
Forever with you, dearest

Melanie finds and helped an injured vampire, despite him being a creature feared by humans. The next day, she came home to find he was gone. Eventually, they meet again but her feelings for him became a one sided love. Even when he was engaged to a sly princess and all the brutal killing of humans by the vampires, she was unwillingly to give up. Even if he loves her, he won't say it because his lifespan is short. Facing strong opposition and striving for survival, will Lord Darrick fall in love with the clinging human?. And thus, begin their twisted fate.

faithanna_justin32 ¡ Fantasy
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18 Chs

You Dare To Control Me

"It seems you're not that romantic. They're charmed by this face and reputation not how you feel. But that's how this present world is, we marry for power and wealth not for love," Darrick preached like the sinner he's.

Melanie was quiet, "but there are still people out there who still deserves love," she defend herself. If she's not able to look for a partner, then she'd marry a man who will not love her but would love power and riches.

Darrick chuckle softly "Ms. Robert, everyone deserves love but the greed for power and wealth comes first. A wealthy man can have three wives, a poor man might not have because he wasn't able to afford the necessities of the brides family. What should he do when a wealthy man is about to take his lover? huh?... He would fight for power and would do anything to get rich."

Melanie look at the man with suspicious eyes. "Are you married?" She didn't know why but her heart was thumping hard in anticipation.

Darrick gaze at the human. "What? Don't tell me you want me to be your husband or substitute, do you?" he ask .

Melanie shook her head, "no, no."

"I'm engaged. What do you say?" Darrick gauge her expression but he found nothing suspicious on her face.

Melanie felt a hard rock hit her on her chest. She was still smiling at him but her mind was wandering far off. "That's wonderful. She must be a beautiful lady," she managed to say. Was she jealous?

"I must say Lady Roxane is indeed beautiful," Darrick praised even more when he saw her lost expression.

After that, she didn't speak. The carriage arrived at Darkvalley and was still early. But Melanie was already distracted enough for Darrick to notice.

"Are you affected by my words, Miss Robert?" he ask with a lopsided smile at the corner of his lips.

Melanie shook her head, "nothing. Just worried," she answered.

Darrick didn't bother to probe into her matter again and returned back to his stoic and blank ice face. The carriage then rode into the palace.


Mr Robert said Fergus were having a good time when they heard a guard announce...

"The Lord is back!"

Fergus look at the old man and said "Ms. Mel might be with him." Joshua nodded and bowed to the young prince who wave him off.

"Don't bow to me. It makes me edgy that everyone bows to me," he complained.

Joshua chuckle softly "Your highness, that's your birthright. To be honored by everyone even if you're not the Lord. The people will still honour you no matter what." He said and bowed politely again.

Fergus smiled at the man, "The Roberts are good people."



Darrick step out of the carriage and was soon followed by Melanie. At the entrance was a young Lady with brown hair.

Melanie could tell this was the lady Darrick was talking about. "You're not going to stand there, do you?" Darrick ask Melanie who was still standing close to the carriage.

She quickly follow behind him and head towards the entrance. Her thoughts messed up.

"Darrick, I was worried about you. Where have you been?" The lady shyly ask Darrick who allowed her to take off his coat.

Melanie watch them awkwardly and came to stand behind Darrick since they were blocking the entrance.

"Who's this?" Lady Roxane ask irritably. She did not like the fact that this lady got into the same carriage with Darrick.

"I'm Melanie Robert. Fergus governess," she briefly introduced herself.

"I was asking Darrick, not you!" She replied harshly and stare at Melanie with her dark red eyes. She dislike this arrogant Lady.

"Will you do me a favour Milady by stepping away from the doorway?" Melanie ask the arrogant Lady. All the annoyance inside her body was slowly busting in.

Darrick had already left the entrance so it was only her, the young lady and her two handmaids.

"You dare to control me?" Lady Roxane was furious but she was trying every ounce to keep cool. She was a princess and she knew how to deal with any soul who defiles her. Glaring at the young woman, disgust clouded her face and she scoff.

"How did your know Darrick?" She ask calmly. Melanie stare at the so called Lady Roxane, "I don't know, I just met him," she said with spite.

" Guards!... Lady Roxane called. take this human to the back and make her kneel."

" Yes, your highness," the two guards chorused and drag Melanie to the back of the palace.

"Darrick is mine!" Lady Roxane said proudly.


It was noon Cedric returned to the palace. After he left Sandaltown, he had used enough of his ability so he weakened. He found himself back to the forest he found the girl and managed to walk out of it. This route was not usually used by coachmen so he walked to the next town.

He didn't pass through the front entrance to avoid suspicion so he went through the back door. While climbing the staircase, he saw a person kneeling faraway from the palace, that side was the back of the large palace. ' Must be those maids who defiles that bastard princess ' he thought.

Meanwhile, Melanie who was dragged to the back of the palace have been kneeling for the past three hours with the guards keeping strict watch on her. She didn't know this Lady could be so inhumane. She look up the building and it seems this was the servants quarters, who would know she was here when no one comes here during the day. The servants only return in the evening when they're done with their works.

Her knee cap was hurting badly as they made her kneel on the rough surfaced ground. Her body was overcome by hunger mostly when she watch the guards eat the porridge that wafted through her nose. Cold sweat broke on her forehead but she managed.





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