
Forsaken Myself

Without pain you can-not understand peace. Without pain, you won’t protect the peace. Story of a young prince who's bound to face a cruel fate, but even through lies and deception he conquers Life. "I have forsaken myself as I am tired of this Fate. Now. whatever harm comes my way; I'll cut it with my sword." "Beloved by all?" He scoffs at his misery, spitting out blood, and clenching his sword once again, he whispers, "I never loved myself." He breathed out the cold air in the midst of a battlefield.

AbyssWriter · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Ancient Relics & Beings

Prince Eidan woke up to the strange and unfamiliar sound of a distant bird chirping, and as he opened his eyes, he was greeted by the beautiful sunrise of the demonic realm. The golden-orange hues of the sky filled the horizon, while the darkness of the night slowly faded away. The prince sat up on the soft bed, taking in the breathtaking view.

He got up from the bed, stretched his limbs, and walked towards the large windows that showed the view outside. The room was decorated with dark shades of purple and gold, and the furniture was made of polished wood that shone like a mirror.

As he stood there, lost in the beauty of the sunrise, he felt a sudden knock on the door.

"Good morning, your highness. Lord Samael has sent me to escort you to the main hall for breakfast," a small demon announced as he opened the door.

Eidan turned around to face the small demon and nodded at him. "Thank you, I will be ready in a moment," he replied.

The small demon finished greeting him and closed the door behind him as Eidan got dressed for the day. He wore a lavender-colored shirt with silver linings, dark trousers, and black boots. He finished his outfit with a gold pendant necklace, given by his mother which complemented the gold patterns on his cape. It was simpler than his outfit yesterday.

As he walked towards the main hall, he noticed the grandeur of the demonic realm. The capital city was bustling with activity, and the architecture was breathtakingly beautiful. The streets were lined with shops and food stalls, and the air was filled with the aroma of exotic foods.

Finally, he arrived at the main hall, where Lord Samael was already waiting for him. The hall was grand and spacious, with intricate carvings on the walls and high ceilings. A long table was set up in the middle, and a lavish breakfast was laid out, consisting of various exotic fruits, pastries, and meats.

"Good morning, Prince Eidan," Lord Samael greeted him with a smile.

The words were short but filled with respect.

"Good morning, Lord Samael," Eidan replied, returning the greeting with generosity.

They sat down at the table, and Eidan couldn't help but feel amazed at the beauty of the demonic realm. He had never seen anything like it before. As they began to eat, Lord Samael talked about his plans for the day and what they would be inspecting in the realm. Eidan listened attentively, eager to explore more of the enchanting realm.

"As per the upheld peace contract, the three realms aren't allowed to wander and exchange information without the consent of the Lord of that area," Samael spoke mildly while eating his portion of the meal.

"And since I'm the lord of this whole realm, none of our activities leaked outside unless some pesky demons decided to ignore my warnings. They were dealt with but we never knew who they leaked the information to or what information they disclosed to the party."

The demons are relatively obedient and loyal to their Lord but sometimes due to the effect of superior evil, they are taken advantage of. And so, the pact of confirmation had to be made before they started talking about the lands in deeper discussion.

After having a delightful breakfast, they went to Lord Samael's throne room where Lord Samael's trusted guards and personnel were on standby.

Reaching the center, prince Eidan noticed a magical circle engraved on the floor. Stopping on top of it Samael raised his hand and extended it towards Eidan, who placed his hand on top of Samael's with a few inches of separation between them. That will allow the flow of mana in the gap and initiate the pact formation.

"This is a pact between us," Samael said firmly. "It binds us together and ensures that we will not betray each other's trust."

Prince Eidan nodded in agreement. "I understand. Without this pact, we cannot disclose any information about our respective lands and territories to any other realm, without consent."

"Exactly," Samael said with a faint smile.

As they stood over the magic circle, it activated their mana. Eidan's mana was pure silver, while Samael's was deep, obsidian red.

It started to glow brighter and brighter, and magical energy began to emanate from them.

The energy began to form a circle around the two of them, and the space within the circle started to shimmer and warp. It was as if the very fabric of reality was being rewritten.

Finally, the energy settled, and the circle formed into a glowing, pulsating symbol in the air. Eidan and Samael placed their hands on the floating symbol from their respective side, and it began to glow even brighter.

As they did, they both felt a rush of power flowing through them, and they knew that the pact had been formed. From that moment on, they were bound by an unbreakable agreement to work together in the realm of demons and to never disclose any information about it to outsiders without the other's permission.

"Now let us proceed with our discussions. There is much to discuss." Lord Samael cheerfully clapped his hands and walked towards the table.

Prince Eidan was amazed by the idea of making a pact, and the process itself was quite a magical experience.

The two then turned towards the map that lay on the table in front of them, deep in conversation about their lands, resources, and potential areas of cooperation.

The demonic realm is vast and diverse, with each region offering its own unique terrain and challenges. The Ashen Mountain is a towering peak that reaches into the sky, its ashen grey rock formations dominating the landscape. Clouded with burnt ashes falling all over when the magma inside occasionally bursts. The slopes of the mountain are steep and treacherous, and it is said that the spirits of the dead wander here.

The Wraith Bridge spans a deep and dark ravine, its rusted iron chains creaking and groaning with every gust of wind. The mist that clings to the bridge obscures any sight of the bottom, and it is said that the wraiths of the lost souls haunt the area.

The Woeful Waterfall is a magnificent sight, with crystal clear water cascading down from great heights, surrounded by lush foliage and vibrant wildlife. But it is also treacherous, with strong currents and hidden rocks that can easily claim the unwary.

The Abyssal Plains are vast and barren, with little vegetation and few landmarks to guide the way. The Abyss Halflings, a fierce and warlike race, make their home here, and travelers are advised to steer clear of their territories.

The Shadow Citadel is a foreboding land, with dark and twisted forests, deep ravines, and sharp peaks. It is rumored that an ancient dragon resides here, guarding its treasure hoard and fiercely protecting its territory. Something is sealed within the core of these lands.

Midnight Tower is a towering structure located in the heart of the demon realm. It is a black obsidian tower that glows with a faint blue light in the dark. The tower is surrounded by a moat of black, shimmering liquid that seems to be alive and can shift into various shapes.

The tower itself is said to have the power to control the element of darkness, and those who are able to harness its power are granted immense power and abilities. The tower's interior is vast and complex, with many twisting staircases and chambers that seem to shift and change depending on who enters.

At the top of the tower is a large, circular room, where a dark crystal glows with an eerie light. It is said that whoever possesses this crystal can control the darkness and unleash its power on their enemies.

Only the most trusted demons are allowed to enter Midnight Tower, as its powers are not to be taken lightly. Many have tried to conquer it in the past, but only a few succeeded. The tower remains an enigma, a source of both fear and fascination for those who dwell in the demon realm.

A piece of the dark crystal is currently in the hands of Lord Samael, further dominating his position in the demonic realm.

The Nightfall Obsidian castle resides somewhere between the woeful waterfall and abyssal plains, Each of these lands is unique, with its own dangers and secrets, but all fall under the rule of Lord Samael, the powerful and just ruler of the demonic realm.

"Wait…An ancient dragon?" upon hearing about the dragon, prince Eidan's eyes shone bright with thrill and delight. He had heard about the legends of the dragons but to actually hear they exist and are alive till now was a whole other level of excitement.

At the youngling's excited aura, Lord Samael chuckled and explained, "Vrylissia, also known as the Eternal Dark Flame is an ancient dragon that has lived for centuries in the demonic realm."

Its scales are a deep shade of midnight blue, shimmering like the embers of a cold fire. Its wings span wide, easily reaching over thirty feet in length, and its powerful claws and teeth are sharp enough to tear through steel.

Vrylissia is known for its immense power and wisdom, and it is rumored to possess the ability to breathe fire hot enough to melt even the strongest of metals. Its intelligence is unmatched, and it is said that the dragon has amassed a great wealth of knowledge over the centuries, making it a valuable resource for those who can earn its trust.

Despite its fearsome reputation, Vrylissia is known for its strict adherence to its own code of honor, and it is considered a loyal and trustworthy ally to those who prove themselves worthy of its respect.

Its lair is protecting the Dimension of the Sinister Intent, which is sealed deep in the heart of the Shadow Citadel, and it is said that only the Lord of the land is allowed to make contact with it.

"I talked about how the lesser demons leaked the information about the lands right? The last traceable mark I found was just before the entrance of Shadow Citadel."

"Do you suspect that someone brought that information to the dragon?" prince Eidan asked in a worrisome tone but soon vanished when Lord Samael shook his head.

"No, Vrylissia has been a loyal and trustworthy partner of this land and has been protecting it even before I became the lord of the demonic realm." Samael's voice was firm and he finally explained his worries to the prince, "There have been stirs in the energy of the dimension of sinister intent, even Vrylissia was furious as to how someone managed to get past her."

"Her…?" Prince Eidan blinked a few times after finally understanding shook away the thoughts and said, "So you want to examine the Shadow Citadel and its core, it could be the rumored source in my realm where the evil energy has been emitting and crossing the borders."

"Could be, if it can somehow receive the information without even the ancient dragon's knowledge, it could be leaking the evil energy through cracks of the dimension."

There was a small pause and silence, when Eidan suddenly asked, "I forgot…yesterday I also asked you about the ancient relic that you possess as a weapon. I was told to examine the condition and health of that weapon."

"Examine you say," Lord Samael smirked, "You sure your highness don't just want to see the weapon for himself and be amazed by its power?"

"Please don't tease me with my excitement about ancient relics and beings." Eidan knitted his brow and closed his eyes feeling a bit abashed.

To which in response Samael just heartily enjoyed, "Alright, for the examination by his highness I'll call forth my beloved partner in crimes,"

Lord Samael extended his arm, and with a flick of his wrist and a soft whisper, Samael recites the incantation to summon his ancient relic weapon, Shadowfall.

"From the shadows of the abyss,

Rise up, my weapon, and answer my call.

Let the darkness be my strength,

And the light be my guide.

Shadowfall, appear before me now!"

As Samael said those words, his obsidian black eyes began to glow with intense light.

The air around him began to shimmer and twist and deep darkness seemed to emanate from the space in front of him. Suddenly, there was a portal of black light, and the weapon materialized and emerged from it.

The Forever Looming Darkness, Shadowfall was a long, black bow with obsidian black limbs and intricate red and gold designs etched into its surface. With razor-sharp blades at both ends that seemed to drink in the light around it.

Made with the scales and flames of Ancient Twin Dragons, it was adorned with strange symbols and sigils that pulsed with dark energy, and as Samael lifted it, he could feel the weight of centuries of power and history in his grip.

It hummed with power in his hand. "This is Shadowfall," he said, his voice deep and reverent. "An ancient relic weapon passed down through the generations of demon lords."

With a huge proud grin, he turned to face prince Eidan and gestured for him to come to take a closer look.

Eidan approached the bow, and it seemed to pulse with dark energy in response to his presence. Samael handed it to him, and Eidan felt its weight in his hands. It was surprisingly light, yet he knew that it was deadly in the right hands.

"Pretty amazing right?" As if boasting about his kid, Lord Samael crossed his arms and waited for prince Eidan to be contented.

As Eidan was gently stroking the sigils, the weapon softly giggled at his touch. Eidan gave it a peal of small laughter in response.

"Woah, it really likes your highness, that's new. It doesn't usually behave that well." Lord Samael was hoping the weapon would put up a tough front but as soon as it was held by Prince Eidan, it melted in his embrace.

"It is rather docile, than my ancient relic, Phoenix's Rebirth." He said while looking at Shadowfall.

"Well, that's not fair! I want to see your relic as well." Lord Samael was adamant and demanded to exchange information fairly.

Placing the Shadowfall on the table nicely he turned his body towards Lord Samael's direction.

Along with his side sword, Stargazer that hung on Eidan's waist, he also possessed the second ancient relic, Phoenix's Rebirth.

In a low hum, Eidan closed his eyes and recited the incantation to summon his ancient relic,

"From the ashes of fire,

Raise my weapon higher.

Phoenix's rebirth, I call upon thee.

Come forth now and fight for me."

A bright light illuminated the area, causing Samael and the other demons to shield their eyes. When the light faded, a beautiful sword with a blade shaped as a phoenix appeared in his hand. The blade shone brilliantly in his hands.

Eidan took a moment to admire the weapon before him, feeling its power coursing through his veins.

The Never Breaking Sword, Phoenix's Rebirth, is a long sword with a slightly curved blade, designed to resemble the fiery wings of a phoenix. The hilt is wrapped in red leather, adorned with red and gold gems with a golden phoenix emblem at the pommel. The blade was crafted from rare feathers and flames of an Ancient Phoenix that glows with a reddish-orange hue, reminiscent of flames.

For a moment it stood still in his hands but after a while, it started squirming and vibrating with thrill.

"I know I summoned you after such a long time and I'm glad to see you again as well." Eidan unsheathed the sword and showed its blade reflecting Eidan's welcoming face.

Samael's eyes widened in amazement as he gazed upon Eidan's sword, Phoenix's Rebirth. He had never seen a weapon with such a magnificent design before. The blade shimmered in the light, reflecting a myriad of colors every time it conversed with Eidan. He could feel the power emanating from it, and the aura it exuded was almost palpable.

"…." Samael let out a low whistle and said, "Impressive, I have never seen a sword like this before. Its beauty is matched only by its power. Your Highness, you truly possess a remarkable weapon. With this, you truly are the one mentioned by the ancient scripts."

Hearing the words of praise, prince Eidan couldn't help but feel a sting but it soon dissipated as he handed his relic to Lord Samael, "Please be careful while holding it, it sometimes gets agitated when someone other than the wielder tries to touch it."

Lord Samael scoffed, "What can possibly go wrong?"

As Samael grabs hold of the sword, it suddenly glows with intense heat and emits a loud screeching noise. Samael's hand quickly recoils as if he was burned, and the sword levitates in front of him. The air around the sword starts to shimmer and twist, creating a small vortex, and a gust of wind blows through the room.

"Phoenix! Stop…!" upon hearing his master's demanding words, the sword abruptly stops the emission of mana and then drops back into Eidan's scabbard with a loud clink. Samael looks at the sword in surprise, realizing that he had underestimated its power.

"I apologize, Lord Samael, it is rather…aggressive and doesn't socialize much." Eidan held the sheathed sword while he felt like the sword was complaining to him handing it over to someone else.

After receiving permission, Phoenix's Rebirth slowly covered itself with softly ablaze orange flames and disappeared in the air leaving traces of short feathers.

Lord Samael sighed briefly and said smiling, "It's fine, ancient relics do have a sense of pride to who they are wielded by. Even though I wanted to admire the ancient relic myself, I guess this is as far as I can enjoy the view."

Lord Samael picked up Shadowfall from the table and snuggled to it effortlessly, "For real, you're the only one for me Shadow, you let me pet you and swing you, and hold you and…"

"Ahem…" one of the demon personnel behind them coughed and Lord Samael cleared his throat while sending Shadowfall back to the vortex.

"This vortex…" prince Eidan seemed curious about the origin of the vortex and Lord Samael noticed right away.

"Oh, this? Yeah, this sword is also a part of the dimension of sinister intent." He gave prince Eidan a short smile after which they decided to embark on the journey, to visit the said dimension.


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