
Forget The Rails, I Can't Find The Train! (Bleach SI)

Weraas · Others
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73 Chs

Not Another Interlude? (Kisuke)


Urahara panted, a pained expression on his face, as he raised his head, taking a deep breath in before locking gazes with the charging hollow. The glint in his bloodshot eyes practically freezing the rest of it's kin.

He tilted his head, avoiding the lithe hollows swipe, the purple creatures sword cutting a number of strands from his hair.

He ignored how the hollows eyes widened in horror as it promptly turned-on it's feet.


Urahara simply raised an unscarred hand, strands of hair held inside the closed fist. The strands, through his reiatsu, quickly extended, one line immediately locking around the hollows sword-arm, severing it and taking control and pulling the black long-sword towards him.

He ducked, grabbing the flying blade, avoiding the sudden strike from behind before swiping up diagonally with his new weapon. A tad bit to big if he was honest. A line of red appearing as the large Snake-faced hollow blinked in bemusement.

"What?" Were it's eloquent last words as it fell backwards.

Urahara spared the creature a single look before turning back to stare to the horizon, his breathing uneven.

He idly watched as said horizon lit up in flames once again. Soi-fon's bankai once again going through without a hitch.

He briefly thanked the all mighty that the woman had agreed to an alliance.

Even if it was at the cost of renouncing Yoruichi's involvement in his 'crimes' against Soul Sciety.

The delusional captain truly thought his partner actually stood a chance of been welcomed back.

Even if the Gotei 13 were somehow convinced, it was the nobles that really decided.

It wasn't like Soul Society was going to stand up for them.

He sighed, a wistful smile on his face, one that sent chills down whatever Hollow that managed to survive as the sword in his hand crumbled. The hollow he'd stolen it off having been killed by his fellow kin.

Urahara shrugged the sudden chill that seemed to fill the air, every time the ninja corps captain used her bankai, it tended to end with the temperature dropping.

And though she would never admit it, he could see, clear as day, that she'd been just as surprised of the change.

Urahara raised his scarred hand, idly noting he'd gone through half the time he'd been given. He barely paid any mind to the missing fingers. He took in one last deep breath before he started chanting, his eyes resolute, even as he stepped off the mountain of hollows he'd made.

For whatever reason, these hollows, as powerful as they were, were easy to kill.

A single sword strike, in the right place, tended to end them. With the right weapon of course. Though that wasn't so hard to come by.

He raised his scarred hand, a glint filling his eyes as the smoke dissipated, showing him the new flock of far more enraged hollows charging towards him.

"Hadō #90. Kurohitsugi," He called out mid-incantation, his teeth gritting as he winced from the sudden reiatsu drain.

He watched as the darkness appeared, swallowing up the hollows in the process. He watched as the attack practically scattered the hollows that had managed to avoid it. Pure fear overcoming their anger as his evidently poisenous reiatsu covered the grounds.

Yet all he could see was a slope too high.

It wasn't enough.

His Black Coffin paled in comparison to Aizen's.

It ate up more than twice the amount of reiatsu, even having read out half of the incantation required. Yet it was inferior in speed, power and size.

How Aizen had managed to execute a picture perfect Kurohitsugi, without uttering a single word of the incantation, was still, even now, beyond him.

He sighed, his head tilting dow. For a moment closing his eyes as he started gathering in the reiatsu in the air, replenishing his own in the process.

For whatever reason, the never before seen open expanse of nothing but humanoid hollows of all shapes and sizes was extremely rich in terms of reiatsu.

He wasn't sure how or why, nor was he truly going to complain about the fact, his body seemed to be capable of drawing said reiatsu. And under normal circumstances he would've never risked using another's reiatsu. Fortunately for him, these weren't normal circumstance. He was certainly starting to enjoy the feeling of pure rage that seemed to fill the world every time he did it. The so called espada-

"I am an Espada!" Grantz roared, his body suddenly coming into existence before him. "Ahem!" The maniac before him quickly added a cough, even as he tensed, surprised at the hollows appearance.

He's been reading my mind? He couldn't help but ignore the dread that filled him at the thought.

"Well, I have to say you're doing quite well! A lot better than I expected-" Urahara's eyes minutely widened, his breath hitching as he watched Soi-fon's shadow appear behind the tattoo'd espada. The hollow oblivious even as her body manifested, her Zanpakuto already back into it's shikai, poised for the spot it had claimed earlier.

The damn hollow had the nerve to keep showing it's face.

It hadn't noticed Soi-fon the first the captain had nicked him.

and it look-

His breath hitched again, a grin threatening to split it the moment Soi-fon's shikai connected.

"Hmm?" Grantz turned his head, the captain immediately disengaging, her eyes narrowed as she stare at him. "Congratulations. You've killed me." He deadpanned, earning a snarl from the woman.

Urahara watched, muted, as the signature mark expanded on the hollows body, without earning so much as a twitch from the hollow himself, nor a single sign of it working.

"One down. Seven hundred and thirty seven thousand left- Ah my bad. Thirty six and a half, following today's test!"

Urahara couldn't help the curse.

And as if something had heard him, the very sky's themselves turned crimson as a heavy feeling filled the air. And for the first time since getting here, true fear showed on the hollow before him, Soi-fon idly coming to his side as she watched, herself transfixed.

"Ulquiorra?" Grantz questioned somewhat flatfooted, his head snapping upwards, he hadn't seen the +Espada this angry since Hollow Christmas. An infamous event in his kinds history.

Truly, a one of a kind massacre.

A brilliant flash of white suddenly encompassed the clearing, another lithe form coming out at a speed faster than his eyes could trace. His head immediately snapping towards the tattoo'd hollow, watching as it's eyes widened, it's body automatically guarding against the literal earth-shattering punch.

Urahara spared the suddenly cracked sky a single look before he turned back towards the two hollows before him.

"You attacked Nel?" The sheer venom that radiated out of the smaller hollow spoke volumes.

Grantz's paling face said even more.

"What? Why the he-"

"Yes he did," Urahara couldn't stop himself, even if he tried. "I saw him do it," And without so much as a by your leave, he disappeared in a blur, intent on getting as far away from whatever the hell Aizen had managed to create. Soi-fon on his heels.

"Running away is the cowards way-"

"If you want to fight that abomination. Be my guest," He snarked as he flew on further up, his eyes locked onto the crack in the sky, ignoring the suspicious gaze from his fellow shinigami.

When he turned his gaze back down towards the ground, his mountains of hollows no more than a speck, his eyes widened at the sight of the sudden sonic boom.

The smaller hollow had struck again, this time landing a blow, if the growing crack was any indication.

Not remotely deterred, he made to escape through the hole, the garganta likely on the other side- His hands automatically reached out the moment he caught sight of purple hair. The crack growing even larger as the hollow on the ground sent the Tattoo'd one across the clearing with another swipe.

He watched, a grin threatening to cut his face, as Yoruichi appeared on the other side, her body falling almost comically, his relief however was short-lived as his eyes landed on her company.


Hope everyone had a happy new year!