
Forget The Rails, I Can't Find The Train! (Bleach SI)

Weraas · Others
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73 Chs

Ch9 Part 1

Urahara Kisuke stared ahead towards the destroyed entrance. The blast of reiatsu had vaporised everything on its way. His attention shifted towards the crumbling walls of Black Coffin. His mind, for the moment, filing away the fact Aizen had done what Kido Masters could only dream of. Instead, he found some solace in the fact Aizen had used one of the most, if not the most, offensive kido as a defensive measure. It had been the first and only moment he'd acted like himself.

Unfortunately that solace was smothered with the fact Aizen had saved his life. That attack had been aimed for him specifically. Though Aizen's use of kido may have momentarily slowed him down... That attack... The moment he'd laid eyes on it he'd froze...

He ignored the way his hand minutely shook as he forced his expression to show nothing. His mind going in a circle as it returned back to the fact Aizen had saved his life.

Urahara Kisuke couldn't help the sense of dread that filled him at the thought. He slowly turned his head around, expecting the worst before to his further shock, he found him just staring at him! The same damn smile on his face!

"You alright Kisuke?" The words sent him for a loop as he felt the world around him spin.

What on earth was going with today!? What game are you playing!? He all but roared into his own mind as he forced a smile on his face.

"Yes, yes 'appreciate the save there-" He could hardly believe the words coming out of his mouth.

As he took the rest of the captains expression. From the shocked expressions that painted Shunsui's and Soi-fon's face, to the sheer awe that painted Hitsugaya's, Ukitake and... He held the wince that threatened to come out when his eyes landed on Rukia's... He still couldn't believe how Aizen had twisted that... Still, when his eyes landed on Gin, oddly enough, he finally found an expression that truly merited the situation.

Pure utter fear.

Atleast one captain knows what's going on... He found himself thinking. He turned towards the entrance, completely ignoring the way the shinigami suddenly shifted.

"Well, not to say this hasn't been fu-" Urahara started as his mind worked on autopilot as he faced the exit. He quickly ducked his head the moment he'd felt Byakuya's reiatsu move towards him, barely avoiding the man's blade. He could already see the other captains move to release their blades.

Byakuya raised his blade, intent on bringing it down before, to his utter annoyance, he felt someone's leg crash against his knee, a second foot followed as it crashed against his cheek sending him flying, in an arc, across the room.

"Nice timing!" Urahara Kisuke remarked as he slowly pulled his body back up.

"What the hell is going on Kisuke!?" Yoruichi, yelled out as she quickly pulled his Zanpakuto out of the floor.

Kisuke shrugged, he frankly was rather clueless on the matter, as he pivoted on the spot, grabbing Yoruichi and pulling her to the side and out of the way of Hitsugaya's swipe. The young captain not wasting a beat as he pulled his blade back and pointed a finger towards them. The beginning of an incantation on his lips.

Yoruichi, however, gave him no chance as she landed on both her feet, passing him his Benihime and dashing off the ground away from the miniature captain as she held a grip to the back of his coat. He himself raised his zanpakuto and pointed it towards Hitsugaya and his building reiatsu as she pulled him across weaving through Byakuya's petals in the process.

"Awaken, Benihime!" Urahara roared as Yoruichi suddenly stopped on her dash, his feet quickly hitting the ground as he balanced himself before swiping up with his released blade. "Tsuppane, Benihime!" He continued on the moment he'd analysed Hitsugaya's incoming Hado. The generated circle of energy impacting with the surprised captain's kido, cancelling it out on contact. He briefly winced when he suddenly felt an enormous push against his back, courtesy of Yoruichi. Turning his head the slightest, he found Komamura currently locked fist to fist with the woman.

Urahara quickly swiped his sword over his head, "Shibari, Benihime!" He echoed out as crimson reiatsu suddenly condensed into a net over the helmeted captain.

Komamura, on seeing the attack, quickly jumped a few spaces back, though to his surprise, Yoruichi gave it no reaction as she suddenly leapt of the ground towards him. Her foot stretched out as it crashed into his stomach causing stars to fill his vision. The woman immediately flash stepping away as another net of crimson energy suddenly filled his view.

Urahara stood back to back with the woman as three captains, not including the downed and incapacitated, circled them. Hitsugaya, Byakuya and Ukitake. And just behind the latter one, was an amused Aizen Sosuke. The man just now having decided to pick up his sword and use it to cut-

He stifled the sigh as he pointedly ignored the fact Aizen Sosuke decided Kuchiki Rukia's cuffed hands were more important than him.

"Interrupting this trial is punishable by death, Shihoin Yoruichi, but you knew that already," Byakuya remarked as he moved side to side before rapidly closing the distance between them. Though fast, unfortunately not fast enough as Yoruichi's leg suddenly proved-

Urahara's eyes widened as he felt the sudden grip on his leg, his head snapping down only to find Komamura's hand.


Komamura quickly pulled the captain up by his feet, his arm pulling itself back as he braced himself and promptly smashed him into the ground. His body exploding with a massive pop-

"That was a close one!" Urahara exclaimed from his place behind the basket captain. He'd been just about to once again engage the captain before him before he felt it.

Before they all felt it.

An earth-shattering roar suddenly echoed across the entire realm, though the more immediate concern was the, twisted, malevolent Reiatsu that suddenly cried out. A reiatsu he recognised, and yet at the same time didn't... And judging by Kuchiki Rukia's sudden expression, so did she.

"Finally..." Aizen suddenly remarked as he shook his head the slightest bit.

Urahara ignored the shiver that went down his spine at the word as he realised that was likely what Aizen had been waiting for... And for it to be important enough to save his life...


"Finally..." I am not sure why they decided to finally stop fighting over that but I am certainly not going to complain!

...I am not even surprised anymore.


Author Notes: Hope you enjoyed! Don't forget to leave feedback!