
Forget The Rails, I Can't Find The Train! (Bleach SI)

Weraas · Others
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73 Chs


Apparently, I do need to breath.

I hadn't initially realised it, but my conversation with Yamamoto had taken far less time then I'd thought.

I suppose me keeping up with him must've freaked him out... But I wasn't sure why. I mean Aizen's true reiatsu level has to be Yamamoto's bigger concern... Being able to hide it well enough to avoid Zaraki's attention...

Speaking of who.

I was rather glad my speed outclassed said captain. My body automatically ducked to the left, avoiding the overhead strike, though I still wasn't prepared for the spike of reiatsu that crashed into the right wall, courtesy of Zaraki.

His reaction to the show of speed, however, simply confused me.


Zaraki grinned in triumph at the perfectly executed dodge, Aizen's hands automatically moved towards his sheathed blade. So... He can use that power...

"I am hurt Aizen!" He gleefully shouted as he rotated his body anti-clockwise, his body moving towards me right-shoulder first before, in single second, he suddenly pulled the shoulder back, his blade raised high, it's angle diagonal and his posture straight as he put as much force as he could manage without his eyepatch on. The bells on his ears ringed from the sudden motion as he pumped the reiatsu into the downwards strike.

"To think you never once offered to die!"

"I am pretty sure you mean duel!" The fifth captain replied back.

He grinned in retort.

The reiatsu on the blade flared as he watched, in utter delight, Aizen, instead of dodge, meet him blade to blade.

And hold him.


Genryussei Yamamoto didn't have high hopes that his office would remain in perfect condition following a little bout of fun between captains but this...

This was unacceptable.


The ground was the first to go.

Apparently when two reiatsu flared Zanpakutōs meet, the force doesn't randomly just focus on the wielders...

Captain's must have some serious level of control to minimise damage...

Now while my body certainly had the experience, it didn't have the control to actively input said experience. For while it was in favour of escaping. I was more in favour of meeting the man head on. With the thought that Aizen's reiatsu was high enough to avoid any chance of damage.

I realised that ability was also likely another skill.

Honestly, it should've been obvious.

Aizen cheated.

Like, a serious amount of times.

Thing is, while this body is definitely powerful.

It evidently deemed an eyepatchless Zaraki a genuine threat.

When I first saw him leap in for a hit, my body automatically responded with a dodge.

It knew Zaraki could hurt it.

And yet Aizen was also capable of stopping Ichigo's bankai with a single finger.

It doesn't make sense, until you realise that Aizen cheated, a lot.

His shikai allowed him to create illusions.

Let me put that in another way.

His shikai allowed him to temporarily redefine reality according to himself.

Him stopping Ichigo's bankai with one finger?

Kyoka Suigetsu.

But that doesn't mean he was weak.

I am pretty sure it just means he was lazy.

My attention snapped back to Zaraki following out brief standoff, the man was currently looking ahead at me, a wide-eyed expression on his face.

The entire room was a wreck. The ground had taken the blunt of the hit, cracks formed all across into what looked like a drunkenly drawn flower. The pristine walls marred with scars, in what was likely to be the first time in centuries.

And above all, the giant scroll that hung in the middle of the office was now in tatters.

"What are you doing?" He suddenly snarled.

I blinked at the question.


"Why did you do that!? Why'd you blow your reiatsu off like that?" He growled, his anger surprisingly diminishing, though there was a hint of resignation to his tone. His sword raised, and pointed towards my Zanpakutō.


"What's wrong with you? Can't you control your power or something?" Kenpachi Zaraki questioned me with a straight face.

I promptly questioned my reality.

Reality hit back hard in the form of a pissed Yamamoto walking towards us, his sheathed blade by his side.

Naturally, as the two captains stared at each other before quickly looking towards Yamamoto, Zaraki and I came to the same conclusion.

Team up on the old man.

Two literal reiatsu powerhouses vs the Captain-commander of the Gotei 13.


We received the ass-kicking of the century.

And the man did it in five minutes.

The worst part was he didn't cause a single bit of collateral damage. The fight started off and ended on the same ground. The cracked pattern from earlier not receiving a single dent to it's image. The walls somehow seemed cleaner after.

All he'd used were the pommel of his sword and pure raw power.

My body hadn't even deigned to interrupt the 'punishment'. Evidently thinking I deserved it! Though something tells me that if/when Aizen Sosuke does ever get control of his body back, he's going to censor this part of history.

Thankfully, because I had quite frankly, an important ass job to do, I got away without any broken limbs!

Pretty sure Zaraki's in a coma.

Worst part was, he probably still had to make the captains meeting.

Said captain's meeting was to happen in less then an hour.

Following the sacrilege of damaging Yamamoto's office, I was promptly dumped back into my office in order to prepare a list. Which is why I am currently sat crosslegged on my floor, pretending to get work done as my mind tried to figure out the next step... Which would be a lot easier if I could, you know, interact with people but due to my claim of temporal anomalies, I wasn't allowed to meet anyone until after the captains meeting, after they've figured out what to and not to tell everyone. Even my, likely hyperventilating, lieutenant.

I don't think Yamamoto trusts me with the other characters.

Which is why both of us were probably going to get into trouble.

I turned my head, placing a forced smile on my face. "I know you're there Gin,"

And, almost like he was an anime character, Gin Ichimaru slowly walked out of the shadowed corner in my small square room.

His chuckle sent shivers down my spine, "What gave me away, Aizen-taichou?

So much nope.

"Your killing intent," I quipped on reflex. Briefly writing a note to kill myself later.

I wasn't sure if making him twitch was a bad idea.

"Hilarious," Gin deadpanned back before his expression changed into an expression I never thought I'd see on his face.

Oddly enough, I don't feel like he's here to kill me.

Honestly, he looked pretty... resigned... Tired? Whatever it was...

Either the manga and anime completely messed up in his character, or this Gin also 'came' from the future.

"So?" I started amiably, evidently making his skin crawl in the process, as I idly thumbed the Zanpakutō at my hip.

"So," He replied back, his face seemingly more alert. Though he did elect to take a seat himself.

"What do we do now..?" I questioned back, one eyebrow raised at the action. I am pretty sure he could still kill- My reflexes literally saved my life as my body darted towards the left as a blade suddenly shot out from the reaper in front of me.

1. Gin definitely just tried to kill me.

2. Aizen was faster then Gin's shikai.

3. Walls in soul society can scream in pain-

Wait, what!?

My body had automatically moved into the adjacent corner to the one Gin had popped out off. My gaze set on the self-proclaimed snake.

Gin moved to stand beside me, my gaze following him, though my body oddly enough didn't seem to mind. There was a look of genuine surprise on his own face as he stared ahead to the position I'd previously been in.

I turned to the spot he was staring at and there, just behind where I'd previously sat was an open eye, with a gaping hole in the middle of it.


"Forgive my sudden attack, but I sensed something foul-"

Bullshit. I should know, I've got a degree on it.

Still, lucky break or not for him, there was now a bleeding open eye in the middle of room. Where this eye came from, I had absolutely no clue.

"Disgusting... Absolutely disgusting, both of you," A voice snarled out of seemingly nowhere.

I drew my blade the moment the bleeding eye knit itself back together, the rest of it's body slowly coming into existence behind it.

My stomach turned when I saw the hauntingly white uniform slowly coming into existence. Why...

They weren't supposed to show themselves yet... This... We were in the beginning! They weren't supposed to show until after... Everything!

The sense of unease grew even more, as I realised this one was practically teleporting into the middle of Aizen Sosuke's private chambers!

They... They couldn't just do that could they!? Was my memory wrong?

"Aizen-taichou... Do you know him?" Gin questioned as he got into a stance, his focus on the stranger in white. He watched on as the man's face finally came into existence.

My brain froze at the youthful blonde smiling face...

"How did you get in here?" I questioned passively. I knew the answer.

Gremmy Thoumeaux smiled at the prompt. "I imagined myself meeting you... And lo' n behold," He questioned his arms flourishing out, as if he was trying to show off a products size, "Here we are," It couldn't be that easy for him could it..? More then that, he couldn't be that reckless, could he? Showing up in the middle of soul society... Though I definitely do remember him being able to create clones. Was this one of them?

Gin took one more look at the stranger before he turned towards me and smiled.

"Imagination?" He questioned with a prompt, humouring the fact I was now a 'timetraveler'

I nodded with a shrug as I raised my own blade towards the, surprisingly patient, Sternritter,. "I'll explain later,"

Gin's eyes seemed to narrow at the stance before he slowly turned his head towards the blonde in the room. Slowly, he lowered his own body into position before promptly disappearing into thin air. Leaving me to fight the Quincy alone.

Son of a...

I sighed as I turned my gaze back to Gremmy.

"You're awfully patient, anyone ever tell you that?"

The Sternritter had gone silent after a few moments of showing up, his brow furrowed as he tilted his head slightly. "I am trying to figure out why,"

"Why what? Why your lord's a crazy jackass-" I stopped speaking at the sudden feeling of despair that had filled my body. My eyes blinking rapidly as I felt it, the sudden shifting of reiatsu. My reiatsu. He was modifying it- I needed to do something quickly! Zanpakutō/instictincs! if there was ever a time to take over this is it! If you need it, you have my consent! I am literally going to die!

"Be careful how you speak... Though I suppose it wouldn't matter. If you're going to die anyway." He idly remarked, a bored look on his face as he waved a hand at me.

"Sha-" I started with a wince at the strain.

"Oh? You're actually resisting." Gremmy remarked, interest showing on his face. "But no matter what you do. You can't beat me." He remarked, once again bored.

I am not sure why I grinned at his proclamation, but it seemed to take him back, what with the sudden way my reitasu relaxed. If for only a second, but then again, that was all I'd needed.

"Shatter! Kyoka Suigetsu!"

Gremmy raised a single eyebrow, "And what is that supposed to do?"

"Your power completely relies on your ability to focus, does it not? You could literally die by not paying attention," I stated instead.

His eye twitch gave away his surprise.

"How does that make you feel?" I questioned further with a small grin.

"Is telling me all of that supposed to accomplish something!?" He growled.

Touchy about his power. Got it.

"I wasn't telling you," I grinned back as I felt the hum of energy that radiated off the blade. My body automatically responding to the sudden information. Already urging me to move about, strange words and phrases slowly filtering their way to my mind. Ideas and plans echoing in.

At some point, I am probably going to have to question how my body seemed to work but for now, I am just going to let it kick Mr Roger's ass.


Author Notes: Sorry, not sorry for the cliffhanger. And don't worry I won't pull another Zaraki for the next chapter. I'll actually have the fight scene shown fully. Though I was hoping I could have a beta reader go over the fight itself. Fight scenes are not my specialty.

P.S Kenpachi Zaraki will get a rematch. This time he'll just make sure it's nowhere near Yamamoto.

P.P.S The next Interlude, or more likely the one after the next one will be from Ichigo Kurasaki's POV.

Hope you enjoyed! Don't forget to leave feedback!