
Forget The Rails, I Can't Find The Train! (Bleach SI)

Weraas · Others
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73 Chs

Ch10 Lannister'd (Final)

I blinked a few times as I stared at the sole gun on the ground in front of me. Starks- Groban's body no where to be seen. I idly scratched the side of my head.

Huh. Well, that happened.

He's certainly improved his ability to split his soul... Aizen idly remarked in my head.

"You did it..." Hitsugaya's voice jerked me out of my thoughts. I turned my head towards him, finding the captain relatively calm, his sword once again sheathed and kept as far away from me as possible. Yoruichi on the other hand preferred silence as she simply eyed me from her position. Hitsugaya turned his gaze, taking in the destroyed barracks with a grimace to his face. "Unohana-" The younger captain started before his eyes minutely widened as they snapped back to me.

My body seemed to get the hint as it automatically moved. Swiping my Zanpakuto in arc to my left behind me, though my gaze never left Hitsugaya.

I blinked the moment I heard something fall onto the ground. I slowly turned around, lowering my blade in the process, and eyed the hand on the ground before turning back to Hitsugaya.

"He's not dead." I deadpanned before turning my gaze back to Josh Groban's hand. I quickly touched the edge of my blade to it, frowning when nothing seemed to happen, the hand wasn't even bleeding, wondering why this one seemed to stay while the body earlier had disintergrated-

You are so incorrect, it's almost painful.

Regardless... Hitsugaya, for whatever reason, winced as he quickly unsheated his blade, his eyes tentatively looking around for any more threats.

I on the other hand, picked up Groban's hand and threw it at a startled Yoruichi, the woman unable to move as my reiatsu flared to keep her in place. Aizen you petty basta- The hand promptly smacking her on the head in the process.

"That's for spitting at me earlier,"

Naturally, she threw it straight at Hitsugaya next.

Poor bastard was so freaked out he almost went bankai.

Aizen that is a grievous misuse of your Shikai ability...

I literally don't care anymore.

...I think I might've broken him.


How in the fuck did he lose his arm!?

Why are you asking me?

Oh, right.

"How in the fuck-" Automatically wincing at the sudden jolt of irritation from my landlord. Right. Swearing isn't allowed 25/9 here.


So, not completely broken yet-

Aizen promptly sent another shockwave of pin needles across our body. I coughed away the new sensation of pain, my face twitching in the process as I focused on the one-armed captain before me. "-Did you lose your arm?"

The man looked so done with today, it wasn't even funny. He'd shown up immediately after Groban's death. One arm missing as his other carried his Zanpakuto. Yoruichi had decidedly stopped trying to throw Groban's limbs at me following Hitsugaya's prompt freezing of it.

Evidently, he hadn't found it as entertaining given he'd frozen it in a case of ice almost immediately after getting hit by it for the first time.

"I fought a wolf..." Shunsui remarked, a sigh escaping him.

"Komamura-Taichou!?" "Wile E. stole your arm?" Hitsugaya and I both, respectively, remarked at the same time. And frankly I don't know whether to laugh or be proud.

Of course, the shorter captain had the grace to feel ashamed at his words as he realised what he'd just said.

Hitsugaya Toshiro's still impressionable.

Go figure.

Shunsui on the other hand didn't look remotely amused as he narrowed his eyes in irritation. He released another sigh and just as he was about to speak up, I almost couldn't help myself as I walked up to him, put one hand on his shoulder and quickly gave him the frozen limb.

"You need this way more then I do,"

He twitched.

Fortunately, before he could murder me, a few other captains decided to show themselves.

Unfortunately, one of them was Unohana Retsu. The Vanilla Kenpachi whose barracks I'd trashed ala shooting-Stark.


I stared around at the wide-eyed captains, the murderous captains and good old-genocide captain before me, a look of pristine calm on my face. As I was surrounded by all these people, I couldn't help but think.

Ulquiorra has got to have the biggest pair of balls in this entire fucking universe.

Because this fucker, in the midst of about 8 captains, including Genocide and myself, decided to show up behind me and quickly stick his hand through my chest, into my Haori's inner pocket and grab onto the gun inside. Blood spilling out as pain unlike anything I've ever felt racked my body.

Aizen's connection, for whatever reason, had been cut off microseconds before he'd appeared leaving my body completely vulnerable.

He'd done it all within a second flat. Moments after the captains had appeared, he'd shown himself.

I more or less saw the moment all the other captains started to move, Hitsugaya being the closest, as their expressions morphed. But even I could tell they wouldn't make it to him in time. Given the way he'd appeared without a single warning and at a speed faster then any of us could've processed.

Ulquiorra lazily pulled his arm back out of my chest, gun in hand, causing me drop to my knees, my eyes widened as I turned back to stare at him.

"Josh Groban sends his regards," He remarked before disappearing out of sight, Groban's gun with him.

I blinked, coughing blood out as I fell forwards. My hands helping keep me up on my knees. I had maybe a minute before I'd pass out or worse? Maybe more?

So naturally, I used the time as wisely as I could.

"...Hey Shunsui... I could use a hand-" Were my last words before darkness instantly claimed me.


Author Notes: Yes, the Ulquiorra bit is intended to be sudden and instant, and yes, he walked in without setting off a single alarm. 'Wink' 'wink'

Hope you enjoyed! Don't forget feedback!

Edit: Added a small bit to the hand in chest bit. Ulquorra stabs him from the back in order to grab onto the gun hidden inside his inner pocket. And proceeds to pull it out the hard way.

Haori: Coat Captains wear.