
Forget The Rails, I Can't Find The Train! (Bleach SI)

Weraas · Others
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73 Chs

Ch9 Part 2

Justice is unpredictable.

Those had been the final words. The final nails in the coffin before he'd turned.

The words that, while confusing at the time, had intrigued him enough to offer his own cooperation.

"Finally..." Aizen's voice echoed out, though he paid him no mind as he focused on controlling himself.

He pointedly held in the snort when he felt the continued flare of reiatss coming out of Kisuke, Yoruichi, Gin and of course, Kyoraku. All of them desperately trying to figure out a way to turn the tables. To try and salvage what pieces they might have left.

They all no doubt thought this was his true move.

None of them seemed to have realised, that from the very beginning, they'd never been on a level field.

Aizen's first move had come as a shock to all of them. A move so unpredictable, even he and Gin hadn't seen it coming, so insane, none of them were able to process it, let alone react appropriately.

The man's first move had been to flip the damn table.

Truly... The path, much like the man himself, to Justice was unpredictable.

He finally understood what he'd meant.

Finally realised the solution had been in front of him all this entire time.

"Now, if you kids could control-" Tosen quickly tensed his muscles when he felt the sudden flare of reiatsu from Kisuke smother the room. Had it not been for the fact Aizen continued on speaking without missing a beat, he would've released his blade. "-yourselves for five minutes, I can go try fix-" Whatever the man been about to say however suddenly cut off as the smallest reiatsu in the room suddenly disappeared, no doubt finding the odds of everyone remaining cordial slim. Her priorities clearly shown.

Though he couldn't see Aizen's face, he, oddly enough, found himself imagining a deadpan expression on it...

"You know what? She's got a point." Aizen suddenly remarked as he promptly decided to ignore the mess he'd created, the mess that as of this point could be blamed on literally anyone but Aizen, and simply sped off, presumably after Kuchiki Rukia.


It didn't take long after that before everyone else followed. Kuchiki Byakuya practically on Aizen's tail as his struggle with wanting to destroy Kisuke and protecting his sister in law from the Ryoka and whatever that surge of reiatsu was ended. Yamamoto and Shunsui had been next before, to no one's surprise, Kisuke and Yoruichi left aswell. In the opposite direction. The rest of the captains barring Gin and the still sleeping Kenpachi, quickly followed them. Though he personally doubted any chance of success in that department.

And so, given the only two in the room were a sleeping captain and his colleague. Kaname Tosen finally released the sigh he'd been holding in throughout the entire trial and raised his head and laughed. Pure utter joy filling the room. He could feel Gin's sudden flare of Reiatsu as the captain quickly took a few steps back.

"Subarashi! Aizen!" Kaname cackled as he held his head with his hands, his laughter pouring out almost endless. (Wonderful)

He simply couldn't help it.

"You know... You're the last person I'd expect to accept... Perverting justice like that..." Gin remarked warily as he stared at the chuckling captain. He'd never seen such an expression from the man.

Kaname evidently found the words funny as he snorted. "Justice is unpredictable, Gin-taichou. You can only prepare so much... Sometimes you have to force it,"

Gin processed the words, a frown filling his face. "What about forcing it is unpredictable?"

"Why, the process itself of course... Aizen just proved that it works... That the only thing that truly matters is the end result." Tosen answered.

Gin took a few steps forward towards the dark-skinned captain, his eyes opened the slightest. "Then that would make us no better than them! Make you no better than him!" He snarled when he was within earshot. His frown deepening when Tosen made no reaction besides simply turning his head the slightest towards him.

"Open your eyes Gin, we already aren't," Tosen replied, an indifferent look to his face, before he flash-stepped elsewhere.


Author Notes: Hope you enjoyed! Don't forget to leave feedback!