
Forget The Rails, I Can't Find The Train! (Bleach SI)

Weraas · Others
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73 Chs

Ch8 Part 1

I copied Urahara's movements, my body thankfully practically on autopilot, as Yamamoto spoke on from beside us. Stating the rules, the system in place, a few laws...

Things I was expected to know and yet that still had to be said. For formality's sake or something.

The trial was pretty simple and usually only actually required a single a captain to oversee.

The first step involved sticking my sword into the ground and... Using my reiatsu to do something with it... Thankfully Aizen was here to help with that! Though he was oddly quiet. Then a captain generally smothered the victim and accused in reiatsu and forced them to tell the truth by... Speaking to their Zanpakutō spirits?

Communicating with their souls.


Apparently souls can't lie.

The rules were that we each took a turn to ask a question and the jury, the captains in this scenario, decided who was right... Or something. Yamamoto himself would only intervene near the end, assuming no one had died by then.

Mostly to gather as much information as he could before he asked his own questions.

Either that or the old man secretly hoped they solved themselves first.

Problem here was, there wasn't a captain barring Yamamoto that could actually keep my reiatsu in check. And he had no intention of putting in so much effort for something as trivial as treason.

And well, Urahara Kisuke wasn't exactly trustworthy. You never know which captains are in his pocket.

No wait... That's me...

"Oh! I forgot to say this but..." Urahara immediately spoke up the moment Yamamoto finished speaking, just as the Shinigami captains barring Kenpachi Zaraki moved towards their positions. In unison.

I ignored the way three captains suddenly leapt behind me, their swords drawn and held out in front of them as they stopped a few feet behind, faced towards me. Hitsugaya Toshiro and Kanami Tosen flanked Kuchiki Byakuya. To my right a few feet away stood Yamamoto a serene look on his face. To my left just as far, stood Komamura, his helmet hid whatever expression he had. While ahead of me stood Urahara Kisuke. Ukitake and Ichimaru flanked Shunsui just behind him.

"I've got a few witnesses coming aswell, the first one should here soon..."

I raised an eyebrow at the sudden exclamation, the trial had been seconds away from starting.

"Why so surprised?" Urahara grinned opposite me. "It's not every day I get a chance like this..." He remarked somewhat eagerly.

It didn't take long before I realised this just might be a little more difficult then I'd thought.

I held in the sense of dread that had suddenly filled me/Aizen as I smiled warmly towards one prison-clothed Kuchiki Rukia.

She was surrounded by what looked like Soi-fon's ninja cops?

Said captain just happened to be walking towards us now, just ahead of the small Anbu squad.

"Face up Lieutenant Kuchiki," I stated suddenly, winking at the resigned looking girl and promptly earning everyone's attention.

To my own surprise, my words seemed to have struck a chord with her as she stiffened and slowly raised her head.

"Don't worry, everything is going to be alright," I stated, somewhat instinctively, as I kept the smile on my face, my hand automatically moving as it ruffled her hair the moment she passed by me before she took her position in the centre, right between the two blades pinned into the ground.

"Captain Aizen." My, presumably main, ally-

You are correct.

- suddenly cut in, a steel edge to his voice.

"Focus your attention on the current trial at hand." Kuchiki Byakuya all but ordered me not to interfere.

And I could practically see the sudden haze of depression that filled his wife's sister at the words. The way the small light that had briefly appeared completely disappeared.

So naturally, I turned towards my assumed biggest supporter and Kindly stated-

"Forgive me for thinking that giving the death sentence to a lieutenant class Shinigami over a damn human is a stupid-ass idea. Even Hollows aren't that stupid! Hell, killing our only Allies alone is bad enough..."

The honesty's already kicked in?

And with that, Byakuya gave me a single look over before he promptly moved and took up a place beside Ichimaru Gin.

Urahara Kisuke atleast had the sense not to gloat over it.

Shunsui on the other hand found it rather amusing.

"Ohh... Down to two already and the trial hasn't even started-"

Though unfortunately for him, Ukitake evidently agreed with me as he suddenly decided to switch aswell.

Either that or he just wanted to spite Byakuya.

Still, that put us back to where we started...

Wait... Down to two?

Hang on, if I run out of captains I lose!?

I quickly focused my attention back to Urahara Kisuke. Intent on starting the trial, though even I couldn't help blinking the moment I saw Gin's suddenly pale face.

And Shunsui's... Hurt one?

"Please begin the trial," Yamamoto suddenly declared, an irritated look to his face as he stared at me.

Hitsugaya oddly enough, seemed to have a hint of triumph in his eyes.

What the hell was going- '

Oh Rukia's crying... Damn... Whoops?

"Thank you," She whispered quietly as she fixed her expression, her resolve tightening as she turned towards Urahara Kisuke.

The man kept a passive expression on his face, his smile no longer in sight.


Author Notes: Hope you enjoyed! And don't forget feedback! Next update will start with the first question of the trial.

Also any and all makes are greatly appreciated! All of them will be thread marked.

If you haven't seen it, the 'Straight Cat Strut' Omake by Yrael is awesome.