
Forget The Rails, I Can't Find The Train! (Bleach SI)

Weraas · Others
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73 Chs

Arc 2 Ch7 Part 4


I tilted my head, the reishi arrow missing entirely as it shot past. The cloaked Quincy? merely lowered both hands, the bow dissipating entirely as the red glint dimmed down the slightest.

"He's- uhh Caliberating! That's the word!" The wolf barked out from the side.

I blinked as I cleared the non-existent dust on my shoulder. "And that is?" The question earning a surprised look- How the hell can you even tell!? The internal question earned a sniff from Aizen.

"Hmm," The wolf squinted it's eyes. "Logging you in?" It remarked, it's head bobbing up the slightest. "No wait, locking onto you! That's the one!" I stiffened the moment I realised the arrow from earlier was still going on, not so much as leaning in any direction. The empty expanse insured nothing could get in the way. The reishi building the arrow up on the other hand increasing as it went on-

"Headshot," The creepy mini Quincy suddenly remarked. A low voice coming out.

I watched the arrow disappear in the distance- My body automatically stiffiening as time seemed to freeze, my gaze going in every direction before my head, at the last moment, snapped to the left. The arrow nicking my cheek, cue immense bitching pain, as it shot past and-

Right into the midget's cloaked face.

And if not for the searing pain surrounding what I presume is going to be a scar-

How are you so calm about this!? Aizen's voice screeched into my head, the sense of pain intensifying for whatever reason. What was that arrow made off!?

I briefly shook my head, the pain somewhat dying down as I felt my reiatsu hum, before focusing my gaze back on the-

"How the fuck did you do that!?" The wolf barked out, a panicked look on his face as he swapped gazes between me and the unconscious Quincy. The Quincy's cloak having been ripped apart by the blast. My eyes briefly widening at the sight of a hollow mask, similar to Ulquiorra's, on the edge of it's head, along with what suspiciously looked like a hollow hole just below it's neck. There was shocked expression on it's face. "That should've been a head shot," The wolf growled out- My brain only now realising it's voice was likely telepathic, given the closed mouth. I briefly looked over the unrecognisable as far as I knew, hollow-masked quincy.

The dark-skin, nor short dark hair not helping much.

"It was." I shrugged. "Should've clarified who got the headshot." I guessed.

The wolf blinked once, one paw coming up to it's face. "Idiot..."

I nodded, crossing my arms. "Now, back to my Hogyoku-"

I held in the sigh at the sound of another low growl as the strange dwarf slowly got back up, it's body covered in a brand new cloak, it's hands immediately going back into it's earlier stance.

"I won't miss again..." It snarled, his eyes glinting red as a bow and arrow quickly came into existence. A line of white sharp teeth showing through the clearly magical shadowed hood.

"Heilig Pfei-" Was as far as it got this time, the arrow disappearing into thin air the moment the dwarf let go of the bow's string. A startled look filling the creature's face, it's earlier aura disappearing entirely as it briefly stumbled backwards.

"What did you do?" It questioned warily, the bow dissipating as it lowered it's hands, quickly turning them into fists.

What did you do? I passed the question along- The answer quickly causing a grin to grow on my face. The hybrid, on seeing said smile, promptly took another step back. The wolf beside him copying as it got to all fours.

I watched, almost delighted with the answer, as dread quickly built on the hybrid in front of me. The wolf beside it gulping as Josh Groban's reiatsu filled the clearing. Ulquiorra's itself momentarily appearing alongside him before disappearing entirely. Though the distinctive lack of Aizen speak probably meant he was still around.

Regardless, I pointed towards Boss hollow's intended entrance point.

Josh Groban materialised with a thundering roar, a livid and absolutely baffled expression on his face. His hands formed into fists, his teeth grinding together. His face colouring in so many shades.

Honestly. There was so much 'What?' showing through his face he looked like he'd seen the devil and found out he had a part-time job at a fast-food restaurant.

I idly noted the scorch mark currently replacing his distinctive eyepiece.

"Eye spy with my little something beginning with three."

"How did you get in here..?" He questioned in turn, for a moment looking like he had no intention of truly answering my question. A little rude if you asked me...

"Grantz." I could feel it, as I spoke, my connection to the realm disappearing as Grantz presumably removed my admin privileges.

Josh Groban blinked, surprised at the answer. Or the fact I answered, before his eyes narrowed.

"He brought you here himself!?" He snapped at me, earning a startled jump from his companions.

"...Sure. Now my question to you is..." I drawled out the words, earning another narrowed look out of the Groban. Though there was a certain curiosity in his eye. Pure interest showing through as he fixed his posture the slightest.

"What's it like having swords and shafts shot at your face?"

Josh Groban gave me one more look over, sighed and raised a single hand. Though admittedly halting at the sight of me doing the same.

"IF you don't want to answer that, I have a more serious one for you." I remarked, my smile disappearing as I locked gazes with him. Josh Groban's eye meeting my own.

For whatever reason, he was entertaining me... As if he was in fact waiting for something from me... But couldn't bring it up himself?

"Well?" He demanded after a moment of silence.

"Oh right," I faked a cough, earning a twitch. "So you can turn your guns into clones of yourself right." I started off with a statement, the hollow not saying anything as it waited.

"In that case, hypothetically speaking of course!" The hollow started twitching, Josh Groban's eyes slowly closing as an irritated expression replaced his calm, without a doubt knowing where I was headed with this but just the same still hopeful it's... something else.

"Can you fuc-

He promptly kicked me out, not even letting me finish, of what I now realise was his inner realm and back into my cell. Which admittedly was a bit of an overreaction.

I mean it was only a question.


-20 minutes later-

I stared. My frown openly showing as I eyed the fidgeting, green-haired, Espada. I'll admit, there truly weren't many things that could really surprise me anymore. But sending Nel in to interrogate Aizen Sosuke was definitely one.

"They sent you to interrogate me?"

"No one else wanted to do it,"

I wasn't sure what to make of that, regardless I shrugged and promptly turned back to watching the tv screen. Nel joining me without skipping a beat.

"You really shouldn't play his games," She suddenly remarked, grabbing onto her own pack of popcorn.

I fully agreed. Who knows? They could actually be fun. Then I'd definitely be screwed.

"Say Nel,"

"Hm?" She questioned through a mouthful of popcorn, her eyes blinking as she turned towards me.

"How do you feel about kidnapping a midget?" We should probably take the wolf as well... Just in case. Nothing to do with Shunsui. Nothing at all.

Nel, for the first time since I've met her, frowned.

"We really shouldn't..."


Read last note.

Hope you enjoyed! Don't forget feedback!

Regarding the headshot bit. Nicking his face counts. Hybrid-san just had the unfortautne luck to be on Murphy's- Improvaizen's wrong side.


The original draft for this chapter included Grantz with a Sonic Screwdriver.

Doubt Edit:

I'd like everyone to remember that when Ulquiorra peeked into the future for Groban. Grantz's Soul Society introduction ended in him defecting to something other then Sereitei.