
Forget The Rails, I Can't Find The Train! (Bleach SI)

Weraas · Others
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73 Chs

Arc 2 Ch2

-A few days in the future-

I hummed along to a song I had trouble recalling, my head laid back against the seat. I had to hand it to Aizen, the man had good taste when it came to comfort.

Which is probably why he got as lazy as he did. Too much comfort, something he'd lacked whilst in Soul Society, had likely cost him his victory.

He hated it every time I brought it up, likely because he usually had no response to it.

Which was mostly due to me debunking him.

Each and every time.

I wasn't sure why, but it was extremely easy to do.

"You seem far more laidback today..." The man's voice quickly brought me out of my stupor, my expression twisting when I noticed his transformation into post Soul Society Aizen...

And no I am not angry because he refused to tell me how he managed it. Not one bit.

"Was thinking about why you lost," I shrugged, earning a twitch.

"You're not even lying..." His expression twisted again as he remarked.

I blinked at the reaction before I shrugged. "Still don't get why you insist on bringing me here,"

Aizen's expression quickly fixed itself as he sighed. "I refuse to allow you to waste away hours of your day because you wish to sleep."

"Ohh!" I stated, my voice full of sarcasm, "So it doesn't have anything to do with the fact we are technically in a war zone?"

Aizen however didn't fall for the bait as he rolled his eyes, he'd already fallen for it the last time...

Really need to change my material with this guy...

"You really should,"

I twitched.

"It's rather embarrassing,"

I twitched again, a small grin however started sprouting on my expression, my sight turned more focused with every second as Aizen's expression twinkled at the sight...

Then he promptly snorted and snapped me out of my stupor, my head quickly shaking before a sheepish look appeared on my face.


"If you're going to lose it, atleast top your first one." The man sniffed as he turned back towards the glowing blade floating in front of him.

"I'd rather not," I deadpanned.

"Not to say it wasn't magnificent to witness..." The man remarked absentmindedly with glee, his mouth twisting into a smile as he suddenly replayed the memory in front of me. The miniature square showcasing it from my point of view.

I sighed and promptly put on the makeshift night eye mask.

I refuse to lose my sleep over this. Inner world or not, I am taking a nap.

That was when Aizen promptly woke me up with a shock, my eyes twitching as I eyed the +Espada standing just outside my cell but in front of me all the same, his eyes absolutely terrified as he took me in.

I still don't know why he's so afraid of me... I am honestly a bit hurt...

"Ulquiorra, we've gone over this, I am your prisoner! Not the other way round! I am literally chained-" I raised my hands, "-To the wall! I can't use my reiatsu so I can't do anything! You don't have to be afraid!" I remarked for the thousandth time.

Ulquiorra blinked at my words thoughtfully, though it wasn't long before his expression quickly reverted back.

"I don't believe you,"


Aizen calmly sipped his afternoon tea as he watched the memory play through. It wouldn't be long before- And here he was.

"Seriously man, what is Ulquiorra's problem!?"

Aizen took another sip. His eyes fully focused on the memory, watching his reaction, wondering if he'd noticed the fact the memory had reset.

"Dude, your tv's bugged,"


It wasn't long before the two of them started watching through the memory, the boy convinced he wasn't seeing things and that the memory had reset.

And so they'd watch it all the way to the end, because he refused to admit he was wrong.

He idly wondered how long it would take him to realise the memory was in fact the answer-

"You sonofabich," He deadpanned.

Aizen didn't even bother holding in the sigh that escaped, a tired smile threatening to split his mouth before he contained it and simply pretended he hadn't heard him, his eyes watching what had to be his one of his most interesting memory to date.



I wasn't at all surprised-

So you are capable of outright lying, Aizen noted out loud in my head. -that the moment we'd been about to leave through the door, something unexpected showed up.

It began with a K and ended with an ass-whooping.

I held in the sigh that threatened to escape as I forced a grin on my face, eyeing a bored and rather serious Kenpachi Zaraki.

"I am done waiting. We're settling this now." The man stated dispassionately as he spat to the side. His bells sprouting what was no doubt going to be a headache and a half.

... Ah screw it, why not?



"Alright, I think we've got time," I shrugged, earning a raised eyebrow and grinding teeth from the Captain commander and 8th division captain respectively.

"This is hard-" Shunsui started before Kenapchi turned his gaze to him, a challenging look to his face.

"You wanna go first? Lose that other hand aswell?"

And I swear, Shunsui looked set on taking him up on that before I quickly coughed.

"Why don't we just find one of the broken barracks... Can't get any worse."

Yamamoto however quickly interjected, his annoyance clear. "The repair work has already started."

Well damn-

"Rukongai," Kenpachi offered with a shrug, the single word however quickly caused my eyes to narrow.

"We'll catch a lot of souls in the crossfire." I stated, a forced smile on my face.


I blinked quickly, my smile slowly disappearing.

"-If they're too stupid to move-"

My expression turned passive, my eyes closing slowly.

"-It's their own fault-"

I reopened them, the second barely passing, and yet all I saw was red.


Kenpachi blinked his eyes rapidly as he noticed the subtle shift, something suffocating filling the air.

"Well, excuse you," Aizen's voice came out almost robot-like in it's pace.

Kenpachi stiffened the slightest as he opened his mouth to speak, the malevolent aura appearing from out of nowhere, quickly filling the room and shrouding the man before him into a silhouette of a demonic-like figure, and tried to keep his gaze locked with him.

"I'd choose my next words very carefully-"

Kenpachi narrowed his eyes at the sheer terror that seemed to rack his body, the feeling entirely unfamiliar to the man. His gaze quickly locked back as a vicious- Smile? Appeared on his own face.

"-my worst case scenario always was killing another captain... And while I'd much rather keep my winning streak..." Aizen stated, his hands slowly drawing out his zanpakuto.

"If you insist on being such an asshole-" The man's words grated on his skin, the feeling bringing with it a rush of adrenaline unlike any other... He was genuinely afraid of someone! What a feeling! The man's face threatened to split at the strain to smile. He took in Aizen's pointed blade, and just as he was about to raise his own.

The captain-commander promptly smacked his cane onto the ground breaking everyone out of their stupor.

"Another time will do," And that was that. Yamamoto's words immediately killed any excitement he might've had as he really took in the old man's face, noticing for the first time, the sheer determination in it...

Shit... Must be really important... Kenpachi sweatdropped.

Aizen promptly blinked and shrugged and simply walked past him.

Without a single care.

Kenpachi's eyes widened minutely as he realised, his body, even with such a blatant insult, wasn't all to keen to fight...

...He briefly considered going against the commander's order, if only to prove a point...


Author Notes: Hope you enjoyed! Don't forget feedback.