
Forget The Rails, I Can't Find The Train! (Bleach SI)

Weraas · Others
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73 Chs

Ch9 Part 3

Author Notes: Most of this is happening in a matter of moments. The reason it drags out is due to Aizen been on extremely high alert.


I wasn't necessarily surprised to find myself quickly outspeeding Rukia as I suddenly landed on the roof of one of the squad barracks-

Wow. Feels like I've been asleep for like a week!

I furrowed my brow at the sudden thought before ignoring it completely. I quickly took a look around the room, finding Ishida and Orihime on the floor likely knocked out. Unohana Retsu was on the other side, evidently having not noticed me, her Zanpakuto held out in front as a miniature wall of green reiatsu fluctuated in front of her. In the centre, Ichigo was on his knees, his head held up as Reiatsu leaked out of him, a cloud of darkness filled the air above him. The moment my eyes landed on the face that was forming, they quickly widened.

What the hell is Yhwach doing here!? My brain temporarily froze as, for likely the first time since I got here, my own genuine dread coursed through me, the feeling intensifying as Aizen, for some reason, quickly joined me.

Unfortunately my mouth didn't get the memo. "What the hell is Huya doing here!?"

I barely noticed the others arrival as in that moment, Ichigo called out for his fake Zanpakuto spirit while an idea quickly filled itself in my head. The feeling of dread lessening dramatically-

Oh my god you trust my judgement!

Not even if Kisuke won.

My body, regardless of Aizens 'hurtful' admission,-


-quickly responded as I suddenly found myself between the boy on his knees and the swirling face/void of darkness.

"Yo Huya!-"

Why do you keep calling him that!?

"-My name is Aizen Sosuke! Shatter, Kyoka Suigetsu!" I remarked, my sword stretched out. I wasn't sure why Yhwach was here, but I'll be damned if I didn't get him under complete hypnosis.

Figured he'd get pissed if I used the wrong honorific.

Before Aizen could even respond to that however, both of our attention spans, his marginally smalle-

Tread carefully.

-aswell as Keanu Reeve- Yhwach's were quickly taken. Distracting him from absorbing Ichigo's soul-

You're making way too many assumptions!

-Regardless, the moment I'd finished saying the release my blade quickly started glowing, runic scripture suddenly encrypting itself onto the steel itself.

Umm... Aizen, is this you? I questioned internally though given the sudden sense of dread that filled me, I am assuming not-

Figure it out.

Wow. You have got to learn to let things go.

That is an impossibility with you.

I briefly turned my attention focus towards my blade when the the scripture reached the tip of the blade, the swirling void of darkness started... Rotting. Yhwach's previously calm face distorting as it swivelled around, it's bulging red eyes panicked.

You don't have a clue do you? I questioned internally as I tensed myself, my free hand held over my face, though I kept my eyes locked onto the slowly deteriorating cloak of shadows.

... Aizen's answer did little to curb the growing panic.


It was then I noticed another pair of Reiatsu suddenly appear behind me, one marginally larger then the other. Admittedly enough that could be anyone if Yamamoto was one of the two.

When the rotting reached halfway, now within inches of the distorted face's extra long moustache, Yhwach started to scream.

I ignored the sudden, familiar and seethingly hot, burst of reiatsu that smothered the entire roof, my eyes transfixed on Yhwach's snarling face.

"Damn you... Damn you..! This isn't over... You hear me!? Aizen Sosuke! I, if it is the very last damned thing I do, WILL KILL YOU!" Yhwach's scream suddenly echoed out as the space started to distort around the edges as more and more of the reiatsu simply started disappearing. A bright light flashed as holes in space started to knit itself back together, before disappearing entirely.

I blinked at the sudden exclamation and said the only thing I could think of as a response.

"Yes... Well, best of luck."

... I simply have to ask... Aizen's sudden voice broke me out of my stupor. I quickly turned towards the still confused main protagonist behind me, giving him an amused expression in the process as I realised I'd probably removed the Quincy part inside him. None of the darkness had gone back in him after all...

"What the hell just happened?" He questioned, somewhat bemusedly, his eyes briefly switching between me and his blade.

I considered the question for a moment, my body tensing the slightest when I felt the brief wash of heated reiatsu from earlier vanish, before to my own surprise, I suddenly felt... far lighter then before, as if some sort of haze had been lifted. I briefly locked eyes with the captain-commander and for the first time today found a rather fond look on his face.

Wonder what that's about? And you had a question?

Deal with this first...

Oh so you do trus- OW! What the hell Aizen!? I internally exclaimed, my body thankfully making no reaction as I felt the sudden, rather vicious I must say, sting that travelled down my arm.

I promptly ignored the satisfied feeling that swelled inside me as I locked my gaze back to Ichigo.

"Oh... I think I might've, for lack of a better phrase, just saved the world... But... Knowing my luck he's probably going to come back... Oh sorry, I am rambling. My name's Aizen Sosuke," Oddly enough, I believed every word.

What would you do if he did come back? Aizen suddenly questioned me, his interest piqued.

Probably strap him to a chair.

Aizen gave me no direct response, though his annoyance was all to clear.

He thinks I am joking.

Ichigo processed the words for a moment, briefly wincing from something, before he nodded though there was a definite twinkle in the boy's eyes. "So I've heard-" That cannot be good... I found myself immediately thinking, wondering what Urahara might've said to him... "-Kurosaki Ichigo!" He added on at the end as he held out a hand towards me.

Or probably not...

Regardless, I quickly plastered a smile on my face and took the hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you!"

Ichigo blinked before he released my hand and rubbed the back of his head. "Right... Say you kno- Rukia!" His sudden question cut itself off as he, and I, quickly realised the girl was with us on the roof.

She stood beside the still unconscious Ryoka, one Unohana Retsu likely checking on them. Mostly checking on Ishida really. Just behind her was a rapidly turning Byakuya, his hand dangerously close to the pommel of his sword as he scouted out the area for any other threat that might decide to show it's face.

"By the way, Ichigo, you might wanna keep Urahara away from your siblings!" I quickly stated as I realised the man was likely going to try poison my image the first chance he could get in the real world. Figured I'd get the first shot. Besides I seriously doubted he nor Yoruichi would still be waiting back there for us to return.

As I was saying, I have to ask... Did you truly insult his name like that... In an attempt to be polite?

I wasn't sure why he sounded so worri-

Wait, is Huya an insult!?

..Did you miss the sheer hatred he was emanating?

No comment.


After the whole fiasco with the "Emperor" of the quincies, I and the captains, barring Unohana quickly made our way back to the, now broken, tower.

Hopefully we won't be sticking around too long... I need a nap

... You're a shinigami... You don't require... Nevermind. Aizen, in a stroke of brilliance, quit while he was ahead.

Your end will be painful.

You say the nicest things.

Ichigo, Rukia, Ishida and Orihime were thankfully escorted to the nearest medical wing, though the captains had wanted to start the interrogation, none of them were truly in any physical condition to be up and about. Half the reason I'd made it to Ichigo so much earlier then was due to Rukia's condition. Yamamoto hadn't even deigned to say anything in regards to them. I quickly focused my attention back ahead of me.

The first thing I noticed was the distinct lack of Kenpachi in the room.

Guess he's up again...

Turning my attention away from my guaranteed rematch with the crazed captain, my eyes quickly skimmed over the signs of the earlier blast of reiatsu-

Wait, Quincies' can't use Reiatsu right?

... That... That's a valid point... Aizen's mind quickly connected the dots and their sequels as he reached the same conclusion.

Someone else tried to kill Kisuke, Yhwach is no longer a Quincy!?

Or perhaps not...

Upon entering, my eyes quickly widened at what awaited us.

Byakuya, just beside me stifled something as he tensed, Shunsui gave no reaction besides a raised eyebrow while Yamamoto had an indifferent look to his face.

Just ahead, I found Hitsugaya and Ukitake and just between them was one cuffed, thoroughly winded Shihoin Yoruichi. The woman had two small black rectangle locks around her arms, inches away from each other. I could practically feel the reiatsu in the air get sucked into it.

How the hell did they manage to catch her!?

As always, asking the wrong questions.


"We found them just about to leave Seireitei, Shihion-san decided to stick around and delay us. Soi-fon-taichou decided to follow Kisuke to the human world while we handled her," Hitsugaya explained the moment Yamamoto stopped walking.

"So... You just carry those cuffs with you? They don't look like the regular kind," I stated the moment I'd finished looking them over for the second time.

For some reason, that made everyone barring Ukitake and Hitsugaya tense. Including Yamamoto. though oddly enough, neither me nor Aizen felt worried.

If anything, Aizen found the actions amusing.

Hitsugaya blinked at the question before he simply turned towards Ukitake, a questioning look on his face.

"Uhh... Well, they were originally brought in case... We needed them for you..." Ukitake suddenly answered, a guilty look to his face, as he stared at me.

I blinked at the answer, the tension in the air steadily rising, though funnily enough Hitsugaya looked more pissed at them than I felt. What with the way his eyes openly narrowed.

I quickly shrugged before turning back to Yoruichi. "Should probably take one off her in that case. I doubt you'd need two-" I promptly ducked the flying spit that followed my statement.


Author Notes: This chapters going to have one more part. After which the poll will officially be over.

Meaning: Last chance to make any changes to your choice people!

Hope you enjoyed! Don't forget feedback!