
Forget The Rails, I Can't Find The Train! (Bleach SI)

Weraas · Others
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73 Chs

Ch10 Chillin'


He could only watch, almost stupefied as Aizen smacked the pommel of his blade onto the intruders face. The man's face going from shock to pain, to anger within instants.

He ignored the shiver that went down his spine as he momentarily spared a single glance over his own still burning Zanpakuto on the ground.

He'd immediately dropped his blade the moment the intruder had used that ability. The moment he'd felt every nerve in his palm burn.

And Aizen? What had he done in the face of the forbidden technique? The technique known to few and meant to destabilise and weaken a shinigami's ability to use their Zanpakuto. Meant as a last resort in case any shinigami turned.

He'd grabbed it between his teeth and smacked that pommel onto the intruders face! Leaving a new tattoo in the middle of the hollow's? Forehead.

Hitsugaya immediately shook his thoughts away as he picked up his blade by it's steel, immediately sheathing it as he leaped backwards. At the speed the intruder was moving at, he'd begrudgingly realised he wouldn't be able to keep up.

The best thing he could do right now was give Aizen support. The man knew what he was doing.

He watched on and waited for his chance to help. His mind rifling through every kido known-

His eyes widened the moment Aizen quickly took a few steps back, immediately grabbing a protesting Yoruichi under one arm, his gaze still locked onto the now thoroughly pissed intruder, while his other held his Zanpakuto by it's blade...

He hadn't even considered using his sword like that-

He tensed the moment he'd felt the reiatsu in the air suddenly turn heavy, the intruder had leapt backwards and raised the arm holding a gun!? Hitsugaya barely had the time to widen his eyes before he'd instinctively jumped into the air, as far from his position as his legs would take him. His body barely avoiding the sudden brilliant flash of blue that filled his previous spot and everything behind it.

Aizen himself had flash stepped to the intruders other side. A quieter Yoruichi still held under his arm, while his other hand lackadaisically spun his mis-held Zanpakuto.

"Triggered much?" Hitsugaya couldn't believe his ears. The sheer audacity...

He ignored the lingering, ominous, meaning that followed every action the Time Travelling Captain took. Every, plain as day, difference between him and the man they'd known yesterday. Everything that screamed danger and wrong.

He ignored all of it. Because, no matter how he looked at it, no matter which direction, thinking about it would only make things worse. What he did know was... If the future had caused Aizen to change this much, then there was no telling what it had done to everyone else.

Instead, he focused on the enemy before him. The blue beam (cero?) of reiatsu from before had come from the intruders gun, piercing through wall after wall as it rippled across towards them at speeds faster than light!

Hitsugaya quickly unsheathed his blade, pain be damned, the moment he'd seen the Intruder raise the gun a second time. This time instead of immediately firing however, reiatsu started building up at the tip-

"Behind you!" He suddenly roared out the moment he'd seen a shadow suddenly show up behind Aizen's feet.

Aizen however, gave no reaction to his warning.

The intruder on the other hand, did. For whatever reason, he had suddenly stopped gathering reiatsu as his eye widened, his pupil minutely darting in every direction as he searched for something.

Aizen gave him no chance however as he promptly stopped holding Yoruichi, dropping the woman to the ground earning a swear word in return, raised his hand and finger flicked the man on his new tattoo.

"Suck it Isshin! I can do it too!" Aizen remarked gleefully immediately after.

Josh Groban? Suddenly found himself rocketing backwards at the hit, crashing into the nearby squad four barracks.

Aizen wasted no time as he quickly flicked his sword, grabbing it by it's pommel and promptly dashed after the intruder. An unwilling Yoruichi forced to follow his heels, lest she risked passing out.

He himself barely noticed the fact his blade's pommel had long since stopped burning as he followed the rest.


Hope you enjoyed! Don't forget feedback!

Yes. Aizen did use an illusion.

No, Josh Groban/Coyote Stark has not been put under Complete Hypnosis (Yet)