
Forget The Rails, I Can't Find The Train! (Bleach SI)

Weraas · Others
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73 Chs

Arc 2 ch3

Shunsui did his best to hide the expression on his face as he minutely turned away from Aizen, to no avail. Because off course, the man quickly raised an eyebrow at him-

"What's everyone waiting for?"

Oh? Shunsui held back the blink as he breathed a brief sigh of relief. Watching on as Aizen turned away and simply walked past the frozen captain.

Can't really blame him... He couldn't help the thought as his mind quickly shifted. His own body walking past him mechanically.

Aizen's reiatsu... Well... Suffice to say, he was starting to find the man's more annoying side far more endearing. He couldn't believe how much Aizen had to hold back. He himself had a hard enough time with his own Zanpakuto... But Aizen?

Aizen had that monstrosity to hold in.

The reiatsu he was currently feeling, what he and near everyone else assumed was due to an inability to control, was in truth Aizen suppressing his power. His ability with Kido showed perfect control. Down to the last drop, not a single one was wasted, not a single one out of place.

And this level of suppression was the best he could manage.

And now... Now, he knew why. He understood even, why the man insisted on seeing the humour in everything. Because if he didn't, because if he for one single moment lost even a drop of control and left that loose... He would likely become the very calamity that threatened the world he'd given everything up for.

He couldn't imagine the kind of burden he was going through.

But Aizen had evidently known, oh he'd known, had planned for it even... '"My worst case scenario always was killing another captain,"' Had planned for every scenario... Had made sure he was capable and willing to do anything, no matter how bad...

All for the greater good. All for the sake of the world.

He was a true shinigami.

And he'd stood in his way.

Proved even, that he was right to worry. He was right to plan for the inevitability. Plan for the fact that the very people he wanted to save would likely stand in his way.

And he'd been one of them. If not the very man that had started it. And to top it all of.

He'd saved his and near every one of those under his charge's life...

Even after trying to get him imprisoned. Even after working with the one man who, it seemed, was responsible for possibly every worst case scenario that existed. He, even if Aizen didn't look remotely injured anymore, felt miserable at the fact he'd had the nerve to knock him out after he'd been mortally wounded. Miserable at the fact that even his own worries were insignificant because the man had planned for that as well.

Aizen's own worries on the other hand... They didn't involve just the man himself. No, they involved everyone.

Their very realm.

And he'd, even after every mercy thrown his way, tried to attack him.

He doubted the man would understand the truth of the matter.

His hand shook minutely at the thought, as he remembered the moment his Zanpakuto had had enough of the insults. Had had enough of Aizen.

Even worse, it had taken Aizen losing his own control to really do it. To really make him see the truth for what it was.

To see how close he'd courted death. To see how death had laughed him off. For Aizen, quite likely, could've, and if they'd stood in his way, would've killed near everyone in Soul Society if he'd wanted to.

It was, quite honestly, a miracle for them all that the man truly cared. That he, even after everything he'd gone through, hadn't truly lost hope.

He could count on one hand-The man quietly sighed -The number of captains who would've held on like he did...

But, even then...

Damn if he wasn't an asshole about it-

"Why are you so quiet?" Aizen's question quickly brought him out of his stupor.

"Just... Thinking," He remarked lamely. Entirely caught off guard as he realised the man, and his own body automatically copying, had stopped in the middle of the... Hall?

Aizen however, to his surprise, scrunched his face.

"Not thinking of more bloody questions are you?" He questioned, quickly crossing his arms in the process.

It truly felt as if a metaphorical arrow had stabbed him with the way he winced at the words.

Shunsui quickly raised his hand, waving it the slightest. "No, not about that... I can't wrap-"

"Because you only have one hand, go on," The man immediately deadpanned.

Shunsui twitched.

"-my head around how a Ryoka is going to help me," He stated, flourishing his other arm.

"You know one of the wolves blew up the actual hand?"

Shunsui twitched again. "I am aware..."

"Why do you think I got you Groban's hand as a replacement?" The man flashed him a smile.

Shunsui's eyes however widened at the words.

"That girl isn't going to stick a freaking hollow's hand to me is she!?" He couldn't help the slip.

He couldn't help all of the slips.

Aizen, on seeing his distress, chuckled before he suddenly turned on his feet and started walking again.

"What did I say about more questions?"

He was very grateful for the sudden interruption as two ginger Ryoka's, one dressed in Shinigami robes for some reason, quickly appeared before them. Kuchiki Rukia behind them, trepidation, likely at the fact the Commander was here, shown on her face.

Shunsui blinked as he turned his gaze back to the orange haired girl... The rather... Airheaded expression on her face sending warnings all across his brain...

And she was going to be performing some kind of surgery on him?

Shunsui shuddered for the 15th time that day as he felt an ominous chill fill the air.

He was so screwed...

"Aizen!" Shunsui felt a sweatdrop go down his face at the Ryoka's sudden yell. The false shinigami striding towards them, an angered expression on their face.

This ginger's going to destroy the world... Shunsui couldn't help the thought, watching the stupid shinigami's attempt at Pandora's box.

"Where's Yoruichi?" The kid suddenly called out, his hand hovering near his Zanpakuto. The gleam in his eye challenging.

Shunsui just knew it.

Aizen was going to lose control again.

He'd dealt with kids like this before.

The brat was probably going to turn this into a rescue mission... He'd seen it happen enough times.

Then Aizen snorted, his laughter echoed out as it shattered Shunsui's delusions.

Huh? Shunsui blinked in bemusement...

He was willing to gut Kenpachi like a fish! So why...

And then the third nail dropped as Kuchiki Rukia promptly kicked the boy from behind and sent him rocketing towards them.

"You idiot! I told you to let me do the talking!"

Aizen simply held a hand out, catching the kid with ease, shaking his head whimsically as he put him back up.

"Relax, Yoruichi's fine," The three words, surprisingly enough, earned a relieved sigh out of the kid...

He believed him? The thought only seemed to confuse him more...

"Sorry for the delay," Two more haggard voices suddenly joined the fray. Unohana's lieutenant and her fourth seat quickly showing themselves.

"Apologies Captain-Commander!" Rukia suddenly stated in alarm as she quickly stiffened and straitened. "I had not seen you there!" She added on rapidly.


Yamamoto did not, remotely, care.

His head automatically tilted the slightest as he turned to study the supposed rejector.

An interesting idea to be sure... It was rather lucky for them he supposed... They'd most certainly would've never had the chance to learn of it without his help...

Would've been a pity to miss out on such a piece...


Hope you enjoyed! Don't forget feedback!