
Forget The Rails, I Can't Find The Train! (Bleach SI)

Weraas · Others
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73 Chs

Arc 2 Ch7 Part 3


I whistled, a small grin blossoming on my face as I eyed my 'cell.'

I quickly stepped inside. Eagerly taking in all the features I'd requested of my tour guide. Somewhat surprised he'd stopped fidgeting, instead choosing to stand just outside the entrance, a blank look on his tattoo'd face.

"I can't believe you actually walked in," He deadpanned.

I ignored him, instead busying myself with the mini dragon tank. It leaned more on the size of a lizard, rather then anything actually dangerous. Grantz hadn't been kidding when he said he could recreate anything I wanted. I turned a look towards him, eyeing the frown on his face. He was currently stood, still outside the perimeter, staring down at a tablet of sorts.

"What the hell..?" I considered asking him what was wrong before my eyes caught onto another advancement I'd requested.

A honest-to-god hoverboard!

Yeah, I realised how stupid of an idea it was after I'd requested it. Still-

"Oi." Grantz's called out, my focus quickly turning back to him and-

I blinked at the sight of the vein on his forehead, a strained smile on his face. "How are you doing that?"

"Doing what?"

He twitched again, a sigh escaping his mouth, as he turned his screen towards me. From here it looked like some kind of 2d arcade game... There was a single long blue line travelling through a sea of red dots?

"There are seventeen reiatsu suppressors in this room," He twitched, eyeing the indifferent look on my face. "None of them are working on you..."

I processed the words for a moment before shrugging and turning back towards the game-station in front of me, idly noting the stack of games to the side. Stack of blank cases for that matter. Evidently all I need to do to start one of them was break the casing. There wasn't a screen or anything to play off. Not that Grantz didn't know what an actual video game was... In fact he literally mentioned it as a hobby when I'd asked him.

I just didn't want to think about what would... Interest him.

Still, even as I picked up one of the cases, I could hear him mutter in the background. His tone almost baffled.

"Boss's just multi-shots it's way through... Final boss's teleports through... Psycho boss-"

I quickly raised my head, blinking rapidly as I turned towards Grantz. "- just destroys the suppressors..." He raised his head, easily ignoring the expression on my face, and continued.

"Your one dodges... How are you doing that?"

I waved a hand, "Forget about that, what's this I hear about three bosses?"

Grantz blinked.

"You mean you don't know?" He questioned abruptly, his device disappearing into thin air.

I tilted my head. "Know what?"

His expression turned passive, a chill filling the air. "Wait... If you're not here about that... Then why did you come to Huaco Mundo?"

I took a second to process the question, "I don't know, seemed like a good idea at the time. Truthfully speaking, I am probably safer here."

He twitched, a strained smile reappearing on his face.

"I am sorry, but did you just say safer?"

I nodded.

"Who could poss-"

"Santa Claus." I answered pre-emptively.

He stared at me, pure disbelief appearing on his face. "Right... Wait-" His expression shifted again, the disbelief turning into worry. "So Boss says you're from the future, or you know the future..."

Which ones 'Boss' again?

"Right." I agreed, urging the espada to continue.

"Do you know what we plan to do?"

"What do you plan to do?"

"... I am obviously not going to tell you."

"Then yeah, I know what you're going to do."

Grantz's head tilted the slightest before rapidly snapping back, a passive expression going over his face as he searched mine.

"No, I can't do it, I don't know what the hell ya thinking," He remarked frustrated, turned around on the spot and ran. And by ran I mean he teleported.

I briefly took a quick look around before sighing the moment Aizen's signal went through and promptly dashed towards the mini dragon tank. Grantz had given me a quick guide on how to use it, and all of the features. My gaze snapped towards the enlarge button.

Now I know it obviously wasn't an actual dragon. But what it was, was a large manifestation of reiatsu. In fact, out of everything in the cell, it probably had the largest concentration.

Which meant it would likely make... The biggest door? Gateway? I dunno'... this is why Aizen generally kept me up with the details. Which was a little difficult right now. But at least I didn't have to do the hard part.

I put my open palm over the tank, feeling the reiatsu flow through it before I felt my own hum in the air. The tank glew up like a light bulb-

I briefly stumbled backwards as a screen suddenly popped out of thin air. One demanding a password.

-Admin Privileges required-

"..." I stared at the password screen, my stomach twisting for a moment. I wasn't sure if Grantz had or would even notice-

"Screw it," I muttered and typed up the first thing that popped into my head. And the only thing for that matter. I didn't know the guy, like at all. Didn't pay attention to him during the show either.

So imagine my surprise to see the password get accepted without issue.

"...I can't believe he made his resurrection his password..." I couldn't help the words as I sighed, before walking through the suddenly generated gate.


Psycho bo- I am kidding, of course.

I watched as the shadows swirled round me, the other side coming into view almost immediately.

The real destination? Aizen-

I froze on my feet, the smile on my face straining as my breath hitched and took in the blank clearing, naught but a single tree in sight.

Finally, that damned pressure's gone. I was not enjoying my-

Aizen's voice of course went ignored, my focus on the two individuals in the distance.

What are you... Oh.

Yeah. Oh. So either you actually set the destination to... Knowing my luck... Psycho boss.

Of course not. Aizen didn't even seem offended, his own worry overtaking his ego for once. Not that I could blame him.

Great, so you definitely set it for-



I took in a deep breath- Momentarily choking on the toxic air, visibly shuddering as I quickly flash stepped to the two hollows. Said two immediately perking up the moment they caught sight of me. The wolf rising on all four legs as it jumped to the cloaked, head covered as well for that matter though I certainly didn't see the point, fun-sized espada's side.

"So. Which one of you's psycho and which ones got my Hogyoku,"

That's when I realised the cloaked figure wasn't Starrk's partner. Gingerback.

Because I am sure as hell, she didn't have a-

"Heilig Pfeil!" The cloaked midget suddenly roared, a red glint filling up the shadows covering it's face, it's hands outstretched towards me.


Hope you enjoyed! Don't forget feedback!


Didn't even notice someone pointed out who the wolf was, just before this was posted...

Suspcious ninja is suspicious.