
Forget The Rails, I Can't Find The Train! (Bleach SI)

Weraas · Others
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73 Chs

Ch11 Kisuke Part 1

Author Notes: The second part of this was meant to be from Urahara's pov however given the trouble so far I figured I might as well at least set the tone up and release the second part later.


"Kisuke-san, are you sure sure you wish to go now?" Tessai questioned from beside the man, the worried expression on his face intensifying as he watched Urahara open the gate between realms.

"The Hogyoku's more than likely in Hueco Mundo..." Urahara remarked passively, his expression shadowed. "With Aizen still in Soul Society, it's our best bet to get it now."

Tessai, at the proclamation, minutely turned his head towards the gagged and bound captain in the room, currently being pushed by Ginta with a stick. His thoughts however whirling around the idea Hueco Mundo was safer than Soul Society... For some odd reason, the thought sent red flags running up his spine, as if they were missing something crucial...

"Besides... The Gotei 13's benevolence towards our shop's existence has more than likely ended..." Urahara added on, his thoughts surrounding Rukia.

"What about Yoru-" Ururu started.

"How do you expect me to save her alone!?" Urahara immediately snapped towards the girl in the room, causing her to stiffen.


Tessai's brow creased at the outburst, unsure of what to do nor say, Urahara hadn't come back from Soul Society unscathed, though he simply refused to explain what had happened in detail.

"Let's go," The man shook his head and stated with a sigh, "Before she wakes up and tries to blow Karakura Town up again..."

"Why are we even taking her with us?" Ginta questioned him, quieter than usual. Tessai reminded himself not to overwork him for his courage. He hadn't felt like opening any unseen wounds himself.

"...I doubt any other captains willing to come see the truth for themselves..." He admitted morosely before he turned towards him. "Don't forget to have them follow us as soon as you find them," He still wasn't entirely sure what had ended up happening to Hirako and everyone else. Though if he had to guess...

"I'll send you the signal if I find them in Hueco Mundo, until then try and lay low... It's currently open season on Urahara Shoten,"

Tessai, as much as he didn't want to agree with the man, nodded.