
Forget The Rails, I Can't Find The Train! (Bleach SI)

Weraas · Others
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73 Chs

Arc2 Ch4 Crack'olution

Strap on your seatbelts! We're about to take a deep leap down this rabbit hole!

We've given the Shinigamis a boost! We've given the Hollows one!

Early on we gave the Quincy's the boot! But now it's time to even the field!

Hold on to your hats folks! You ain't seen nothing yet!

Edit: We're about 44% into this wonderland.


Turn here, Aizen calmly stated into my head. We'd been walking for a few minutes. Aizen hadn't been kidding when he'd told it was nearby.

I turned on my feet accordingly, my action quickly freezing the group surrounding me, the two in the front taking up affronted looks.

I obviously snort-

I am getting sidetracked again aren't I?

Oh? You noticed. Great.

I held in the sigh at the answer and simply focused on the bland wall in front of me- I blinked at the sight of the... Blue haze? That suddenly appeared in the centre of the wall. Something, I assumed was unnoticeable to everyone else given the stares I was receiving.

Thankfully, they all seemed to have realised that the best way to avoid a guaranteed problem from me?

Was to basically ignore me-

Aizen promptly sent a jolt across my arm, bringing me out of my stupor as I quickly did my my role in all this.

And Fyi, I was only told my role.

Which means I have no idea what the hells supposed to happen.

Now you may be asking why I would even agree to such a thing in the first place?

With Aizen Sosuke no less?


My role in all this was to use a freaking Naruto juts-

Aizen, of course cut me off, by sending the biggest jolt of energy so far across my arms, for the first time earning a wince from me...

Really hope no one saw that...

... You will never repeat such a thing-

Yeah... You really shouldn't have told me this was one of your secret inventions.

I quickly grinned and brought my hands together

You cannot be serious-

And promptly did exactly what Aizen had asked of me.

Only I figured I might as well do it slow enough to let everyone get a good view.

And by that, I mean genuine though different, hand signs, followed unnecessarily by a-


Aizen, without skipping a beat, electrocuted me ala reiatsu. Thankfully, the sheer reiatsu pain from using an untested method at temporarily shredding space was admittedly more painful. Meaning I barely felt that.

I watched, my expression somewhat surprised as the wall started to break apart from the middle, slowly edging it out in a circle towards the corners before taking the shape of a larger door infested by some kind of shadow? Though it quickly started to dissipate. Aizen seriously had some rather twisted ideas for pass-times... And he called my hate of manga dis-

If you ever introduce that garbage into this or any other realm!-

Orihime promptly started clapping her hands, a delighted expression on her face at the sight.

"See! They even read it here Kurosaki-kun!" The girl remarked as she turned towards the irritated ginger. Her eyes shining with excitement-

Oh my god Orihime's a fan of Naruto!

Dont... Aizen, I think, is currently trying to beg-

I can end you with a thought!

Now, I'll be completely honest, I feel like I should take that as a warning but...

"Yeah," I started, my head nodding as it grabbed everyone's attention. "One of your friends introduced me to them when..." I frowned minutely before sighing, earning a frown from Ichigo, "One of your friends told me it was crucial for Mangaka's to survive... Something about mass revolts from the human world otherwise?" I questioned with a finger to my chin, even in the middle of the suffocating reiatsu the other captains were accidentally letting loose. Well, not suffocating to me per say. Though I was surprised Ichigo and orihime were holding their own... Hell they barely noticed it. "Regardless," I shrugged, "It turned out that some of the ideas in those stories were... Well, possible to replicate." I finished, a grin on my face as I watched almost everyone's expressions practically light up with interest.

Shunsui included.

"It was Keigo wasn't it?" Ichigo suddenly twitched as he questioned ignoring my second point entirely.

I shrugged and promptly turned towards the Captain-commander, my thumb pointing towards the room. "Safe room, Quincy's can't hear us in here." My words earning a gasp from someone though I failed to catch who.

By the way Aizen? How long have you known about the Quincy's? The thought came, almost, randomly though it seemed to catch Aizens interest

Why the interest? He questioned in return.

I mentally shrugged before quickly grabbing a hold of the door handle.

"The seals on this prevented any and everything from entering," I explained, word for word, what Aizen had told me to say. "Given they were still there, I am presuming my past self hadn't found it in this timeline,"

"Do you not know who set this room up?" Yamamoto's voice had an edge to it as he questioned me.

"I do," I remarked, my expression twisting the slightest. "Fortunately for us, he never told any of his kin about this. This was his secret base so to speak and... Well, I am pretty sure he's dead." I lied as I walked through one of Aizen's many personal chambers-

What the fu-!? Aizen's sudden voice clamped shut, though it had already earned another flinch from me, as my eyes automatically widened at the fact Aizen Sosuke had practically sworn.

I sped up the moment my brain processed that yes, I did in fact just hear him swear, or almost at any rate. As I walked further in my gaze swept around before freezing, my eyes widening the moment they landed on a chair with a body ontop facing away from me. The stranger's unique appearance however was a quick giveaway on who it was. The blonde hair, and white uniform a dead ringer for none other then Gremm-

My body froze again the moment my eyes landed on Gremmy's face.

Aizen, and likely everyone else, were probably saying something... But I just couldn't hear them.

Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if Yamamoto had spoken up, I could certainly feel the sudden flare of the man's reiatsu.

He was rather unsettled.

"You weren't kidding." Ichigo quipped, rather quietly from my side though the horror on his face was plain to see.

And as I turned my gaze to everyone else, taking in their admittedly unsettled, expressions, I realised with even more daunting horror that none of them understood the true significance of what had happened.

Aizen knew. Because the moment I'd seen Gremmy's current face... All of my memories of the character suddenly flashed into my brain. As if confirming it as my reality, and Aizen had seen them all. And likely had a better understanding of the situation, given he was speechless.

I turned back and gazed at Gremmy, eyeing the scar under his neck with trepidation... My gaze trailing up and wincing.

I shuddered at the mere thought of what it meant...

Aizen and I, though admittedly mostly him, had, given what we'd seen of Yhwach come to the conclusion that his power must've gone somewhere else following what the dead being before us had done. Attached itself elsewhere, otherwise the emperor wouldn't have needed a host to survive. Though the silverlining being that it was also without a true purpose as no mind but it's owner could truly function with such unstable power.

I'd disagreed of course, vouching for Haschwalt though Aizen would then simply sigh, a tired expression appearing on his face as he asked if I was ignoring his lectures on purpose or not....

Still, the main fact was while it was unstable... It wasn't exactly a threat as it had no true drive to do anything...

Of course, Aizen had also told me of a nightmare scenario.

One that involved the fact Huaco Mundo's shift may or may not have damaged the space-time continuum enough to allow a leak into this universe... Though it wouldn't last long per say, apparently different universes randomly leaking into each is a very bad thing...

Of course, given what I am seeing right now?

I am pretty sure this counts as a super-nightmare scenario. Because I am fairly certain we've lost the silverlining.

I'd... somehow screwed the world enough... To catch his attention...

For every memory I got only referenced one character...

Worse yet, a specific version of him.

I'd given a being entirely created and somehow held together by a crap ton of unstable energy, the worst potential influencer in the multi-verse.

I'd caught the Clown Prince of Crime's attention... At his most powerful state...

For there was only one that had the... Power to reach this world in any shape or form.

Emperor Joker.

And as if he heard me, everyone promptly jumped back a few spaces, three Zanpakuto's flashing out as Gremmy's corpse suddenly moved, A gleam in it's eyes appearing as the twisted red smile seemed to widen.

"Always finish with a punchline..." Gremmy's voice had been modified... Changed to sound like-

"Here, let me show you-"The Joker's voice remarked, as Gremmy's mouth widened, the body mimicking a character inhaling deeply. "Forget The Rails!-" Gremmy, for whatever reason took a pause as he eyed my expression... Almost like he was searching for something?

"-I Can't Find The Train!" He cackled regardless, his infamous laughter immediately following.

And honestly? I had absolutely no idea what he was talking about. So naturally, given I currently had his attention, I took my sword out of its sheath and promptly released my shikai and given the immediate visage of anger from the Clown Prince of Crime ala Gremmy, I am assuming he didn't like that.

Can you use your powers to stop him from spying on us?

I can lock him out of his stolen powers altogether. Aizen deadpanned into my head.

...I am not even going to question how-

I read the entire story. The memories were very detailed when it came to his weakness, Aizen answered, indifferently.

Knowing that Aizen had it under control, and wasn't that a scary thought, just how competent was he? I looked Gremmy/Joker in the eye and promptly flipped him off as I felt more reiatsu pour out of me. The puppet itself quickly twitching before bonelessly falling into the floor. The gleam in it's eye fading as the shocked expression faded. I gave it a brief look over before shrugging and took in everyone's gobsmacked expressions. Though Yamamoto merely raised his eyebrow at me.

"Has he been dealt with this time?"

I waited a couple beats before shrugging, earning another sigh from the old man.

"Someone take this to Unohana-Taichou... Or better yet, the Twelveth Division!" I quickly called out, watching as an unknown wide-eyed shinigami quickly appeared beside the body. Finding the room empty enough everywhere else, finally fitting it's supposed safe status, I nodded my head once, a smile appearing on my face and promptly took a seat in the armchair in the middle. I could practically feel Aizen banging his head against a wall. And while I didn't react to that, I did blink at the new expressions everyone else started sending me...

The majority of which was disbelief.

"What?" I questioned somewhat bemused.

Though honestly? I don't believe for a second that's the last time I am going to see him... I just really hope the next time doesn't involve Huya's return as well...

But seriously... Just what is my life right now?


Elsewhere, in a world filled with nothing but shadows, a malformed being flew through, singleminded determination filling his mind, and a strange voice echoing through his head. Words it barely could make sense off, though every now and then it would receive a kind intuitive feeling with them... A guide of sorts. And while not much... At the very least it gave it something to do. Something to follow.

Wo-ow! Wasn't that a close one!? And here I was just starting to enjoy that power... Well no need to dwell on lost toys... I suppose you'll have to do for now,

The creature, did as it always did when the voice screeched, it's cackling tone never missing in that strange language. It simply ignored it and went on and went on ahead, trying to find... The Punch Line, one of the few words it seemed to understand, the voice seemed so fond of mentioning.

Take a left here!

The malformed creature's, once the Emperor and Quartermaster of the Quincy's, now a singular unstable body of cosmic power following the peak of insanity itself, eyes lit up with understanding! A prideful swell in it's body!

Before it promptly took a right.


Author Notes: Figured I'd give an update on the whereabouts of Yhwach/Haschwalths new body. Originally also meant to be a two part special. Hachwach's body won't be appearing again until at the very least arc 3, if not 4.

Hope you enjoyed! Don't forget Feedback!

Every Arc will have a game/world-changing chapter. Arc 1 was ch5. This is the second arc's.