in the midst of a battlefield.

AbyssWriter · Fantasy
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16 Chs

The Veil of Darkness: An Expedition to the Sinister Realm

The Dimension of Sinister Intent was a realm crafted to ensnare the very embodiment of evil. It came into being through the combined efforts of the Prime Mage, the Celestial Spirit King, and the Demonic Lord.

To mitigate the effects of the malevolent energy, it was shrouded in the darkness of the Demonic Realm. However, taming it proved to be no easy feat. The Demonic Lord of that era had to ensure that none of his subjects ever set foot inside the citadel or sought to embrace the evil that resided within.

Thus, he endeavored to quell the aggression and ferocity of his people. Many among the Demonic race opposed this, arguing that it would render them weak and vulnerable to exploitation by the other two realms.

However, the Demonic Lord remained resolute and added another rule to the sacred oath. If any realm sought to establish connections with the others, the head of that realm must notify the others of any person entering their domain.

And if anyone sought protection or aid, it was also to be done with prior information sent to them, to prevent the instigation of false hopes and intentions through such actions.

As Prince Eidan and Lord Samael stepped through the portal, they were instantly engulfed in darkness. The air was thick and heavy, suffused with malevolent energy that seemed to seep into their very bones.

It was as if the shadows themselves were alive, creeping and slithering around them in a sinister dance.

Prince Eidan shuddered as he looked around, unable to see anything but the faintest glimmer of light in the distance.

He could sense that there was something out there, lurking just beyond his field of vision. The hairs on the back of his neck stood on end as a chill ran down his spine.

Lord Samael's eyes flickered with crimson light as he surveyed their surroundings. His senses were heightened in the darkness, and he could feel the presence of the evil energy all around them. It was like a weight pressing down on him, threatening to consume him if he let his guard down for even a moment.

"This place is even more ominous than I last visited," Samael said, his voice low and guarded. "Your highness, stay close, we don't know what's out there."

Prince Eidan nodded, his heart pounding in his chest. As they moved deeper into the dimension, the darkness seemed to grow thicker, the shadows more oppressive.

As their eyes adjusted, they could see the surroundings dimly. They could hear strange whispers and murmurs echoing through the void, like the distant muttering of some malevolent entity.

It was as if the very air was trying to suffocate them, to drag them down into the depths of the darkness. But they pressed on, determined to uncover the source of the evil energy that threatened to spill out into the other realms.

As they walked, Eidan couldn't shake the feeling that they were being watched. He glanced over his shoulder, but there was nothing there. Just the darkness and the shadows that seemed to be closing in around them.

He gritted his teeth, trying to focus on the task at hand.

"I have a question," Prince Eidan asked in a low whisper that still echoed around him, "If I summon one of my spirits, will their mana be sucked into this place; I'm guessing this thick malevolence will harm them instead."

The fire that Lord Samael summoned with his mana quietly hovered above them and flickered. He spoke softly, "You were right not to summon them, they can get corrupted, and worse…die."

A wave of tension quivered inside prince Eidan but he shook the thought of his spirits dying in such a deserted place.

"I also have a question," Lord Samael asked looking over to his shoulder, "And by no means do I intend to disrespect but, for real I'm just a bit older than you, and a Demonic Lord of a whole realm and all, but like can't we just use our names as normal? Calling each other lord and your highness is a bit tiring."

Prince Eidan blinked a few times at his question and just sighed, his tensed body relaxed hearing such nonchalant things inside a sinister realm. "Addressing Lord Samael isn't a hassle for me, but if you want to address me by my name, that's fine too."

"Well, I'm glad I brought that up. I was starting to feel like I was in a stuffy royal court with all the titles and honorifics being thrown around."

Prince Eidan smiled in the dim light, "You can call me Eidan if you'd like."

Lord Samael grinned in response, happy to see that Eidan was taking the talk lightly. "Glad to hear it, Eidan. And please, just call me Samael. We're in this together after all."

Eidan nodded, feeling more comfortable now that they had dispensed with the formalities. For the first time, he was offered such a request. "Alright, Samael it is. But let's not forget why we're here. We also need to maintain a certain level of decorum and respect in front of Vrylissia, the ancient dragon, and your subjects."

Samael hummed in response.

Venturing further into the darkness, they came across a thin veil, from it emerged a small ashen blue willow tree and it hummed like a ghost's voice. It was half hidden inside the veil and half visible outside.

"Now that's a place I recognize," Samael grins at the greeting.

As they approached the thin veil, the hum of the small ashen blue willow grew louder. The air around them seemed to vibrate with the sound, sending shivers down their spines.

The willow was unlike anything Eidan had ever seen before. Its thin branches were covered in a fine layer of ash, and its leaves were a pale blue, almost translucent in the dim light it was emitting.

Samael stepped forward and placed his hand on the veil. It felt cool to the touch, and he could sense a faint energy emanating from it. "This is the final layer," he said, turning back to Eidan, "This is the final guardian of this place's core."

From the ground where the willow tree's root resided, tiny translucent mana-emitting drops floated upwards and stood in front of Samael.

Eidan taking a closer look realized they weren't drops but will-o-wisps that were the residents of this willow tree. He had heard about them from Rupias in his childhood and now he was mesmerized by the demonic spirits.

The will-o-wisps floated in the air before Samael, wailing with mellow whispers, their translucent bodies pulsing with a soft blue light. They were small, no larger than a firefly, but their presence was marvelous.

Their ethereal forms seemed to dance and flicker in the air, and as they moved, they left trails of sparkling light behind them.

Eidan noticed that each of the will-o-wisps had a distinct shape, some resembling tiny humans, while others took on more abstract forms like spirals or diamonds.

Despite their varied shapes, they all shared the same translucent blue hue, giving them an otherworldly appearance.

As the will-o-wisps circled around Samael, he closed his eyes and reached out his hand. The wisps began to swirl around his fingers as if drawn to his touch. Samael smiled, his eyes still closed and whispered something in a language Eidan didn't recognize.

Suddenly, the will-o-wisps dispersed, disappearing into the air as if they had never been there. Samael opened his eyes and turned to Eidan. "We can move forward now," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "The way is clear."

When they enter through the veil they find themselves in an unsettling place. The air is thick with a palpable sense of malevolence as if the very fabric of reality has been corrupted.

The sky above is a deep, inky black, with no stars or moon to light their way. The temperature drops sharply and they shiver. They took out their cloaks from the magical pockets and wrapped them tightly around.

They turned back to see the other half of the willow tree. It showed a stark contrast of life and death, with the outer part flourishing with leaves and the inner part dried up and blackened as if consumed by some dark flame. Its branches swayed gently. It's an eerie sight, one that makes their skin crawl with a sense of unease.

As they investigate the tree, they hear the sound of rain, falling over the tree from a place their eyes cannot reach, but it's not the gentle patter of droplets they expect, a harsh, grating noise that seemed to emanate all around them.

It's a strange rain, a violent deluge of dark liquid, one that seems to fall with an ominous purpose. It sounded like the very air itself is crying out in agony.

Each drop hits the ground with a hiss making the rain itself acidic. And yet, the tree seems to thrive on this strange precipitation, as if it feeds on malevolence.

Around them, the environment is equally desolated. The ground is barren and blackened as if scorched by some malevolent force. Dark shadows seem to writhe and twist in the corners of their vision being obstructed by the rain.

Before they were soaked in the strange patterned rain they hurriedly stepped away from it.

"I don't think we should get in contact with that rain, it seems to absorb our mana!" Samael warned Eidan to not touch the willow tree or its components. "Since you're a great source of spiritual mana, who knows what it will do."

Even though Eidan was stunned at the view he kept his distance and followed the lead of Samael.

"It has changed a lot as well…definitely not delighted to enter this place again," Samael mumbled to himself.

A sharp pain struck Eidan and he stumbled, clutching his head.

"What is this? I feel… sick?" a nauseating wave covered Eidan's mouth and he held on to his cloak tighter.

"Are you feeling okay? Perhaps it is better if you wait outside," Samael inquired, but Eidan declined, insisting, "I'll manage. I need to learn to adapt."

Eidan appeared paler than usual, but with a faint glow emanating from his chest, he began to feel slightly better. "Thank you," Eidan whispered gratefully.

Samael noticed the glow and inquired, "Another spirit?" Eidan nodded, "Yes, it's Amara, the spirit of healing and health from nature. She's always concerned about my well-being." Even without being summoned, Amara quickly detected Eidan's pain and came to assist him with his mana.

"Well, she should be worried now, considering your condition. If I had known that humans were this delicate, I would have never..."

"It's not an issue. I need to identify the cause and determine whether I can overcome it. I must confront this challenge," Eidan replied confidently. Eidan was skilled in adaptation, but he had never realized that a sudden change in mana could affect his physical body.

Taking a deep breath, Samael remarked, "Confronting a challenge when you've never been exposed to this level of malevolence is difficult. Even a regular human would have perished after being in contact with it for just a few seconds." Samael let out a weary sigh.

"It is all the more reason for me to learn how to manage this situation if this amount of mana is released outside, my home and my people!" Eidan stated, his brow furrowed in concern.

"Alright, I understand. As we are currently here, attempt to channel your mana while preventing any seepage from your body and without allowing the surrounding environment to absorb it," advised Samael.

Eidan took a deep breath, striving to maintain his composure. He couldn't afford to lose his emotions in such a precarious location.

Unbeknownst to them, a swirling movement was taking place behind them, their senses diminished due to the area's mesh of various malevolent energies could not detect the formation.

Suddenly, the energies coalesced into one, materializing into a dark, ominous figure.

The figure let out a mocking chuckle, causing Eidan and Samael to spin around in alarm. "I see you're having trouble sensing my presence. How pitiful," the figure taunted. "You may think you're prepared for the challenges ahead, but you are nothing compared to the forces that await you."

The ominous figure's voice is a disconcerting blend of various voices, making it difficult to discern its gender or even its identity. Its voice shifts and warps, ranging from deep and guttural to high-pitched and shrill. The voice seems to echo and reverberate as if it is not coming from one physical source.

Its tone is mocking and condescending, laced with a sense of superiority and a hint of sadistic pleasure in causing fear and intimidation.

Its words are enunciated with a chilling clarity, and its laughter is a cacophony of different laughs, creating a disorienting and unnerving effect on Eidan and Samael.

They tensed up, their bodies instinctively preparing for a fight. However, as they shared a quick glance, they realized that impulsivity would not serve them well in this situation.

"Oh, my... are you going to try and destroy me?"

The ominous figure's voice started out calm and measured, but as it spoke the final words, "How delightful!" anger ignited within it, causing its figure to pulse with a shockwave of dark energy and swirling shadows.

The figure snarled, its words dripping with malice.

However, the anger was short-lived, and the figure soon regained its composure. "But let us not be rash, shall we?" it said, its tone now almost playful, but with a sinister edge.


Daydreaming about my stories that I will never write for others.

AbyssWritercreators' thoughts