
Forget The Rails, I Can't Find The Train! (Bleach SI)

Weraas · Others
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73 Chs

Ch11 Genryusai Shigekuni Yamamoto

Yamamoto sighed as he stared ahead at the injured man laid out on the bed before him. Unohana's reiatsu covering him from head to toe, with an unreasonable level of concentration on the middle. He knew it took more then that to fix a hole in the chest. He'd certainly seen her fix enough broken bodies...

Is she saving it..?

Given her barracks had recently been destroyed, Yamamoto made the wise decision not to ask. He also made an idle note to think up some form of compensation for the woman.

Before she got too upset. It wouldn't do to have an upset Captain.

He made another note to ask the Eleventh Division Lieutenant for her opinion...

He turned his focus back to the bedridden captain, taking in the man's expression first. Frankly... He couldn't help but admire the mans will. Even now, injured and unconscious as he was, the man defied the world with a grin that didn't belong. An expression that challenged all. With skill to match it.

Yamamoto hadn't seen so much sheer potential in a long time.

And this was him handicapped? This was with him openly admitting to the fact he was not fit for duty? He'd heard Hitsugaya's report of the battle he'd witnessed. Of Aizen's pure utter domination of that monster.

That monster who could not only send what amounted to a weakened copy of himself in his place, who if not contained fast enough would've rained a devastation unlike any other on his home, but at the same time create sentient constructs capable of crippling one of his more powerful Captains.

Not to mention the consistent attacks on the Rukongai. Threatening the Balance... Though the old-man had a sneaking suspicion he was only trying to distract him, as all of the blasts had been contained... But to be able to shoot hundreds of cero's... From Hueco Mundo no less. The sheer number and power had utterly shocked him... To think he'd been doing that whilst splitting his attention across all of seireitei?

Yet, Aizen Sosuke had sent him running with his tail between his legs.

It had taken the appearance of what was likely his greatest fighter, the true danger as far as Aizen was concerned... With good reason, to put him down.

Though it hadn't stopped him from pushing Shunsui into knocking him out cold. The former duel-wielder hadn't cared whatsoever about the fact, nor did he look remotely regretful that he'd effectively knocked out someone who had a hole in their chest.

Not that he could blame him... It had been rather tasteless of him to joke about such a thing. Even now, the man, currently on the opposite side of the room, looked miserable as he stared at his stump.

Still bleak as things looked, he found himself wondering what would've happened if Aizen hadn't showed up in time... What would've happened if Aizen hadn't warned them...

He couldn't help the shudder that went through him at such a thought.

Every worst fear imaginable had shown it's face to him today.

And Aizen had laughed at them all.

Played every event like clockwork.

Yamamoto, instinctively, knew that the moment Aizen had come back should've been the moment his control over the timeline ended.

Yet, Aizen had likely planned for that and more.

The man was without a shadow of a doubt, the most powerful piece on the board. From his knowledge to his prowess, the man was without equal. Even he'd be winded trying to pull off such a Hado without incantation but to do what he did..? To release a full-powered Hado like that... Without risking major damage to one's soul? The only way he knew to make up for the missing incantation for the high level ability was to overpower it with reiatsu, with the bare minimum being thrice the original cost... Where every iota added, if not concentrated properly, could risk forever crippling one's ability to use Reiatsu.

To do it without a single drop over the original cost should've been impossible.

Yet Aizen had done it in front of him.

It was likely easier to get into the upper echelons of Seireitei's nobility then it was to master such a thing...

To be able to summon such unbelievable power in seconds...

And given the way he's treated everyone, he knew it. Knew his position was without equal. Which only bought out the more sombre question.

Just what had become of his beloved Seireitei? To force the kind of life that resulted in turning men into monsters, on one of his captains. To force their very soul into pure defiance, defiance against the world, defiance against all who would threaten him in any way.

He'd seen such a look in himself, long ago.

He'd seen it in Unohana aswell for that matter.

The woman currently had a grimace marring her face.

"That's painful Nanao-chan!"

Yamamoto pointedly ignored his 8th division captain, his thoughts warring with themselves as he considered his next plan of action... Once Aizen woke out of his slumber, he intended to set on for Hueco Mundo, he would be remiss to move without consulting the treasure trove of secrets in front of him, and while he would much rather go after his old nemesis first... He wasn't entirely sure what had become of him.

All the same, the Hollow's Sun was the bigger priority for now... His ability to fire across realms was too dangerous to allow to exist. One way or another, he had to be dealt with. And fast.

Still, his immediate plans weren't the main concern right now, nor was it the increasingly pale expression on Unohana's face.

"His body's not normal..." Hardly a surprise... He'd certainly expected as much the moment he'd heard he'd come from the future. A natural body would've never been able to make such a trip.

Had Aizen been in any danger, the woman would've had another look entirely... Though it wouldn't hurt to double-check.

"Is there anything to worry about?" He questioned to the point.

The woman took a few more looks before turning to him and shaking her head. "You could remove his head or heart and he would live to see the next day..."

Yamamoto's eyes widened the slightest, he hadn't expected the changes to go that far...

"Though... If you did both..." The woman added on, a manic gleam to her eyes as she stared at Aizen. A look that thankfully disappeared as soon as it had come.

Yamamoto shook his head the slightest, making a note to question Unohana on what she'd found as soon as there were less ears. Shunsui already looked unhappy with what he'd heard.

Still, again, it wan't necessarily his most immediate concern at the moment.

No... That involved the administration above even him...

The Zero Division, and more importantly, the Soul King would no doubt have their eyes on him... Though he was mostly sure Aizen would refuse the promotion, he was entirely certain they'd offer it to him. The King likely never took his eyes off Yhwach, if only for the danger he presented, and so likely had seen Aizen push him back...

A thousand Years ago. he'd been offered the same for sparing him.

Though his own refusal of the promotion had stemmed from the fact the king had regretted it's plea immediately after the fact.

Kings were not allowed the leniency to change their mind. Such whims could destroy kingdoms when backed by sharpened blades.

He would not have lasted long in such a... Changing environment.

Even still, sure as he was Aizen wouldn't abandon them, perhaps it might be best he simply refused for him...

The Zero Division would certainly understand.

The fate of the kingdom comes before it's kings wants after all.

"AIZEN-TAICHOU!?" A shriek promptly filled the room making every occupant but the unconscious Aizen wince. The sound was promptly followed by a screeching halt as Aizen's Lieutenant forced herself to a stop in front of his bed. Her eyes widened as her hands covered her mouth.


Hope you enjoyed! Don't Forget Feedback!

Edit: Fixed the sizing, hadn't noticed it!

I'll be updating the Frenemies chart as each character makes an appearance in the coming updates.