
Forget The Rails, I Can't Find The Train! (Bleach SI)

Weraas · Others
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73 Chs

Ch10 Shunsui Loses His- Part 2

It was almost surreal, the way the wolf laid it's head ontop of it's front paw, the rest of it's body completely relaxed even as the occasional explosion went off in the background, though thankfully his shinigami had seemed to get a handle on the exploding wolves. Not to mention the seated reinforcements had certainly helped even the growing numbers.

"So... What do we do now?" He questioned absentmindedly, the wolf had been oddly quiet ever since it had revealed its ability to speak. He raised an eyebrow when the words seemed to finally get a reaction out of the wolf as he swished his tail, his lieutenant swaying with the limb.

"Hmm... How about-" The wolf remarked, sounding out of place to the captain, as it suddenly tilted it's head to the sight, its eyes staring and narrowing at something or perhaps someone in the distance. "Dear me..." The creature rumbled, it's eyes twitching rapidly. "Aizen can certainly be scary when he wants to..." It finished absentmindedly.

Shunsui took a few steps back out of range of the wolf's jaws as he widened his eyes the moment he'd heard the words. His body however automatically released his Zanpakuto at the given chance. The wolf had, up until that point, kept it's attention fully focused on him, its reiatsu smothering the barracks, even if it pretended to sleep.

Whatever Aizen had done, had momentarily distracted it.


The wolf minutely turned its head towards him at the first word, opened it's mouth to speak, though Shunsui ignored it in favour of continuing.

"-Kyokots-" He'd been a practical letter away from releasing, his Zanpakuto brimming with reiatsu before he realised the wolf hadn't been about to talk as he watched, with growing horror, the rapidly generating cero before him. He promptly canceled on releasing blade, his eyes panicked, as he made an attempt to dodge-

The blue beam of pure hollow reiatsu however turned out to move even faster then predicted as it ripped through the right side of his body and sent him crashing into the building behind him. Stars filled his eyes as his body screamed in pain. He blinked rapidly as he held in the wince of pain. His left hand, dropping his tachi automatically applying pressure into the gaping hole on the right side of his chest. Only to promptly swear when his star-fills vision ended as his gaze landed on his wakizashi across the clearing, his right hand, the rest of the arm had been in the centre of the cero, firmly attached to it.

"That looks painful..." The wolf seemed to sigh it looked at him. "Really shouldn't have assumed all I could do was bite and blow up, Captain-san..." The wolf remarked hinting at some kind of inside joke that fell on deaf ears.

"I suppose you ought to thank Aizen, for if not for him-" The wolf started as his body began to dissipate into reiatsu, "-you would've lost far more." He finished as he promptly threw the lieutenant wrapped in his tail towards him, eliciting another pain filled wince as she landed squarely on his gaping wound.


Hope you enjoyed! Don't forget feedback! Next update should be within 24 hours~


Tachi: One of the two blades Shunsui has.

Wakizashi: The other blade.

Next update will be back from Not-Aizen's Pov.